TEI P4 Home
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
18.1 Altered, Corrected, and Erroneous Texts
18.2 Non-Linguistic Phenomena in the Source
18.3 Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter
18.4 Other Primary Source Features not Covered in These Guidelines
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
This chapter defines an optional additional tag set intended for use
in the transcription of primary sources, in particular manuscripts,
and describes how some
elements defined in the core tag set should be used for this work. It
is expected that this tag set will also be useful in the
preparation of critical editions, but the tag set defined here is
distinct from that defined in chapter 19 Critical Apparatus, and may be used
independently of it.
Scholars may wish to record information concerning individual
readings of letters, words or larger units, both within transcriptions
and within editions. They may also wish to include other editorial
material within transcriptions, such as comments on the status or
possible origin of particular readings, corrections, or text supplied to
fill lacunae. Further, it is customary in transcriptions to
register certain features of the source, such as ornamentation,
underlining, deletion, areas of damage and lacunae. This chapter
indicates means to record such information:
- first, the problem of recording editorial or other alterations to
the text, such as expansion of abbreviations, corrections, conjectures,
etc. (section 18.1 Altered, Corrected, and Erroneous Texts)
- then, methods of describing important extra-linguistic phenomena
in the source: unusual spaces, lines, page and line breaks, change of
manuscript hand, etc. (section 18.2 Non-Linguistic Phenomena in the Source)
- finally, a method of recording material such as running heads,
catch-words, and the like (section 18.3 Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter)
These recommendations are not intended to meet every
transcriptional circumstance likely to be faced by any scholar.
Rather, they should be regarded as a base which can be elaborated if
necessary by different scholars in different disciplines, with
distinct scholarly domains eventually developing their own document
types. In time, the feature structure notation developed in chapter
16 Feature Structures, may also permit scholars to tailor the encoding
of complex transcriptional information in ways not here anticipated.
It should be noted that this chapter focuses primarily upon
problems associated with the transcription of manuscript materials,
and that consequently problems of codicology other matters peculiar to
early printed materials are not specifically addressed
here. Nevertheless, many of the recommendations presented may —
mutatis mutandis — also be applied in the encoding of printed
matter. We are conscious that a great deal of work remains to done in
these areas, and that the encoder will need to take even more
individual responsibility than usual in applying the recommendations
of this chapter in such contexts, but believe that these
recommendations form a good basis for such future work.
Many of the descriptions below use terms like
`scribe', `author',
and `encoder', to make
clear how they apply in cases where these roles are distinct. To the
extent that these roles are not distinct (for example, in authorial
manuscripts where the author and the scribe are the same person) the
interpretation of the markup should be adjusted appropriately.
Many of the elements defined here apply (within limits) also in
cases of printed materials, so `compositor', etc.,
may also be understood as applying where appropriate.
As a rule, all elements which may be used in the course of a
transcription of a single witness may also be used in a critical
apparatus, i.e. within the elements proposed in chapter 19 Critical Apparatus.
This can generally be achieved by nesting a
particular reading containing tagged elements from a particular witness
within the <rdg> element in an <app> structure.
Just as a critical apparatus may contain transcriptional elements
within its record of variant readings in various witnesses, one may
record variant readings in an individual witness by use of the apparatus
mechanisms <app> and <rdg>. This is discussed in
section 19.3 Using Apparatus Elements in Transcriptions.
The tag set defined in this chapter may be selected using the
mechanisms described in section 3.3 Invocation of the TEI DTD; in a document using
this tag set, the document-type-declaration subset should contain the
following declaration of the parameter
entity TEI.transcr, or the
<!ENTITY % TEI.transcr 'INCLUDE' >
In an XML document using this tag set together with that for textual
criticism and the base tag set for verse, the entire document type
declaration might resemble the following:
<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 PUBLIC "-//TEI P4//DTD Main Document Type//EN"
"tei2.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.transcr 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.textcrit 'INCLUDE' >
The overall structure of the tag set defined by this chapter is as
<!-- 18.: Transcription of Primary Sources-->
<!--Text Encoding Initiative Consortium:
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
Document TEI P4, 2002.
Copyright (c) 2002 TEI Consortium. Permission to copy in any form
is granted, provided this notice is included in all copies.
These materials may not be altered; modifications to these DTDs should
be performed only as specified by the Guidelines, for example in the
chapter entitled 'Modifying the TEI DTD'
These materials are subject to revision by the TEI Consortium. Current versions
are available from the Consortium website at http://www.tei-c.org-->
[declarations from 18.1.4: Added and Deleted Spans inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.1.6: Cancelled Deletions inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.1.7: Supplied Text inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.2.1: Hand Shifts inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.2.3: Damage and Illegiblity inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.2.5: Spaces in the source inserted here ]
[declarations from 18.3: Headers and footers inserted here ]
<!-- end of 18.-->
This tag set modifies the element class
edit by declaring two extra attributes
for members of the class:
<!-- 18.: Attributes for Transcription of Primary Sources-->
<!--Text Encoding Initiative Consortium:
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
Document TEI P4, 2002.
Copyright (c) 2002 TEI Consortium. Permission to copy in any form
is granted, provided this notice is included in all copies.
These materials may not be altered; modifications to these DTDs should
be performed only as specified by the Guidelines, for example in the
chapter entitled 'Modifying the TEI DTD'
These materials are subject to revision by the TEI Consortium. Current versions
are available from the Consortium website at http://www.tei-c.org-->
<!ENTITY % a.edit '
<!-- end of 18.-->
18.1 Altered, Corrected, and Erroneous Texts
In the detailed transcription of any source, it may prove necessary
to record various types of actual or potential alteration of the text:
expansion of abbreviations, correction of the text (by the author, by a
scribe, by a later hand, by previous editors or scholars, or by the
current editor or encoder), addition, deletion, or
substitution of material, and the like. The sections below describe how
such phenomena may be encoded using either elements defined in the core
tag set (defined in chapter 6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents) or specialized elements
available only when the additional tag set described in this chapter is
18.1.1 Use of Core Tags for Transcriptional Work
In transcribing individual sources
of any type, encoders may record their corrections, normalizations,
expansions of abbreviations, additions, and omissions
using the elements described in section 6.5 Simple Editorial Changes.
Those particularly relevant to this chapter include:
<abbr> contains an abbreviation of any sort.
expan |
gives an expansion of the abbreviation. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for supplying
the expansion of the abbreviation held as the value of the
expan attribute. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the expansion of
the abbreviation. |
type |
allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to
convenient typology. |
<expan> contains the expansion of an abbreviation.
abbr |
gives the abbreviation in its unexpanded form. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for supplying
the expansion of the abbreviation held as the content of the
<expan> element. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the expansion of
the abbreviation. |
type |
allows the encoder to classify the abbreviation according to some
convenient typology. |
<sic> contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or
corr |
gives a correction for the apparent error in the copy text. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for suggesting
the correction held as the value of the corr attribute. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the correction
held as the value of the corr attribute. |
<corr> contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in
copy text.
sic |
gives the original form of the apparent error in the copy text. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for suggesting
the correction held as the content of the <corr> element. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the correction
held as the content of the <corr> element. |
<add> contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the text by an
author, scribe, annotator, or corrector.
place |
if the the addition is written into the copy text, indicates
the additional text is written. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the addition. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the addition. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the addition. |
<del> contains a letter, word or passage deleted, marked as deleted,
or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an
author, scribe, annotator, or corrector.
type |
classifies the type of deletion using any convenient typology. |
status |
may be used to indicate faulty deletions, e.g.
strikeouts which include too much or too little text. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the deletion. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the deletion. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the deletion. |
<hi> marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the
surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<gap> indicates a point where material has been omitted in a
transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI
header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is
illegible or inaudible.
