
Getting Started:

Command Line Options:

Some of MindGuard's settings can be controlled on startup using command line options. The following options are currently recognized:

-user_name [name]

Sets the user name and turns the eponymolog feature on.

-user_bdate [yyyy-mm-dd]

Sets the user's birthdate and turns biorhythm-sync on.

-carrier_path [directory path]

Set the directory MindGuard looks for carrier modules in.


Turns on the relevant jamming features.

When To Use:

In a word: ALWAYS. In fact, if you haven't run MindGuard yet, do so IMMEDIATELY! Every second that you don't have it running, you are exposing yourself to potential MIND PROGRAMMING.


MindGuard X has been designed with a multiuser system in mind. Not only does it keep seperate preferences for each user in his or her home directory, but MindGuard X can also be run by multiple simultaneous users over a network. By taking advantage of the network cabling and/or wireless transmitter (and the horrible security holes in the X Windows system), MindGuard can open up anti-psychotronic conduits on the user's terminal even if he or she isn't physically near the computer on which MindGuard is actually running.

Mini FAQ On Usage:

Q: How do I make MindGuard run in the background and display any messages it may decipher?
A: Turn Auto Decipher on and Silent off then hide the window.

Q: How do I make MindGuard run in the background without it upsetting my well-being by displaying disturbing messages?
A: Turn Silent on.

Q: I want to see what sort of messages I am receiving, but I don't want to be constantly bothered by MindGuard. What do I do?
A: Use the Scan button to sate your curiosity.

Q: If I leave the algorithm/scan-method/scanner-depth options at their default settings will I encounter any problems?
A: No. MindGuard is a very robust and adaptive system and will automatically try alternative settings should it judge the need.

Q: How can I review the messages that MindGuard has deciphered?
A: Under the Log Tab: make sure Log is checked, wait for deciphered messages to accumulate, then click the Log Viewer button to review messages.

Q: I want to find out my friend/enemy's biorhythm/eponymolog but I don't want to compromise my security by having someone else's personal info in PsIdent, what should I do?
A: Turn off the biorhythm/eponymolog feature(s), enter in the foreign data, get the results, re-enter original data, then turn the feature(s) back on.

A: I have a Wintel/Mac/BeOS/etc. system that I mainly use. What should I do?
Q: Set up your Linux box next to your other computer and run MindGuard. Also, if you have an Amiga, MindGuard is available for it as well. See the MindGuard website for more details.
