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CommonC++ Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
  • _fcb (No description available)
  • _keysym (No description available)
  • _keyval (No description available)
  • AtomicCounter (Offers thread-safe manipulation of an integer counter. atomic counter operation)
  • BaseObject (BaseObject Base class for classes that will be persistent)
  • Body (The Body entity encapsulates the HTML document's text. HTML entity for document body)
  • BroadcastAddress (The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for a specific subnet)
  • Buffer (The buffer class represents an IPC service that is built upon a buffer of fixed capacity that can be used to transfer objects between one or more producer and consumer threads. Producer/Consumer buffer for use between threads)
  • ChecksumDigest (A simple checksum digest function. checksum hash function)
  • CommandOption (CommandOption is the base class for all command line options)
  • CommandOptionArg (Class for options with an argument e.g)
  • CommandOptionCollect (It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is also exclusive with CommandOptionRest. CommandOption to collect parameters that are not options)
  • CommandOptionNoArg (CommandOption type for flags)
  • CommandOptionParse (This is the CommandOptionParse interface class)
  • CommandOptionRest (It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is exclusive with CommandOptionCollect. CommandOption to take the rest of the command line)
  • CommandOptionWithArg (Derived class of CommandOption for options that have a value associated with them)
  • CRC16Digest (A crc16 collection/compution hash accumulator class. crc16 computation hash)
  • Digest (No description available)
  • Dir (A low level portable directory class. low level directory access class)
  • DSO (The DSO dynamic loader class is used to load object files. Dynamic class file loader)
  • Engine (Engine stream serialization of persistent classes)
  • Entity (Entity state entity for all HTML entries)
  • Event (Implements a feature originally found in the WIN32 API; event notification. Thread synchornization on event notification)
  • Engine::Exception (If problems happen which are fatal - expect one of these thrown at you)
  • FIFOSession (The FIFOSession produces a seperate thread which can manage a fifo stream session)
  • fifostream (This class provides a few alterations to the standard fstream class for dealing with fifo devices)
  • FixedBuffer (A buffer class that holds a known capacity of fixed sized objects defined during creation. producer/consumer buffer for fixed size objects)
  • Frameset (The Frameset entity is a specialised Body. HTML entity for doucment frameset container)
  • fstream (No description available)
  • Head (The Head Entity encapsulates the header of the HTML document. HTML entity for document header)
  • HTMLDocument (HTMLDocument whole html document entity)
  • InetAddress (The network name and address objects are all derived from a common InetAddress base class. Internet Address binary data type)
  • InetHostAddress (This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket. Address of a specific Internet host machine)
  • InetMaskAddress (Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as "") are held in the InetMaskAddress derived object. Internet Address Mask such as subnet masks)
  • init_WSA (Class init_WSA used to initalise windows sockets specfifc stuff : there is an MS - spcific init sequence for Winsock 2 this class attempts to initalise Winsock 2.2 - needed for non - blocking I/O)
  • iostream (No description available)
  • StringTokenizer::iterator (The input forward iterator for tokens)
  • Keydata (Keydata objects are used to load and hold "configuration" data for a given application. load text configuration files into keyword pairs)
  • KEYDEF (No description available)
  • MappedFile (Create and map a disk file into memory. Map a named disk file into memory)
  • MemPager (The memory pager is used to allocate cumulative memory pages for storing object specific "persistant" data that is presumed to persist during the life of a given derived object. Accumulative object memory allocator)
  • Mutex (Used to protect a section of code so that at any given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation. Mutex lock for protected access)
  • MutexCounter (The Mutex Counter is a counter variable which can safely be incremented or decremented by multiple threads. Thread protected integer counter)
  • StringTokenizer::NoSuchElementException (Exception thrown, if someone tried to read beyond the end of the tokens)
  • ostream (No description available)
  • PersistException (No description available)
  • Pipe (The Pipe uses system kernel buffering to hold data being passed either between two execution contexts within the same process, or between different processes. kernel buffering between processes and/or threads)
