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StringTokenizer Class Reference

Splits delimited string into tokens. More...

#include <misc.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 StringTokenizer (const char *str, const char *delim, bool skipAllDelim = false, bool trim = false)
 creates a new StringTokenizer for a string and a given set of delimiters. More...

 StringTokenizer (const char *s)
 create a new StringTokenizer which splits the input string at whitespaces. More...

iterator begin () const
 returns the begin iterator.

void setDelimiters (const char *d)
 changes the set of delimiters used in subsequent iterations.

iterator begin (const char *d)
 returns a begin iterator with an alternate set of delimiters.

const iteratorend () const
 the iterator marking the end.

Static Public Attributes

const char* const SPACE
 a delimiter string containing all usual whitespace delimiters. More...

Detailed Description

Splits delimited string into tokens.

The StringTokenizer takes a pointer to a string and a pointer to a string containing a number of possible delimiters. The StringTokenizer provides an input forward iterator which allows to iterate through all tokens. An iterator behaves like a logical pointer to the tokens, i.e. to shift to the next token, you've to increment the iterator, you get the token by dereferencing the iterator.

Memory consumption: This class operates on the original string and only allocates memory for the individual tokens actually requested, so this class allocates at maximum the space required for the longest token in the given string. Since for each iteration, memory is reclaimed for the last token, you MAY NOT store pointers to them; if you need them afterwards, copy them. You may not modify the original string while you operate on it with the StringTokenizer; the behaviour is undefined in that case.

The iterator has one special method 'nextDelimiter()' which returns a character containing the next delimiter following this tokenization process or '\0', if there are no following delimiters. In case of skipAllDelim, it returns the FIRST delimiter.

With the method 'setDelimiters(const char*)' you may change the set of delimiters. It affects all running iterators.


 StringTokenizer st("mary had a little lamb;its fleece was..", " ;"); StringTokenizer::iterator i; for (i = st.begin() ; i != st.end() ; ++i) { cout << "Token: '" << *i << "'\t"; cout << " next Delim: '" << i.nextDelimiter() << "'" << endl; } 

Henner Zeller <> @license LGPL

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StringTokenizer::StringTokenizer ( const char * str,
const char * delim,
bool skipAllDelim = false,
bool trim = false )

creates a new StringTokenizer for a string and a given set of delimiters.

str   String to be split up. This string will not be modified by this StringTokenizer, but you may as well not modfiy this string while tokenizing is in process, which may lead to undefined behaviour.
delim   String containing the characters which should be regarded as delimiters.
skipAllDelim   OPTIONAL. true, if subsequent delimiters should be skipped at once or false, if empty tokens should be returned for two delimiters with no other text inbetween. The first behaviour may be desirable for whitespace skipping, the second for input with delimited entry e.g. /etc/passwd like files or CSV input. NOTE, that 'true' here resembles the ANSI-C strtok(char *s,char *d) behaviour. DEFAULT = false
trim   OPTIONAL. true, if the tokens returned should be trimmed, so that they don't have any whitespaces at the beginning or end. Whitespaces are any of the characters defined in StringTokenizer::SPACE. If delim itself is StringTokenizer::SPACE, this will result in a behaviour with skipAllDelim = true. DEFAULT = false

StringTokenizer::StringTokenizer ( const char * s )

create a new StringTokenizer which splits the input string at whitespaces.

The tokens are stripped from whitespaces. This means, if you change the set of delimiters in either the 'begin(const char *delim)' method or in 'setDelimiters()', you then get whitespace trimmed tokens, delimited by the new set. Behaves like StringTokenizer(s, StringTokenizer::SPACE,false,true);

Member Function Documentation

iterator StringTokenizer::begin ( const char * delim ) [inline]

returns a begin iterator with an alternate set of delimiters.

iterator StringTokenizer::begin ( ) const [inline]

returns the begin iterator.

const iterator & StringTokenizer::end ( ) const [inline]

the iterator marking the end.

void StringTokenizer::setDelimiters ( const char * d ) [inline]

changes the set of delimiters used in subsequent iterations.

Member Data Documentation

const char *const StringTokenizer::SPACE [static]

a delimiter string containing all usual whitespace delimiters.

These are space, tab, newline, carriage return, formfeed and vertical tab. (see isspace() manpage).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Fri Mar 23 10:47:56 2001 for CommonC++ by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000