XNC Index:
User Menu
Hot Keys |
X Northern Captain has User Menu, that allows store and execute
User commands by pressing on menu items or associated hot key. XNC reads
User menu file (~/.xnc/xnc.menu) at startup and then activates it and shows
contents when 'Menu'[F2] key is pressed. After that user can choose menu
item and activate it with mouse or by hot key.
User menu file is a simple text file where each line define user command,
and hot key for it.
Format of the user menu string:
#Comments begin with this sign
Hot_key: Menu Item Name: command
Hot_key: Menu Item Name: command %s
Hot_key: Menu Item Name: command %s/%s
Hot_key: Menu Item Name: command %p(PWName)
Hot_key - any key that will be associated with command. For
example: 'F3', 'x', 'Escape'.
command - one or more command(s) separated with spaces.
%s - Current file without path.
%s/%s - Current file with full path. Command runs in opposite (inactive)
panel directory with full path filename from the current panel.
%p(PWName) - Shows Prompt Window with 'PWName' in Window title, waits
input and then execute command with this input.
To add/edit User menu file choose in upper menu 'Option' then 'Edit Menu
file'. Remember, if you are using external editor then you need to restart
xnc after the changes were made. |