desc |
gives a description of the omitted text. |
reason |
gives the reason for omission. Sample values include
‘sampling', ‘illegible', ‘inaudible',
‘irrelevant', ‘cancelled', ‘cancelled and illegible'. |
resp |
indicates the editor, transcriber or encoder responsible for
the decision not to provide any transcription of the text and hence
the application of the <gap> tag. |
hand |
in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of
deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, signifies the hand which
made the deletion. |
agent |
In the case of text omitted from the transcription because of
damage or other phenomenon resulting from an identifiable cause,
signifies the causative agent. |
extent |
indicates approximately how much text has been omitted from the
transcription, in letters, minims, inches, or any appropriate unit,
either because of editorial policy or because a deletion, damage, or
other cause has rendered transcription impossible. |
When the additional tag set for transcription of primary sources
is selected,
these elements all gain two specialized attributes for specifying who is
responsible for certain aspects of the interpretation and markup, and
the certainty attributed to the interpretation:
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to some specific
aspect of the markup:
the identification of the hand of an addition or deletion,
the correctness of the expansion of an abbreviation, the correction
of an error, or the regularization of a non-standard form; or the
correctness of the transcription of unclear material. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for the salient
information conveyed by a particular tag: the hand of an addition or
deletion, the expansion of an abbreviation, the correction of an
apparent error, the regularization of a non-standard form, the
transcription of unclear material, or the decision not to transcribe
some portion of the text. |
The specific aspect of the markup described by these attributes differs
on different elements; for further discussion, see the relevant sections
below, especially section 18.2.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes.
The following sections describe how the core elements just named may
be used in the transcription of primary source materials. Examples of
more complex application in scholarly transcriptions of these core
elements are given, and of their extension by linkage with the
<note>, <respons>, and <certainty> elements. Where the
core elements do not satisfy the needs of scholarly transcription,
additional elements are defined.
18.1.2 Abbreviation and Expansion
The writing of manuscripts by hand lends itself to the use of
abbreviation to shorten scribal labour. Commonly occurring letters,
groups of letters, words or even whole phrases, may be represented by
significant marks. This phenomenon of manuscript abbreviation is so
widespread and so various that no taxonomy of it is here attempted.
Instead, methods are shown which allow abbreviations to be encoded using
the core elements mentioned above.
A manuscript abbreviation may be viewed in two ways. One may
transcribe it as a particular sequence of letters or marks upon the
page: thus, a ‘p with a bar through the descender’, a
‘superscript hook’, a ‘macron’. One may also interpret the
abbreviation in terms of the letter or letters it is seen as standing
for: thus, ‘per’, ‘re’, ‘n’. Both of these views are
supported by these Guidelines. The entity reference system allows the
encoder to declare whatever entities are needed, using entity names
like p-underbar, sup-hook, or macron.
Furthermore, each entity reference may be linked to an image of the
abbreviation itself, so that the reader might see a rendering of the
text's appearance. Alternatively, the encoder may transcribe the
letter or letters he or she believes the abbreviation stands for, as
the content of an <expan> element: thus
<expan>per</expan> <expan>re</expan> <expan>n</expan>
These two methods of coding abbreviation may also be combined. An
encoder may record, for any abbreviation, both the sequence of letters
or marks which constitutes it, and its sense, that is, the letter or
letters for which it is believed to stand. For example, the
abbreviations of ‘euery persone' in the following
fragment137 may be
transcribed as follows, using the <expan> element, with the
abbr attribute to hold an entity reference for the
brevigraph or other sign indicating the abbreviation in the
eu<expan abbr="&er;" resp="mp">er</expan>y
<expan abbr="&p-underbar;">per</expan>sone that
loketh after heuen hath a place in this ladder
Alternatively, the abbreviations may be encoded using the <abbr>
eu<abbr expan="er" resp="mp">&er;</abbr>y
<abbr expan="per">&p-underbar;</abbr>sone that
loketh after heuen hath a place in this ladder
The choice between the <expan> and <abbr>
elements is left to the encoder. As a rule, the <abbr> element
should be preferred where it is wished to signify that the content of
the element is an abbreviation, without necessarily indicating what the
abbreviation may stand for. The <expan> element should be used
where it is wished to signify that the content of the element is an
expanded text, without necessarily indicating the abbreviation used in
the original. The decision as to which (<abbr> or
<expan>) to use may vary from abbreviation to abbreviation; there
is no requirement that the one system be used throughout a
transcription. However, processing may be simplified if one only of
these is used throughout a transcription. The choice is likely to be a
matter of editorial policy, which might be applied consistently
throughout. If the highest priority is to transcribe the text
literatim, while indicating the presence of abbreviations, the choice
will be to use <abbr> throughout. If the highest priority is to
present a reading transcription, while indicating that some letters or
words are expansions of abbreviations, the choice will be to use
<expan> throughout.
Further information may be attached to instances of these elements by
the <note> element, on which see section 6.8 Notes, Annotation, and Indexing, and
by use of the resp and cert attributes. In this
instance from the English Brut,138
a note is attached to an editorial expansion of the tail on the final d
of ‘good' to ‘goode':
For alle the while that I had
good<expan id="exp01" abbr="&tail;">e</expan>
I was welbeloued
Then the note:
<note target="exp01">The stroke added to
the final d could signify the plural ending (-es, -is, -ys>)
but the singular <hi rend="it">good</hi> was used with the meaning
<q>property</q>, <q>wealth</q>, at this time (v. examples
quoted in OED, sb. Good, C. 7, b, c, d and 8 spec.)</note>
The editor might declare a degree of certainty for this expansion, based
on the OED examples, and state the responsibility for the expansion:
For alle the while that I had
good<expan abbr="&tail;" resp="mp" cert="90">e</expan>
I was welbeloued
Observe that the cert and resp attributes may be
used with the <expan> element only to indicate respectively
confidence in the content of the element (i.e. the expansion), and
confidence in the
responsibility for suggesting this expansion. In the case of the use of
these attributes with the <abbr>, the cert and
resp attributes are defined as indicating respectively
confidence in the expansion held in the expan attribute and
the responsibility for suggesting this expansion. The above example
could be encoded using the <abbr> element as follows:
For alle the while that I had
good<abbr expan="e" resp="mp" cert="90">&tail;</abbr>
I was welbeloued
If it is desired to express aspects of certainty and responsibility for
some other aspect of the use of these elements, then the mechanisms
discussed in chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility should be used. See also 18.2.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes for discussion of the issues of certainty and
responsibility in the context of transcription.
If more than one expansion for the same abbreviation is to be
recorded, multiple notes may be supplied. It may also be appropriate
to use the markup for critical apparatus; an example is given in
section 19.3 Using Apparatus Elements in Transcriptions.
18.1.3 Correction and Conjecture
The <sic> and <corr> elements, defined in the core tag
set, may be used to register authorial or scribal corrections within a
witness. For example, in the manuscript of William James's A
Pluralistic Universe, edited by Fredson Bowers (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1977) a sentence first written
One must have lived longer with this system,
to appreciate its advantages.
has been modified by James to begin ‘But one must ...’, without the
inital capital O having been reduced to lowercase. This non-standard
orthography could be recorded and corrected thus:
But <sic corr="one">One</sic> must have lived ...
The same information could be conveyed by the <corr> element:
But <corr sic="One">one</corr> must have lived ...
In this example from Albertus Magnus, 139
both the manuscript error ‘angues' and its correction
‘augens' are registered by the <sic> element:
Nos autem iam ostendimus quod nutrimentum
et <sic corr="augens">angues</sic>.
The same information could be conveyed by the <corr> element:
Nos autem iam ostendimus quod nutrimentum
et <corr sic="angues">augens</corr>.
