TEI P4 Home
Appendix D Colophon
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
The text of this manual was prepared electronically on a variety of
systems. Most sections were originally drafted by members of the work
groups and working committees of the TEI; all have been revised by the
editors to achieve greater uniformity of style and greater consistency
in the tag set.
SGML tags from a preliminary version of the tag set documented here were
introduced in the text by the original drafters of the sections or by
the editors, using standard text editors on VMS, VM/CMS, PC-DOS, and
Apple Macintosh systems. The resulting SGML document fragments were
validated using VM2 (a markup validator distributed with the
public-domain ARCSGML materials), sgmls (a parser built on the same
engine), Markit, Checkmark, XGML Validator, and/or
Author/Editor. The validated files, which contained both the prose
description of the tag set and the reference materials, were then
processed with ad hoc programs written in Spitbol to produce separate
SGML documents for the prose, the reference section, and the DTDs; these
SGML documents were then further translated by simple programs in Rexx
and Spitbol into either LaTeX or Waterloo GML for formatting and
In 2001–2002 the text of these guidelines was converted to
The Gnu Emacs editor, with the PSGML package, was the mainstay of editing
from then on. The resulting document was processed with XSLT
specifications to produce the DTD files, the HTML reference guide, and
the PDF version. James Clark's nsgmls SGML/XML validator, Richard
Tobin's rxp XML validator, Michael Kay's Saxon XSLT implementation,
The camera ready copy of the 1992–1996 versions of
this document was produced by Waterloo Script
GML, version 89.1,
running on the IBM 3090 at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Academic Computer Center (to which thanks), and using a set of
macros extending the GML Starter Set of tags with specialized tags
designed for this document. Later interim versions were produced by a
translation to LaTeX.
The P4 release of the Guidelines was typeset by transforming
the TEI XML source to an XML file containing XSL Formatting Objects, which was
then formatted using the PassiveTeX implementation of XSLFO by
David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz. The underling engine was the pdfTeX
extension of TeX by Han The Thanh.
The current printed version is typeset in Times Roman, with
Computer Modern Sans-serif and Lucida-Sans Typewriter as needed.
This formatted version of the Guidelines was
created on 2002-04-20T18:05:17-01:00.