
Figurine 1.0 Manual

Menu Reference

File menu

New ^N
Open a new document.
Open ^O
Open the file dialog to load a FIG file into figurine.
Quit ^Q
Quit figurine.

Help menu

Help ^H
Load figurine's help pages into an HTML browser. If the environment variable $BROWSER is set, $BROWSER is invoked to read the help pages, otherwise netscape is invoked if available. If you want to use a text-based browser, try something like

BROWSER="xterm -e lynx"; export BROWSER

If Figurine can't find its help pages, tell it the directory to use by setting the environment variable $FIGURINEDIR.

Show/Hide Tooltips
Toggle the display of tooltips.

View menu (click on eye icon)

New ^N
Open a new document.
Open ^O
Open the file dialog to load a FIG file into figurine.
Insert ^I
Insert a FIG file into the document.
Save ^S
Save the current file.
Save as ^A
Save the current file under a different name.
Export ^E
Export the current file to different formats.
Print ^P
Print the current file.
Close ^D
Close the current view.
Undo ^Z
Undo the last action.
Redo ^R
Redo the last action.
New View ^M
Open a new view of the current file.
View Settings ^M
Open the view settings dialog.
Quit ^Q
Quit figurine.

Edit menu (Control + right mouse button in Edit mode on a document window)

Cut ^X
Cut the current object into the paste buffer.
Copy ^C
Copy the current object into the paste buffer.
Paste ^V
Paste the contents of the bufffer into the document.
Delete [Del]
Delete the current selected object.
Raise ^{
Bring the current object to the top of the figure.
Lower ^}
Lower the current object by one level.
Flip H ^(
Flip the current object horizontally.
Flip V ^)
Flip the current object vertically.