As with the choice between <expan> and <abbr>, the
choice between the synonymous <sic> and <corr> elements is
left to the encoder. As a rule, the <sic> element allows the
encoding to retain the original text as the content of the element,
while simultaneously signifying that the contents of the element require
correction, but without necessarily indicating what the correction may
be. The <corr> element allows the text to be corrected, possibly
without recording the details of the faulty source, while still marking
explicitly the fact that the contents of the element have been
corrected. The choice is likely to be a matter of editorial policy,
which might be applied consistently throughout or decided case by case.
If the highest priority is to present an uncorrected transcription while
noting perceived errors in the original, the choice will typically
be to use <sic> throughout. If the highest priority is to
present a reading transcription, while indicating that perceived errors
in the original have been corrected, the choice will be to use
<corr> throughout.
Further information may be attached to instances of these elements by
the <note> element and resp and cert
attributes. Here, two separate corrections in Dudo of S. Quentin140
are assigned the same note. First the corrections, held in the
attribute value of the <sic> elements:
quamuis <sic id="sic01" corr="iners">mens</sic> que nutu dei
gesta sunt ... unde esset uiriliter
<sic id="sic02" corr="uegetata">negata</sic>
then the note, linked to the id of the <sic> element
for each of the two corrections:
<note target="sic01 sic02">Substitution of a more
familiar word which resembles graphically what the
scribe should be copying but which
does not make sense in the context.</note>
The cert attribute may also be used with the <corr>
element to signify the conjectural status of a particular editorial
reading, with the resp attribute used to identify the scholar
responsible for the conjecture. In this example, editorial confidence
in E. Talbot Donaldson's emendation of the Hengwrt manuscript reading
‘wight' to ‘wright' in line 117 of Chaucer's
The Wife of Bath's Prologue may be marked as follows:
Telle me also, to what conclusioun
Were membres maad, of generacioun
And of so parfit wis a
<corr id="c117" sic="wight" resp="ETD" cert="70">wright</corr>
The editor might also conveniently add a note referring to Donaldson's
discussion of this passage:
<note target="c117">This emendation of the Hengwrt copy text,
based on a Latin source and on the reading of three late
and usually unauthoritative manuscripts, was proposed
by E. Talbot Donaldson in <bibl><title>Speculum</title> 40 (1965)
Alternative corrections within a transcription of a single witness
may be held within an <app> structure, in the same way that
alternative expansions are so grouped in the example given in section
19.3 Using Apparatus Elements in Transcriptions. Here, Donaldson's conjectured emendation of the
Hengwrt manuscript may be recorded not only alongside the editorial
transcription but also alongside another conjecture:
And of so parfit wis a
<rdg wit="Hg">wight</rdg>
<rdg wit="Ln Ry2 Ld" resp="ETD"> <corr>wright</corr> </rdg>
<rdg wit="Gg" resp="PR"> <corr>wyf</corr> </rdg>
Observe that no resp attribute is necessary for the base
transcription: by default, responsibility is assigned to the scholar(s)
responsible for the transcription, as identified in the TEI header. The
conjectures are held within <corr> elements, contained within the
<rdg> elements. The resp attribute identifying
responsibility for each correction is attached to the outer
<rdg>, and inherited by the inner <corr> element. Note
too that the support for these conjectures in other manuscripts can be
noted in the wit attribute in the <rdg> element.
The cert and resp attributes may be used with
the <corr> element only to indicate respectively confidence in
the content of the element (i.e. the correction), and confidence in the
responsibility for suggesting this correction or conjecture. In the
case of the use of these attributes with the <sic> element, the
cert and resp attributes are defined as indicating
respectively confidence in the conjecture held in the corr
attribute and the responsibility for suggesting this conjecture. The
above example could be encoded using the <sic> element as
And of so parfit wis a
<sic corr="wright" resp="etd" cert="70">wight</sic>
If it is desired to express aspects of certainty and responsibility for
some other aspect of the use of these elements, then the mechanisms
discussed in chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility should be used. See also 18.2.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes for discussion of the issues of certainty and
responsibility in the context of transcription.
18.1.4 Additions and Deletions
Additions and deletions to a text may be described using the
following elements:
<add> contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the text by an
author, scribe, annotator, or corrector.
place |
if the the addition is written into the copy text, indicates
the additional text is written. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the addition. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the addition. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the addition. |
<addSpan> marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an
author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also
place |
indicates where the addition is made. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the addition. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the addition. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the addition. |
to |
indicates the endpoint
of the added passage, by supplying the value of the id
attribute of an <anchor> or other empty element placed there. |
<del> contains a letter, word or passage deleted, marked as deleted,
or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an
author, scribe, annotator, or corrector.
type |
classifies the type of deletion using any convenient typology. |
status |
may be used to indicate faulty deletions, e.g.
strikeouts which include too much or too little text. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the deletion. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the deletion. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the deletion. |
<delSpan> marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted,
marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an
author, scribe, annotator, or corrector.
type |
classifies the deletion, using any convenient typology. |
status |
indicates whether the deletion is faulty, e.g. by including too
much or too little text. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the deletion. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the deletion. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the deletion. |
to |
identifies the endpoint of the deleted passage,
by supplying the value of the id
attribute of an <anchor> or other empty element placed there. |
Of these, <add> and <del> are included in the core tag
set, while <addSpan> and <delSpan> are available only when
using the additional tag set defined in this chapter.
As described in section 6.5 Simple Editorial Changes, the <add> element
indicating material added may be used to signify manuscript additions or
insertions, be they authorial or scribal. In the autograph manuscript
of Max Beerbohm's The Golden Drugget,141
the author's addition of "do ever" may be recorded as follows, with the
hand attribute indicating that the addition was Beerbohm's:
Some things are best at first sight. Others — and
here is one of them — <add hand="mb">do ever</add>
improve by recognition
Similarly, the <del> element indicating material deleted may be
used to signify manuscript deletions. In the autograph manuscript of D.
H. Lawrence's Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani142, the author's deletion of
‘my' may be recorded as follows. As well as the
hand attribute indicating that the deletion was Lawrence's,
the rend attribute indicates that the deletion was by
For I hate this <del rend="strikethrough" hand="dhl">my</del> body,
which is so dear to me
If deletions are classified systematically, the type
attribute should normally
be used to indicate the classification; when they
are classified by the manner in which they were effected, or by their
appearance, however,
this will lead to a certain arbitrariness in deciding
whether to use the type or the rend attribute
to hold the information. In general, it is recommended that the
rend attribute be used for description of the appearance
or method of deletion, and that the type attribute be
reserved for higher level or more abstract classifications.
Further characteristics of the addition and deletion, e.g. the date,
or ink, may be needed for detailed transcription of manuscripts. Such
characteristics may conveniently be recorded as attributes of the
<add> or <del> element. The specific attributes required
may be added to the formal declaration of these elements by using the
techniques described in chapter 29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD.
The <add> and <del> elements defined in the core tag
set available in all TEI documents will suffice for describing typically
brief additions and deletions in the text being transcribed. On
occasion, it will be necessary to record an addition or deletion which
crosses a structural boundary in the text being encoded, for example the
addition or deletion from a manuscript of a section containing several
distinct structural subdivisions, such as poems or prose items. These
are most conveniently encoded using the <addSpan> and
<delSpan> elements, available in the additional tag set defined
in this chapter. In this example of the use of <addSpan>, the
insertion of a gathering containing four neo-Eddic poems into
Landsbókasafn143 by Helgi
Ólafsson is recorded as follows.
