Figurine 1.0 ManualEdit toolThe edit tool is where all object manipulation is done. Move into the edit tool with <Space>. Moving the mouse around on the document window will highlight the object under the cursor. To edit the object, click the left mouse button to select the object. Also the tab key can be used to cycle the selection through all the objects in the document. Note that objects within a compound cannot be selected individually for editing. When an object is selected, it can be manipulated in several ways. All these operations can be cancelled using the right mouse button.Moving ObjectsClick and drag on a part of the object that isn't a handle to move the object around.You can use the arrow keys to move an object around. Holding down <Shift> will make the distance moved with the arrow keys smaller. Resizing ObjectsSome objects can be resized. Click on one of the corner handles for resizing, and drag the object to the new required size. To scale proportionally, hold down <Control>. Some objects can only be scaled proportionally, for example arc circles.Rotating ObjectsSome objects can be rotated. These have a small circular handle near the bottom right. Click and drag on this to rotate. Rotation right is performed by moving the mouse to the right of the object, left by moving left. You can move 180 degrees in either direction. You can fine-tune the angle by holding down <Shift> and moving the mouse vertically, relative to the rotation handle. For convenience, the rotation will snap to 90 degrees rotations when close to a 90 degree rotation. To set the rotation to zero again, leave the cursor on the rotation handle (without holding <Shift>).Editing pointsPolygons, splines, arcs, and polylines can all have their consituent points edited. To move into point editing mode, select the object, then press <Space>. A handle will now be shown where every point in the object is. Move these handles by clicking and dragging them as usual, the right mouse button will cancel. To move back into normal edit mode, press <Space> again.If you are editing a spline object, the shape factor of each point can be changed by holding <Control> when moving the handle. See Spline tool for more details. Raising and Lowering ObjectsYou may need to change the depth order for an object. You can do this with Raise (^{) and Lower (^}). These are available on the edit menu by holding down <Control> and clicking the right mouse button whilst in the edit tool.Raise will bring the object to the top. Lower will lower the object by one level. Flipping ObjectsUse Flip Horizontally (^9) and Flip Vertically (^0) to flip an object, available on the edit menu.Cut, Copy, and PasteThese are available on the edit menu (Control+right mouse button). Cut will cut the currently selected object from the document. Copy will copy the current object into the buffer. Paste will add to the document the current object in the paste buffer, at the current cursor position. Delete will remove the currently selected object without destroying the contents of the buffer.Back |