TEI P4 Home
Appendix C3. Introductory Note (May 1999)
Appendix C3.1. Typographic corrections made
Appendix C3.2. Specific changes in the DTD
Appendix C3.3. Outstanding errors
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C3. Introductory Note (May 1999)
Appendix D Colophon
No work of the size and complexity of the TEI
Guidelines could reasonably be expected to be error-free on
publication, nor to remain long uncorrected. It has however taken rather longer
than might have been anticipated to complete production of the present
corrected reprint of the first edition, for which we present our apologies,
both to the many individuals and institutions whose enthusiastic adoption and
promotion of the TEI encoding scheme have ensured its continued survival in the
rapidly changing world of digital scholarship, and also to the many helpfully
critical users whose assiduous uncovering and reporting of our errors have made
possible the present revision.
At its first meeting in Bergen, in June 1996, the TEI Technical Review
Committee (TRC) approved the setting up of a small working committee to oversee the
production of a revised edition of the TEI
Guidelines, to include corrections of as many as possible of the
`corrigible errors' notified to the editors since publication
of the first edition in May 1994, the bulk of which are summarized in a TEI
working paper (TEI EDW67, available from the TEI website).
During the spring of 1997, this TRC Core Subcommittee reviewed nearly 200
comments and proposals which the editors had collected from public debate and
discussion over the preceding two years, and provided invaluable technical
guidance in disposition of them. We are glad to take this opportunity of
expressing our thanks to this subcommittee, whose members were Elli Mylonas,
Dominic Dunlop, and David T. Barnard.
The work of making the corrections and regenerating the text proceeded
rather fitfully during 1998 and 1999, largely because of increasing demands on
the editors' time from their other responsibilities. With the
establishment of the new TEI Consortium, it is be hoped that maintenance of the
Guidelines will be placed on a more secure footing. Some specific areas in which we
anticipate future revisions being carried out are listed below.
Appendix C3.1. Typographic corrections made
- examples of TEI markup throughout the text were all checked against the
relevant DTD fragment and an embarassingly large number of tagging errors
- various minor typographic and spelling errors were corrected;
- the `corrigible errors' listed in working paper TEI EDW67 were all
corrected: some of these required specific changes to the DTD which are listed
in the next section.
Appendix C3.2. Specific changes in the DTD
A major goal of this revision was to avoid changes which might invalidate
existing data, even where existing constructs seemed erroneous in retrospect.
To that end, wherever changes have been made in content models for existing
elements, they have as far as possible been made so that the DTD will now
accept a superset of what was previously legal. Only one new element
(<ab>) has been added.
Where possible, a few content models have been changed in such a way as to
facilitate conversion to XML, but XML compatibility is
not a goal
of this revision.
Brief details of all changes made in the DTD follow:
- Several changes were made in class membership, in order to correct
unreachability problems. Specifically:
- elements <geogName>, <persName>,
<placeName> were added to the m.data class;
<geogName> and <placeName> were removed from the
m.placepart class;
- the elements <addSpan>, <delSpan>, <gap>, were
added to the m.Edit class;
- a new class m.editIncl was defined, with members
<addSpan>, <delSpan>, and <gap>; this class was then added
to the global inclusion class
m.globIncl along with
<anchor> (erroneously a member of the
m.Seg class, from
which it is now removed), m.metadata and m.refsys;
- added <name> element to m.addrPart class;
- added <dateLine> to m.divtop and
m.divbot classes;
- added <epilogue> and <castList> to
m.dramafront class;
- added <divGen> to m.front class;
- added <dateLine> to m.divtop and
m.divtop classes;
- added <u> element to a.declaring class;
- defined new class m.fmchunk (front matter chunk),
comprising <argument>, <byline>, <docAuthor>,
<docDate>, <docEdition>, <docImprint>, <docTitle>,
<epigraph>, <head>, and <titlePart> for use in
simplification of the content model for <front> element;
- defined new element <ab> (anonymous block), and added it to the
m.chunk class;
- corrected an error whereby global attributes were not properly defined
for elements specifying a non-default value for any of the
a.global attributes: elements affected include: <foreign>,
<hi>, <del>, <pb>, <lb>, <cb>,
<language>, <anchor>, and <when>;
- changed content models to permit empty <list> and empty
<availability> elements;
- changed content model for <series> element to permit #PCDATA;
- changed content model for <setting> element to permit
<date> element as a direct child;
- added a key attribute to the <distance> element,
for consistency with other elements in its class;
- changed content model for <orgName> element to make it more
consistent with e.g. <persname>;
- changed content model for <opener> element to include
<argument>, <byLine>, and <epigraph>;
- changed content models for <app>, <rdgGrp>, and
<wit> elements;
- revised attributes on <hand> element.
A number of content models were changed with a view to
easing the creation of an XML compatible version of the
Guidelines. Specifically:
- removed ampersand connectors from <cit>,
<respStmt>, <publicationStmt>, and <graph>;
- changed the mixed content models for <sense>, <re>, <persName>,
<placeName>, <geogName>, <dateStruct>, <timeStruct>, and <dateLine>
to make them XML-conformant.
Appendix C3.3. Outstanding errors
A small number of other known problems remain uncorrected in this version
and are briefly listed below. Please watch the TEI mailing list for
announcements of their correction.
- elements of class inter don't always behave
as they should (e.g. one cannot insert a <table> before
anything else in a <div>);
- some mixed-content problems consequent on the definition of
specialPara need to be addressed systematically;
in particular, the treatment of list items or notes which contain
several paragraphs continues to surprise many users: no white
space is allowed between the paragraphs;
- the resp attributes on editorial elements are not
consistently defined;
- the discussions of DTD invocation, and the DTD itself, all use
system identifiers instead of formal public identifiers.
Our next priority however will be the production of a fully XML-compliant version
of the TEI DTD, work on which is already well advanced.
C.M. Sperberg McQueen and Lou Burnard, May 1999