A <hand> element is
first declared, within the header of the document, to associate
the identifier HEOL with Helgi. In the body of the
text, an <addSpan> element
is placed to mark the beginning of the span of added text. The
hand attribute ascribes the responsibility for the addition
to the manuscript to Helgi, and the to attribute declares the
identifier for the anchor which marks the end of the added text:
<hand id="heol" n="Helgi Ólafsson"/>
<!-- text of the original material ... -->
<addSpan type="added gathering" hand="heol" to="p025"/>
<!-- text of the four neo-Eddic poems added... -->
<anchor id="p025"/>
<!-- text of the original material continues... -->
In this example of the use of the <delSpan> element, a full
two lines of Thomas Moore's autograph of the second version of
Lalla Rookh144 are marked for omission by vertical
strike-through. The two lines cross the structural line division marked
<l n='2'>, so it would not be possible to use a single
<del> element, since it would have to span the <l> marker.
The lines also themselves include a further deletion and addition. The
<delSpan> element indicates the begining of the span marked for
deletion, with the to attribute giving the identifier
delend01 for an <anchor> element which marks the end of the span of text so
<l n="1">
<delSpan rend="vertical strike" to="delend01"/>
Tis moonlight <del>upon</del> <add>over</add> Oman's sky</l>
<l n="2">Her isles of pearl look lovelily<anchor id="delend01"/></l>
The text deleted must be at least partially legible, in order for the
encoder to be able to transcribe it. If it is not legible at all, the
<gap> element should be used to signal that the text was not transcribed,
because it could not be; the reason attribute
can give the cause of the omission from the transcription as
‘deletion, illegible’. The <gap> element may optionally be
enclosed by a <del> element, if it is thought useful to record
the deletion explicitly using this element. If the deleted text is
partially legible, the <unclear> element described in section 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
should be used to signal the areas of text which
cannot be read with confidence; it too may be enclosed within a
<del> element. See further section 18.1.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription and
section 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text.
The elements <add>, <del>, and <gap> are defined
in the core tag set and are available in all TEI documents. The
elements <addSpan> and <delSpan> have the following formal
<!-- 18.1.4: Added and Deleted Spans-->
<!ELEMENT addSpan %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST addSpan
TEIform CDATA 'addSpan' >
<!ELEMENT delSpan %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST delSpan
status CDATA "unremarkable"
TEIform CDATA 'delSpan' >
<!-- end of 18.1.4-->
18.1.5 Substitutions
Substitution of one word or phrase for another is
perhaps the most common of all phenomena requiring special treatment
in transcription of primary textual sources.
It may be simply one word overwriting another, or
deletion of one word and its replacement by another written above it by
the same hand at the one time; the deletion and replacement may be done
by different hands at different times; there may be a long chain of
substitutions on the one stretch of text, with uncertainty as to the
order of substitution and as to the final reading.
Three different methods may be used to express substitution of one
stretch of text by another:
- the <sic> and <corr> elements, either individually
to encode a single substitution or nested to encode a sequence of
- the <del> and <add> elements, used in sequence to
show that text was first deleted then other text inserted;
- the <del> and <add> elements, used within an
<app> structure (as defined in chapter 19 Critical Apparatus) to
indicate that the deleted and added text within the individual reading
elements making up the <app> structure are variants of one
The use of all three of these is illustrated in the following encodings
of the second line of Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani from
the Lawrence manuscript mentioned above. Lawrence first wrote ‘How it
galls me, what a galling shadow’. Subsequently, he deleted
‘galls' and wrote ‘dogs' above the deletion.
This substitution could be registered using the first method outlined
above, as a correction using the <sic> or <corr> elements.
Note the use of the resp attribute on the <corr>
element to assign the correction to Lawrence. (For further information
on the hand and resp attributes, see section
18.2.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes.)
How it <corr sic="galls" resp="DHL">dogs</corr>
me, what a galling shadow
This substitution could be registered using the second method outlined
above, using the <del> and <add> elements in sequence to
reflect the fact that text was first deleted then other text inserted:
How it <del type="overstrike" hand="dhl">galls</del>
<add place="supralinear" hand="dhl">dogs</add>
me, what a galling shadow
This substitution could be registered using the third method outlined
above, using the <del> and <add> elements within an
<app> structure to indicate that the deleted and added texts are
variants of one another. Note that within the <app> structure
the hand attribute is moved from the inner <del> and
<add> elements to the outer <rdg> element:
How it
<rdg hand="dhl"> <del type="overstrike"> galls</del> </rdg>
<rdg hand="dhl"> <add place="supralinear"> dogs</add> </rdg>
me, what a galling shadow
Each of these three methods has its particular advantages and
disadvantages. The first method (use of <sic> or <corr>)
is compact and indicates clearly that one text is a substitute for
another. However, it provides no clear means of stating how the
substitution is effected: whether by deletion through strike-through, or
underdotting, or erasure, followed by interlinear insertion, or marginal
insertion. (The global rend attribute might conceivably be
used, but this may not be thought an obvious place to put such
information.) In a transcription where this information is not felt to
be important, however, this method will suffice to indicate simple cases
of direct substitution of one text for another.
The second method (use of a <del> and <add> sequence)
is also compact and provides means for exact declaration of how the
deletion and insertion are effected. However, it does not indicate
explicitly that one text is a substitute for another. It is left for
the reader or the application to infer from the <del> and
<add> sequence that the insertion is to be taken as a
substitution for the deletion. In many transcriptions, the inference
may be safely drawn for simple cases of direct substitution of one text
for another. In other transcriptions, for example of complex authorial
manuscripts, this inference may prove fragile; those who desire
to express clearly that an adjacent addition and deletion are not
independent but constitute a single act of substitution will therefore
wish to avoid this method. Others, of course, may prefer it for
precisely the same reason, namely that it avoids prejudging the issue of
whether adjacent deletions and additions are independent or joined.
The third method (use of the <del> and <add> elements
within an <app> structure) provides means both for exact
declaration of how the deletion and insertion are effected and for
explicit indication that one text is a substitute for another. Further,
the exact sequence of readings may also be declared by use of the
varSeq attribute on the <rdg> element, as follows:
How it
<rdg varSeq="1" hand="dhl"> <del>galls</del> </rdg>
<rdg varSeq="2" hand="dhl"> <add>dogs</add> </rdg>
me, what a galling shadow
Here, the combination of the hand and varSeq
attributes suffices to inform the reader of the authorial substitution
of ‘dogs' for ‘galls'.
Similarly, the varSeq attribute might be used in a
transcription of the manuscripts of James Joyce's Ulysses
to indicate the sequence of Joyce's corrections which is implicit in
Hans Walther Gabler's reconstruction of the ‘overlay’ levels of
Joyce's transcriptions. This third method is the most powerful and
unambiguous of the three methods and enables the widest range of
processing possibilities, at the expense of introducing a heavier
burden of markup into the text. Production of such documents should
therefore not
be undertaken without markup-aware editors.
Applications of some
sophistication may be needed to make full use of all the information
that may be held within an <app> structure. In the absence of
such applications, scholars may feel that the present cost of the more
informative coding using <app> structures outweighs the future
benefits. In making such decisions, it should however be kept in mind
that the capabilities of software at the time a project begins will often
be wholly irrelevant when the project is completed some years later.
The Lawrence example above shows the three methods used for encoding
a single substitution of one reading for another. The same three
methods may also be used to encode longer sequences of substitutions.
In the example from William James, first written out by James as ‘One
must have lived longer with this system, to appreciate its
advantages’ the word ‘this' is first replaced by
‘such a' and this is then replaced by ‘a'.
145 This may be encoded using
the first method, with the sequence of substitutions shown by the
nesting of <corr> elements:
One must have lived longer with
<corr sic="this"><corr sic="such a">a</corr></corr> system,
to appreciate its advantages.
It may be encoded using the second method, with the two changes being
treated as a sequence of additions and deletions:
One must have lived longer with
<del>this</del> <del><add>such a</add></del>
<add>a</add> system, to appreciate its advantages.
