Figurine 1.0 ManualSpline ToolSplines are simply free-form curves described with a set of control points. Drawing of a spline curve is by placement of these points. Each point has an associated "shape factor" which determines the approach of the curve to the point. A shape factor of -1 means the curve passes through the point (interpolation). A factor of 0 means an angular line, just like an ordinary polyline. A factor of 1 means an approximated line, where the curve approaches the point but doesn't reach it.You can set either open or closed spline using the spline dialog. A closed spline can be filled, but is not exportable to all formats using View->Export. You can attach to an object by holding down <Shift>.
The control points can be edited using the point editing mode. Drag a
handle to move the control point. Hold down <Control> and drag on a handle to alter the
shape factor of that control point. Back |