A shooter class that shoots particles radially.
Public Methods-
META_Object(osgParticle, RadialShooter)
inline RadialShooter()
inline RadialShooter(const RadialShooter ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op)
inline const rangef& getThetaRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for theta angle
inline const rangef& getPhiRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for phi angle
inline const rangef& getInitialSpeedRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void setThetaRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for theta angle
inline void setThetaRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for theta angle
inline void setPhiRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for phi angle
inline void setPhiRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for phi angle
inline void setInitialSpeedRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void setInitialSpeedRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void shoot(Particle* P) const
- Shoot a particle.
Protected Methods-
virtual ~RadialShooter()
RadialShooter& operator=(const RadialShooter &)
Inherited from Shooter:
Public Methods-
virtual const char* libraryName() const
virtual const char* className() const
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
A shooter class that shoots particles radially.
This shooter computes the velocity vector of incoming particles by choosing a
random direction and a random speed. Both direction and speed are chosen within
specified ranges. The direction is defined by two angles: theta, which
is the angle between the velocity vector and the Z axis, and phi, which is
the angle between the X axis and the velocity vector projected onto the X-Y plane.
META_Object(osgParticle, RadialShooter)
virtual ~RadialShooter()
RadialShooter& operator=(const RadialShooter &)
inline RadialShooter()
inline RadialShooter(const RadialShooter ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op)
inline const rangef& getThetaRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for theta angle
inline const rangef& getPhiRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for phi angle
inline const rangef& getInitialSpeedRange() const
- Get the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void setThetaRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for theta angle
inline void setThetaRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for theta angle
inline void setPhiRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for phi angle
inline void setPhiRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for phi angle
inline void setInitialSpeedRange(const rangef &r)
- Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void setInitialSpeedRange(float r1, float r2)
- Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles
inline void shoot(Particle* P) const
- Shoot a particle. Do not call this method manually.
- This class has no child classes.
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