Note the nesting of an <add> element within a <del> to
record text first added, then deleted in the source.
It may be encoded using the third method, with each reading in the
series contained in a <rdg> element within an <app>
One must have lived longer with
<rdg varSeq="1"><del>this</del></rdg>
<rdg varSeq="2"><del><add>such a</add></del></rdg>
<rdg varSeq="3"><add>a</add></rdg>
system, to appreciate its advantages.
The three encodings of this slightly more complex example illustrate the
general truth that the more information involving substitutions there is
to be encoded, the clearer become the advantages of the use of the
<app> method over the other two methods. As a rule, it is
recommended that the <app> method be used for encoding
substitutions of any complexity. It is also desirable that the one
method be used throughout any one transcription. Accordingly, the
<app> method is recommended for text critical transcription of
primary textual materials requiring encoding of instances of other than
straightforward substitution.
18.1.6 Cancellation of Deletions and Other Markings
An author or scribe may mark a word or phrase in some way, and then
on reflection decide to cancel the marking. For example, text may be
marked for deletion and the deletion then cancelled, thus restoring the
deleted text. Such cancellation may be indicated by the
<restore> element:
<restore> indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by
cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction.
type |
indicates the action cancelled by the restoration. |
desc |
gives a prose description of the means of restoration. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand of the restoration. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the
identification of the hand of the restoration. |
hand |
signifies the hand of the agent which made the restoration. |
Presume that Lawrence decided to restore ‘my' to the
phrase of Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani first written
‘For I hate this my body’, with the ‘my' first deleted
then restored by writing ‘stet’ in the margin. This may be
For I hate this
<restore hand="dhl" desc="marginal "stet""><del>my</del></restore>
The <restore> element is defined as follows:
<!-- 18.1.6: Cancelled Deletions-->
<!ELEMENT restore %om.RO; %phrase.seq;>
<!ATTLIST restore
TEIform CDATA 'restore' >
<!-- end of 18.1.6-->
18.1.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription
Where text is not transcribed, whether because of damage to the
original, or because it is illegible, or because of editorial policy,
the <gap> core element should be used to register the omission;
where text not present in the source is supplied (whether
conjecturally or from other witnesses) to fill an apparent gap in the
text, it should be marked using the <supplied> element provided
by the tag set defined in this chapter.
<gap> indicates a point where material has been omitted in a
transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI
header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is
illegible or inaudible.
desc |
gives a description of the omitted text. |
reason |
gives the reason for omission. Sample values include
‘sampling', ‘illegible', ‘inaudible',
‘irrelevant', ‘cancelled', ‘cancelled and illegible'. |
extent |
indicates approximately how much text has been omitted from the
transcription, in letters, minims, inches, or any appropriate unit,
either because of editorial policy or because a deletion, damage, or
other cause has rendered transcription impossible. |
resp |
indicates the editor, transcriber or encoder responsible for
the decision not to provide any transcription of the text and hence
the application of the <gap> tag. |
hand |
in the case of text omitted from the transcription because of
deliberate deletion by an identifiable hand, signifies the hand which
made the deletion. |
agent |
In the case of text omitted from the transcription because of
damage or other phenomenon resulting from an identifiable cause,
signifies the causative agent. |
<supplied> signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor in place
of text which cannot be read, either because of physical damage or
loss in the original or because it is illegible for any
reason |
indicates why the text has had to be supplied. |
resp |
indicates the individual responsible for supplying the letter,
word or passage contained within the <supplied> element. |
hand |
where the presumed loss of text leading to the supplying of
text arises from action (partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an
identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the action. |
agent |
where the presumed loss of text leading to the supplying of
text arises from an identifiable cause, signifies the causative
agent. |
source |
states the source of the supplied text. |
By its nature, the <gap> element must have no content. It
should be used wherever an authorial or scribal erasure is so
successful, or the text is so illegible, that nothing can be read. In
the Beerbohm manuscript of The Golden Drugget cited
above, for example, the author has erased several passages by inking
them over completely:
Others <gap reason="cancelled" hand="mb" extent="10cm"/>—and
here is one of them...
In an autograph letter of Sydney Smith in the Pierpont Morgan
library,146 three words in the signature are quite illegible:
I am dr Sr yr <gap reason="illegible" hand="ss" extent="3 words"/>Sydney Smith
It is possible, but not always necessary, to provide measurements
precise to the millimeter or even to the printer's point. The degree of
precision attempted will vary with the purpose of the encoding and the
nature of the material.
In cases where there is damage, or a degree of illegibility, but the
text is nevertheless legible and is transcribed, the <gap>
element should not be used. Instead, the passage should be marked using
one or more of the elements <damage> and <unclear>, which
are described in section 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text.
If the source text is completely illegible or missing, and new text
is supplied to fill the gap, it should be marked as <supplied>.
If another (imaginary) copy of the letter above preserved the signature
as reading ‘I am dear Sir your very humble Servt Sydney Smith’, the
text illegible in the autograph might be supplied in the transcription:
I am dr Sr yr
<supplied reason="illegible" resp="RW" source="amanuensis copy">very
humble Servt</supplied> Sydney Smith
Both <gap> and <supplied> may be used in combination with
<unclear>, <damage>, and other elements; for
discussion, see section 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination.
As noted, <gap> is defined in the core tag set. The
<supplied> element is declared thus:
<!-- 18.1.7: Supplied Text-->
<!ELEMENT supplied %om.RO; %paraContent;>
<!ATTLIST supplied
TEIform CDATA 'supplied' >
<!-- end of 18.1.7-->
18.2 Non-Linguistic Phenomena in the Source
This section describes methods for recording a number of
non-linguistic characteristics of the source text which are often of
particular interest in the transcription of primary sources: points at
which one scribe takes over from another, or at which ink, pen, or other
characteristics of the writing change; points at which the source is
damaged or imperfectly legible; and unusual spaces or lines in the
source. A discussion of the usage of the hand,
resp, and cert attributes is also included.
Methods for recording page breaks, column breaks, and line breaks in the
source are described in section 6.6 Simple Links and Cross References.
18.2.1 Document Hands
For many text-critical purposes it is important to signal the person
responsible (the hand) for the writing of a whole document, a
stretch of text within a document, or a particular feature within the
document. The hand may be of a known and named scribe or author, as
‘DHL', or may be described by an anonymous formula, as ‘hand
one'. Where the hand is associated with a particular feature tagged
within a document, this may be indicated by the value of the
hand attribute on that feature. The examples given above of
the use of the hand attribute with coding of additions and
deletions illustrate this.
In other cases, it may be necessary to identify a document hand
without there being any association of that hand with any specific
tagged document feature. The <handList> and <hand>
elements are used in the TEI header (in the <profileDesc>
element) to define each unique hand or scribe distinguished by the
encoder in the document. One such element must appear within the header
for each hand distinguished in the text, and each such element should
bear a distinct identifier as the value of its global id attribute.147
Each location where a change
of hands occurs may then be marked in the text by the empty
<handShift> element, which specifies the hand concerned by
giving the same identifier.
