This class provides a few alterations to the standard fstream class for dealing with fifo devices.
In particular, a fifo is assumed to be created via mkfifo and is destroyed when closed. The fifo is a r/w streamable object. fifo streams are presumed unique to posix systems and are generally not portable classes.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
fifostream::fifostream (
Create fifo "object", but do not create or open a fifo stream.
fifostream::fifostream (
const char * fname,
long access = (long)FILE_ATTR_GROUP )
Create and open a fifo stream object.
of fifo.
fifostream::~fifostream (
close any open fifo and remove.
Member Function Documentation
void fifostream::close (
void )
close the fifo stream and remove it.
void fifostream::open (
const char * fname,
long access = (long)FILE_ATTR_GROUP )
open a new fifo stream.
Kill the currently open one if present.
of fifo.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: