PFE-SYSTEM system words - mostly posix
This file exports a set of system words for
a posixish OS environment. So should do
any alternative wordset you might create for your OS.
accessing shared libraries - only available for i386-linux
reference: p4_call_c in ../src/unix.c:0427, export CO CALL-C
accessing shared libraries - only available for i386-linux
reference: p4_uselibrary in ../src/unix.c:0369, export CO USELIBRARY
(LOADM) ( bstring -- sucess )
reference: p4_loadm2 in ../src/unix.c:0783, export CO (LOADM)
LOADM filename ( -- )
dlmap the shared object (or share an already mapped object)
and run the per-thread initialization code. This is the
user-convenient function, otherwise use (LOADM)
HERE (LOADM) 0= IF ." -- load failed: " HERE COUNT TYPE CR THEN ;
reference: p4_loadm in ../src/unix.c:0819, export CO LOADM
DLSYM symbolname ( -- address ) exec-only
- immediate
lookup the symbol that follows and leave the address (or null)
reference: p4_dlsym in ../src/unix.c:0832, export CI DLSYM
- immediate
no forth documentation available (p4_dlcall)
reference: p4_dlcall in ../src/unix.c:0857, export CI DLCALL
#! ... ( -- )
ignores the rest of the line,
defining `#!' is used to support forth scripts
executed by the unix kernel
reference: p4_ignore_line in ../src/unix.c:0892, export CO #!
CLOCK ( --- ticks )
return clock()
reference: clock in ../src/unix.c:0903, export CO CLOCK
- constant
CLOCKS_PER_SEC - usually one million ticks, but can be
very different on a specific system. Exported
as a constant. see CLOCK
reference: CLK_TCK in ../src/unix.c:0037, export OC CLK_TCK