<hand> used in the header to define each distinct scribe or
handwriting style.
scribe |
gives the name of,
or other identifier for, the
scribe. |
style |
indicates recognized
writing styles. |
ink |
describes tint or type
of ink, e.g. ‘brown'. May also be used to indicate the writing medium, e.g. ‘pencil', |
character |
describes other characteristics of the hand,
particularly those related to the quality of the writing. |
first |
indicates whether or
not this is the first or main scribe of the document. |
resp |
indicates the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the hand. |
<handList> contains a series of hand elements listing the
different hands of the source.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<handShift> marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new
hand, or of a change in the scribe, writing style, ink or character
of the document hand.
new |
identifies the new hand. |
old |
identifies the old hand. |
style |
indicates recognized
writing styles. |
ink |
describes tint or type
of ink, e.g. ‘brown'. May also be used to indicate the writing medium, e.g. ‘pencil', |
character |
describes other characteristics of the hand,
particularly those related to the quality of the writing. |
resp |
signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for identifying
the change of hand. |
The attributes old and new on the
<handShift> element refer to the order of the text in the
transcription: ‘old’ is the material before the
<handShift>, ‘new’ the material following. This will
ordinarily, but not necessarily, be the order in which the material was
originally written. Neither attribute is required but both are
recommended where there is a new hand, as opposed to a new writing style
in the one hand. The character attribute will be most often
used to encode descriptive shifts which the transcriber perceives within
a manuscript and which may or may not be associated with or denote
changes in scribe or content. The particular values encoded will depend
upon the needs of the transcriber. Where many values are to be encoded,
feature structures provide an alternative means of encoding these.
A single hand may employ different writing styles and inks within a
document, or may change character. For example, the writing style might
shift from ‘anglicana’ to ‘secretary’, or the ink from blue to
brown, or the character of the hand may change. Any such changes should
be indicated by assigning a new value to the appropriate attribute
within the <handShift> element. The one hand may employ
different renditions within the one writing style, for example medieval
scribes indicating a structural division by emboldening all the words
within a line. These should be indicated by use of the rend
attribute on an element, in the same manner as underlining, emboldening,
font shifts, etc., in transcription of a printed text, rather than by
introducing a new <handShift> element.
In this example148 first the
document hands are declared in the header:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<hand id="h1" style="copperplate" ink="brown"
character="regular" first="yes" resp="das"/>
<hand id="h2" style="print" ink="brown"
character="unschooled" resp="das"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
Then the change of hand is indicated in the text:
... and that good Order Decency and regular worship
may be once more introduced and Established in this
Parish according to the Rules and Ceremonies of the
Church of England and as under a good Consciencious
and sober Curate there would and ought to be
<handShift new="h2" old="h1" resp="das"/>
and for that purpose the parishioners pray
In this example149 there is
a change of ink within the one hand. This is indicated by a new value
for the ink attribute on the <handShift> element:
<l>When wolde the cat dwelle in his ynne</l>
<handShift ink="black"/>
<l>And if the cattes skynne be slyk and gaye</l>
These elements are declared as follows:
<!-- 18.2.1: Hand Shifts-->
<!ELEMENT hand %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST hand
character CDATA #IMPLIED
TEIform CDATA 'hand' >
<!ELEMENT handShift %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST handShift
character CDATA #IMPLIED
TEIform CDATA 'handShift' >
<!ELEMENT handList %om.RO; (hand*)>
<!ATTLIST handList
TEIform CDATA 'handList' >
<!-- end of 18.2.1-->
18.2.2 Hand, Responsibility, and Certainty Attributes
The hand and resp attributes have similar, but
not identical, meanings. Observe their distinctive uses in the
following encoding of the William James passage mentioned above in
section 18.1.3 Correction and Conjecture. In this example, the ‘But'
inserted by James is tagged as an <add>, and the consequent
editorial correction of ‘One' to ‘one' treated
<add place="supralinear" resp="FB" hand="WJ">But</add>
<corr sic="One" resp="FB">one</corr> must have lived ...
As in this example, hand should be reserved for indicating
the hand of any form of marking—here, addition but also deletion,
correction, annotation, underlining, etc.—within the primary text
being transcribed. The scribal or authorial responsibility for this
marking may be inferred from the value of the hand attribute.
The value of the hand attribute should be one of the hand
identifiers declared in the document header (see section 18.2.1 Document Hands).
As in this example, the resp on a particular element
should be used only to indicate the particular aspect of responsibility
defined in these Guidelines as appropriate to the
resp attribute for that element. In the case of the
<add> element, the resp attribute is defined as
signifying the responsibility for identifying the hand of the
addition: here, Bowers' identification of the hand as that of William
James. In the case of the <corr> element, the resp
attribute is defined as signifying the responsibility for supplying the
intellectual content of the correction reported in the transcription:
here, Bowers' correction of ‘One’ to ‘one’.
As these examples show, the field of application of the
resp attributes varies from element to element. In some
cases, it applies to the content of the element (<corr> and
<expan>); in others it applies to the value of a particular
attribute (<sic>, <abbr>, <del>, etc.). In all
cases where both the cert and resp attributes are
defined for a particular element, the two attributes refer to the same
aspect of the markup. The one indicates who is intellectually
responsible for some item of information, the other indicates the degree
of confidence in the information. Thus, for a
correction, the resp attribute signifies the person
responsible for supplying the correction, while the cert
attribute signifies the degree of editorial confidence felt in that
correction. For the expansion of an abbreviation, the
resp attribute signifies the person responsible for supplying
the expansion and the cert attribute signifies the degree of
editorial confidence felt in the expansion.
This close definition of the use of the resp and
cert attributes with each element is intended to provide for
the most frequent circumstances in which encoders might wish to make
unambiguous statements regarding the responsibility for and certainty of
aspects of their encoding. The resp and cert
attributes, as so defined, give a convenient mechanism for this.
However, there will be cases where it is desired to state responsibility
for and certainty concerning other aspects of the encoding. For
example, one may wish in the case of an apparent addition to state the
responsibility for the use of the <add> element, rather than the
responsibility for identifying the hand of the addition. It may also be
that one editor may make an electronic transcription of another editor's
printed transcription of a manuscript text — here, one will wish to
assign layers of responsibility, so as to allow the reader to determine
exactly what in the final machine-readable transcription was the
responsibility of each editor. In these complex cases of divided
editorial responsibility for and certainty concerning the content,
attributes and application of a particular element, the more general
mechanisms for representing certainty and responsibility described in
chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility should be used.
The fields of reference of the resp and cert
attributes for each element have been chosen to enable what are felt as
the most frequent likely statements an encoder may wish to make
concerning the areas of responsibility and certainty related to that
element. It is open to each local transcription scheme to vary the use
of the resp and cert attributes on particular
elements where it is felt convenient. This practice should be
documented in the <encodingDesc> element in the file header.
Further, it is recommended that before interchange any such local usage
of these attributes be converted to conformancy with the definitions of
the resp and cert attributes given in these
Guidelines. Use of the resp and
cert in interchange documents in ways not here defined may
lead to unpredictable results.
It should be noted that the certainty and responsibility mechanisms
described in chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility replicate all the functions of the
resp and cert attributes on particular elements.
For example, the encoding of Donaldson's conjectured emendation of
‘wight' to ‘wright' in line 117 of Chaucer's
Wife of Bath's Prologue (see 18.1.3 Correction and Conjecture) may be
encoded as follows using the resp and cert
attributes on the <corr> element:
<corr sic="wight" resp="ETD" cert="70">wright</corr>
Exactly the same information could be conveyed using the certainty
and responsibility mechanisms, as follows:
<corr id="c117" sic="wight">wright</corr>
<!-- ... certainty and responsibility elements may be elsewhere -->
<certainty target="c117" locus="#gicontent" degree="70"/>
<respons target="c117" locus="#gicontent" resp="ETD"/>
The choice of which mechanism to use is left to the encoder. In
transcriptions where only such statements of responsibility and
certainty are made as can be accommodated within the resp and
cert attributes of particular elements, it will be economical
to use the resp and cert attributes of those
elements. Where many statements of responsibility and certainty are
made which cannot be so accommodated, it may be economical to use the
<respons> and <certainty> elements throughout.
