

GnomeAbout -- Display author, documenter and translator credits for an application.


#include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>

struct      GnomeAbout;
GtkWidget*  gnome_about_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar **documenters,
                                             const gchar *translator_credits,
                                             GdkPixbuf *logo_pixbuf);
void        gnome_about_construct           (GnomeAbout *about,
                                             const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar **documenters,
                                             const gchar *translator_credits,
                                             GdkPixbuf *logo_pixbuf);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GnomeAbout implements AtkImplementorIface.


  "authors"              GValueArray          : Write
  "comments"             gchararray           : Read / Write
  "copyright"            gchararray           : Read / Write
  "documenters"          GValueArray          : Write
  "logo"                 GdkPixbuf            : Write
  "name"                 gchararray           : Read / Write
  "translator-credits"   gchararray           : Read / Write
  "version"              gchararray           : Read / Write


The GnomeAbout widget is used as the standard way of displaying credits in an application. Typically, it will be called when a user selects the About... option from the Help menu. With one simple function call, the application can then display all of the appropriate information.


struct GnomeAbout

struct GnomeAbout;

A dialog box widget containing all of the relevant credit information and displaying as three notebook pages.

gnome_about_new ()

GtkWidget*  gnome_about_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar **documenters,
                                             const gchar *translator_credits,
                                             GdkPixbuf *logo_pixbuf);

Construct an application's credits box. The authors array cannot be empty and the translator_credits should be marked as a translatable string (so that only the translator for the currently active locale is displayed).

name :

The name of the application.

version :

The version string of the application.

copyright :

The application's copyright statement.

comments :

A short miscellaneous string.

authors :

An NULL terminated array of the application authors.

documenters :

An array of the application documenters.

translator_credits :

The translator for the current locale.

logo_pixbuf :

The application's logo.

Returns :

A new "About" dialog.

gnome_about_construct ()

void        gnome_about_construct           (GnomeAbout *about,
                                             const gchar *name,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar **documenters,
                                             const gchar *translator_credits,
                                             GdkPixbuf *logo_pixbuf);

Similar to gnome_about_new() except that the pre-existing about widget is used. Note that in this version of the function, authors is not checked to be non-NULL, so callers must be careful, since bad things will happen if this condition is not met.

about :

An existing GnomeAbout instance.

name :

The name of the application.

version :

The version string of the application.

copyright :

The application's copyright statement.

comments :

A short miscellaneous string.

authors :

An NULL terminated array of the application authors.

documenters :

An array of the application documenters.

translator_credits :

The translator for the current locale.

logo_pixbuf :

The application's logo.


"authors" (GValueArray : Write)

"comments" (gchararray : Read / Write)

"copyright" (gchararray : Read / Write)

"documenters" (GValueArray : Write)

"logo" (GdkPixbuf : Write)

"name" (gchararray : Read / Write)

"translator-credits" (gchararray : Read / Write)

"version" (gchararray : Read / Write)