  • Poller (The poller class is used to help manage pollfd structs for use in the updated serial and socket "port" code. pollfd assistance class for port classes)
  • RandomFile (The purpose of this class is to define a base class for low level random file access that is portable between Win32 and Posix systems. Portable random disk file access)
  • TypeManager::Registration (This manages a registration to the typemanager - attempting to remove problems with the optimisers)
  • Semaphore (A semaphore is generally used as a synchronization object between multiple threads or to protect a limited and finite resource such as a memory or thread pool. Semaphore counter for thread synchronization)
  • Serial (Used as the base for all serial I/O services under APE. base class for all serial I/O services)
  • SerialPort (The serial port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specified SerialService thread. base class for thread pool serviced serial I/O)
  • SerialService (The SerialService is a thead service object that is meant to service attached serial ports. Thread pool service for serial ports)
  • SharedFile (This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple processes. This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple processes)
  • SharedMemPager (The shared mempager uses a mutex to protect key access methods. mutex protected memory pager)
  • Slog (No description available)
  • Socket (The Socket is used as the base for all Internet protocol services under Common C++. base class of all sockets)
  • SocketPort (The socket port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specific SocketService "object". base class for realtime and thread pool serviced protocols)
  • SocketService (The SocketService is a thread pool object that is meant to service attached socket ports. Thread pool service object for socket ports)
  • streambuf (No description available)
  • StringTokenizer (Splits delimited string into tokens)
  • TCPSession (The TCP session is used to primarily to represent a client connection that can be managed on a seperate thread. Threaded streamable socket with non-blocking constructor)
  • TCPSocket (TCP sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two sockets. bound server for TCP streams and sessions)
  • tcpstream (A more natural C++ "tcpstream" class for use by non-threaded applications. C++ "fstream" style tcpstream class)
  • TCPStream (No description available)
  • Thread (Every thread of execution in an application is created by deriving a unique class from the Thread class and by implementing the Run method. base class used to derive all threads of execution)
  • ThreadFile (This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple threads. This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple threads)
  • ThreadKey (This class allows the creation of a thread context unique "pointer" that can be set and retrieved and can be used to create thread specific data areas for implementing "thread safe" library routines. container for thread specific data storage)
  • ThreadLock (Impliments a thread rwlock for optimal reader performance on systems which have rwlock support, and reverts to a simple mutex for those that do not. Posix rwlock extension for protected access)
  • TimerPort (Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed under a "service thread" such as SocketService. synchronized millisecond timing for service threads)
  • TTYSession (The TTYSession aggragates a TTYStream and a Common C++ Thread which is assumed to be the execution context that will be used to perform actual I/O operations. This class is very anagolous to TCPSession)
  • ttystream (A more natural C++ "ttystream" class for use by non-threaded applications. C++ "fstream" style ttystream class)
  • TTYStream (No description available)
  • TypeManager (This class manages the types for generation of the persistent objects. Type manager for persistence engine)
  • UDPBroadcast (Representing a UDP socket used for subnet broadcasts, this class provides an alternate binding and setPeer() capability for UDP sockets. Unreliable Datagram for subnet broadcasts)
  • UDPDuplex (UDP duplex connections impliment a bi-directional point-to-point UDP session between two peer hosts. Unreliable Datagram Peer Associations)
  • UDPReceive (Representing half of a two-way UDP connection, the UDP receiver can receive data from another peer host or subnet. Unreliable Datagram Peer Associations)
  • UDPSocket (UDP sockets implement the TCP SOCK_DGRAM UDP protocol. Unreliable Datagram Protocol sockets)
  • UDPTransmit (Representing half of a two-way UDP connection, the UDP transmitter can broadcast data to another selected peer host or to an entire subnet. Unreliable Datagram Peer Associations)
  • URLStream (A URL processing version of TCPStream. C++ url processing stream class)
  • Writer (Writer output html to stdout)

Generated at Fri Mar 23 10:47:55 2001 for CommonC++ by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000