The above discussion supposes that in each case an encoder is able to
specify exactly what it is that one wishes to state responsibility for
and certainty about. Situations may arise when an encoder wishes to
make a statement concerning certainty or responsibility but is unable or
unwilling to specify so precisely the domain of the certainty or
responsibility. In these cases, the <note> element may be used
with the type attribute set to ‘cert’ or ‘resp’
and the content of the note giving a prose description of the state of
18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
The <gap> and <supplied> elements described above
(section 18.1.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription) should be used with appropriate attributes
where the degree of damage or illegibility in a text is such that
nothing can be read and the text must be either omitted or supplied
either conjecturally or from one or more other sources. In many cases, however,
despite damage or illegibility, the text may yet be read with reasonable
confidence. In these cases, the following elements should be used:
<damage> contains an area of damage to the text witness.
type |
classifies the damage according to any convenient typology. |
resp |
indicates the individual responsible for identifying the area
of damage. |
hand |
In the case of damage (deliberate defacement, etc.) assignable
to an identifiable hand, signifies the hand responsible for the
damage. |
agent |
In the case of damage resulting from an identifiable cause,
signifies the causative agent. |
degree |
Signifies the degree of damage according to a convenient scale.
The <damage> tag with the degree attribute should
only be used where the text may be read with some confidence; text
supplied from other sources should be tagged as <supplied>. |
extent |
indicates approximately how much text is in the damaged area,
in letters, minims, inches, or any appropriate unit, where this
cannot be deduced from the contents of the tag. For example, the
damage may span structural divisions in the text so that the tag must
then be empty of content. |
<unclear> contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed
with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source.
reason |
indicates why the material is hard to transcribe. |
resp |
indicates the individual responsible for the transcription of
the word, phrase, or passage contained with the <unclear>
element. |
cert |
signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to the transcription
of the text contained within the <unclear> element. |
hand |
Where the difficulty in transcription arises from action
(partial deletion, etc.) assignable to an identifiable hand, signifies
the hand responsible for the action. |
agent |
Where the difficulty in transcription arises from an
identifiable cause, signifies the causative agent. |
The following examples refer to the recto of folio 5 of the unique
manuscript of the Elder Edda.150 Here, the
manuscript of Vóluspá has been damaged
through irregular rubbing so that letters in various places are obscured
and in some cases cannot be read at all. The existence of the damage
may be registered in general for this leaf by use of the <damage>
<damage extent="whole leaf" agent="rubbing at edges"> ... </damage>
However, in fact the damage crosses structural divisions, so the
<damage> element does not nest properly within the containing
<div> elements. The simplest method to solve this problem is to
split the element into two fragments, one within each structural
<!-- beginning of division ... -->
<!-- page break, beginning of damage -->
<pb n='5r'/>
<damage agent='rubbing at edges' extent='whole leaf'>
<!-- text continues -->
<damage agent='rubbing at edges, continued' extent='whole leaf'>
<!-- beginning of new text division ... -->
<!-- page break, end of this damaged section -->
<pb n='5v'/>
<!-- text continues ... -->
For other techniques of handling non-nesting information, see chapter
31 Multiple Hierarchies.
In the first line of this leaf, the transcriber may believe that the
last three letters of ‘daga' can be read clearly despite
the damage:
um aldr d<damage>aga</damage> yndisniota
Alternatively, the letters in question may be only imperfectly
legible on account of the damage; this state of affairs may be indicated
simply by using the <unclear> element:
um aldr d<unclear reason="damage">aga</unclear> yndisniota
If it is desired to supply more information about the kind of
damage, it is also possible to nest an <unclear> element within
the <damage> element:
um aldr d<damage agent="rubbing"><unclear>aga</unclear></damage> yndisniota
Alternatively, the transcriber may not feel able to read the last
three letters of ‘daga' but may wish to supply them by
conjecture. Note the use of the source attribute to assign
the conjecture to Finnur Jónsson:
um aldr d<supplied reason="rubbing" source="FJ">aga</supplied> yndisniota
The <supplied> element may if desired be enclosed within a
<damage> element:
um aldr d<damage agent="rubbing"><supplied source="FJ">aga</supplied></damage> yndisniota
Contrast the use of <gap> in the next line, where the
transcriber believes that four letters cannot be read at all because
of the damage:
&Thorn;ar k&hook-o;mr inn dimmi dreki fliugandi naþr frann
neþan <gap reason="illegible" agent="rubbing" extent="4"/>
As with <supplied>, this <gap> might be enclosed by a
<damage> element.
In these examples, various phenomena of illegibility and conjecture
all result from the one cause, an area of damage to the text — rubbing
at various points — which is not continuous in the text, affecting it
at irregular points. In these cases, the <join> element may be
used to indicate which tagged features are part of the same physical
phenomenon. (See chapter 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment for more details.)
The above examples record imperfect legibility due to damage. When
imperfect legibility is due to some other reason (typically because the
handwriting is ill-formed), the <unclear> element should be used
without any enclosing <damage> element. In Robert Southey's
autograph of The Life of Cowper,151 the final six letters
of ‘attention' are difficult to read because of the haste
of the writing, though reasonably certain from the context.
and from time to time invited in like manner
his att<unclear>ention</unclear>
The cert attribute on the <unclear> element may be
used to indicate the level of editorial confidence in the reading
contained within it.
The <damage> element is defined formally as follows:
<!-- 18.2.3: Damage and Illegiblity-->
<!ELEMENT damage %om.RO; %paraContent;>
<!ATTLIST damage
TEIform CDATA 'damage' >
<!-- end of 18.2.3-->
The <unclear> element is defined in section 6.5 Simple Editorial Changes.
18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination
The <gap>, <damage>, <unclear>,
<supplied>, and <del> elements may be closely allied in
their use. For example, an area of damage in a primary source might
be encoded with any one of the first four of these elements, depending on
how far the damage has affected the readability of the text.
Further, certain of the elements may nest within one another. The
examples given in the last sections illustrate something of how these
elements are to be distinguished in use. This may be formulated as
- where the text has been rendered completely illegible by
deletion or damage and no text is supplied by the editor in place of
what is lost: place an empty <gap> element at the point of
deletion or damage. Use the reason attribute to state the
cause (damage, deletion, etc.) of the loss of text.
- where the text has been rendered completely illegible by
deletion or damage and text is supplied by the editor in place of
what is lost: surround the text supplied at the point of deletion or
damage with the <supplied> element. Use the reason
attribute to state the cause (damage, deletion, etc.) of the loss of
text leading to the need to supply the text.
- where the text has been rendered partly illegible by deletion
or damage so that the text can be read but without perfect
confidence: transcribe the text and surround it with the
<unclear> element. Use the reason attribute to state
the cause (damage, deletion, etc.) of the uncertainty in transcription
and the cert attribute to indicate the confidence in the
- where there is deletion or damage but the text can be read with
perfect confidence: transcribe the text and surround it with the
<del> element (for deletion) or the <damage> element (for
damage). Use appropriate attribute values to indicate the cause and
type of deletion or damage. Observe that the degree
attribute on the <damage> element permits the encoding to show
that a letter, word or phrase is not perfectly preserved, though it
may be read with confidence.
- where there is an area of deletion or damage and parts of the
text within that area can be read with perfect confidence, other
parts with less confidence, other parts not at all: in transcription,
surround the whole area with the <del> element (for deletion; or
the <delSpan> element where it crosses a structural boundary); or
the <damage> element (for damage). Text within the damaged area
which can be read with perfect confidence needs no further tagging.
Text within the damaged area which can not be read with perfect
confidence may be surrounded with the <unclear> element. Places
within the damaged area where the text has been rendered completedly
illegible and no text is supplied by the editor may be marked with
the <gap> element. For each element, one may use appropriate
attribute values to indicate the cause and type of deletion or damage
and the certainty of the reading.
The rules for combinations of the <add> and <del>
elements, and for the interpretation of such combinations, are
- if one <add> element (with identifier A1)
contains another (with identifier A2), then
the addition A1 was first
made to the text, and later a second addition (A2) was
made within that added text:
This is the text
<add id="A1">with some added
<add id="A2">(interlinear!)</add>
as written.
- if one <del> element (with identifier D1)
contains another (with identifier D2), then
the deletion D2 was first
made, and later a second deletion (D1)
removed the entire passage:
<del id="d1">This sentence contains
some <del id="d2">redundant</del> unnecessary
- if a <del> element contains an <add> element, the normal
interpretation will be that an addition was made within a passage
which was later
deleted in its entirety:
<del>This sentence was deleted
<add>originally</add> from the text.</del>
- if an <add> element contains a <del> element, the
normal interpretation will be that a
deletion was made from a passage which had earlier been added:
<add>This sentence was added
<del>eventually</del> to the text.</add>
18.2.5 Space
The presence of significant space in the text being transcribed may
be indicated by the <space> element. The author or scribe may
have left space for a word, or for an initial capital, and for some
reason the word or capital was never supplied and the space left empty.
This element should not be used to mark normal inter-word space or the
<space> indicates the location of a significant space in the copy text.
dim |
indicates whether the space is horizontal or vertical. |
extent |
indicates approximately how large the space is, in letters,
minims, inches, or other appropriate unit. |
resp |
indicates the individual responsible for identifying and measuring
the space. |
In line 694 of Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue in
the Holkham manuscript the scribe has left a space for a word where
other manuscripts read ‘preestes':
By god if wommen had writen storyes
As <space extent="7"/> han within her oratoryes
The <supplied> element discussed in the previous section may be
used to supply the text presumed missing:
By god if wommen had writen storyes
As <supplied reason="space" resp="ES" source="Hg">preestes</supplied>
han within her oratoryes
Here, the fact of the space within the manuscript is indicated by the
value of the reason attribute. The source of the supplied
text is shown by the value of the source attribute as the
Hengwrt manuscript; the transcriber responsible for supplying the text
is ES.
The <space> element is formally defined thus:
<!-- 18.2.5: Spaces in the source-->
<!ELEMENT space %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST space
dim (horizontal | vertical) #IMPLIED
TEIform CDATA 'space' >
<!-- end of 18.2.5-->
18.2.6 Lines
The most common form of marking of text in manuscripts is by lines
written under, beside or through the text. The lines themselves may be
of various types: they may be solid, dashed or dotted, doubled or
tripled, wavy or straight, or a combination of these and other
renderings. The line may be used for emphasis, or to mark a foreign or
technical term, or to signal a quotation or a title, etc.: the elements
<emph>, <foreign>, <term>, <mentioned>,
<title> may be used for these. Frequently, a scholar may judge
that a line is used to delete text: the <del> element is
available to indicate this. In all these cases, the rend
attribute may be used on these or other elements to indicate that the
text is marked by a line and the style of the line. Thus, Lawrence's
deletion by strike-through of ‘my' in the autograph of
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani is noted:
For I hate this
<del rend="strikethrough" hand="dhl">my</del> body,
which is so dear to me
There will be instances, however, where a scholar wishes only to
register the occurrence of lines in the text, without making any
judgement as to what the lines signify. In these the <hi>
element may be used, with the rend attribute to mark the
style of line. In the manuscript of a letter by Robert Browning to
George Moulton-Barrett,152 the
underlining of the phrase ‘had obtained all the letters to Mr Boyd'
may be marked-up as follows:
I have once,—by declaring I would prosecute
by law—, hindered a man's proceedings who
<hi rend="underline">had obtained all the letters
to Mr Boyd</hi>
The above examples presume the common case where a single word or
phrase is marked by a line, with no doubt as to where the marking begins
or ends and with no overlapping of the area of text with other marked
areas of text. Where there is doubt, the <certainty> element may
be used to record the doubt. In the Browning example cited above the
underlining actually begins half-way under ‘who', and this
uncertainty could be remarked as follows:
I have once,—by declaring I would prosecute
by law—, hindered a man's proceedings who
<hi id="cstart1" rend="underline">had obtained all
the letters to Mr Boyd</hi>
<!-- ... -->
<certainty target="cstart1"
desc="may begin with previous word"
Where the area of text marked overlaps other areas of text, for
example crossing a structural division, one of the span mechanisms
outlined in these Guidelines may be used. Where the line is thought to
mark a deletion, the <delSpan> element may be used. Where it is
desired simply to record the marking of a span of text in circumstances
where it is not possible to surround the text with a <hi>
element, the <span> element may be used with the rend
attribute indicating the style of line-marking.
More work needs to be done on clarifying the treatment of other
textual features marked by lines which might so overlap or nest. For
example, in many Middle English manuscripts (e.g. the Jesus and Digby
verse collections) marginal sidebars may indicate metrical structure:
couplets may be linked in pairs, with the pairs themselves linked
into stanzas. Or, marginal sidebars may indicate emphasis, or may
point out a region of text on which there is some annotation: in many
manuscripts of Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue lines
655–8 are marked with nesting parentheses against which the scribe
has written ‘nota'.
At the lowest level, all such features could be captured by use of
the <note> element, containing a prose description of the
manuscript at this point. It is not yet clear how best to mark up such
phenomena so as to
obtain more usefully structured encodings. For example,
in the Chaucer example just cited, one may wish to record that the
‘nota' is written in the Hengwrt manuscript in the right
margin against a single large left parenthesis bracketing the four
lines, with two right parentheses in the right margin bracketing two
overlapping pairs of lines: the first and third, the second and fourth.
The <note> element allows us to record that the scribe wrote
‘nota', but is not well-adapted to show that the
‘nota' points both at all four lines and at two pairs of
lines within the four lines.
18.3 Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter
As a rule, matter associated with the page break (signature,
catchword, page number) should be drawn into the <pb> element
as attributes: see section 6.9 Reference Systems. In text-critical
situations where these elements need tagging in their own right (for
instance, when the catch-word presents a variant reading, or spacing
in the header or footer is significant for compositor identification),
the element <fw> may be used:
<fw> contains a running head (e.g. a header,
footer), catchword, or similar material
appearing on the current page.
place |
indicates where on the page this material appears. |
The name ‘fw' is short for ‘forme work’. It
may be used to encode any of
the unchanging portions of a page forme, such as:
- running heads (whether repeated on every page, or changing on
every page)
- running footers
- page numbers
- catch-words
- other material repeated from page to page, which falls outside the
stream of the text
It should not be used for marginal glosses, annotations, or textual
variants, which should be tagged using <gloss>, <note>, or
the text-critical tags described in chapter 19 Critical Apparatus,
For example:
<fw type="head" place="top-centre">Poëms.</fw>
<fw type="pageno" place="top-right">29</fw>
<fw type="sig" place="bot-centre">E3</fw>
<fw type="catch" place="bot-right">TEMPLE</fw>
The formal declaration for the <fw> element is
<!-- 18.3: Headers and footers-->
<!ELEMENT fw %om.RO; %phrase.seq;>
TEIform CDATA 'fw' >
<!-- end of 18.3-->
18.4 Other Primary Source Features not Covered in These Guidelines
We repeat the advice given at the beginning of this chapter, that
these recommendations are not intended to meet every transcriptional
circumstance ever likely to be faced by any scholar. They are intended
rather as a base to enable encoding of the most common phenomena found
in the course of scholarly transcription of primary source materials.
These guidelines particularly do not address the encoding of physical
description of textual witnesses: the materials of the carrier, the
medium of the inscribing implement, the layout of the inscription upon
the material, the organisation of the carrier materials themselves (as
quiring, collation, etc.), authorial instructions or scribal markup,
etc. Some of these issues may be covered in future editions of these