
GimpThumbnail — The GimpThumbnail object


struct      GimpThumbnail;
GimpThumbnail* gimp_thumbnail_new           (void);
void        gimp_thumbnail_set_uri          (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *uri);
gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_set_filename     (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *filename,
                                             GError **error);
gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_set_from_thumb   (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *filename,
                                             GError **error);
GimpThumbState gimp_thumbnail_peek_image    (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail);
GimpThumbState gimp_thumbnail_peek_thumb    (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GimpThumbSize size);
GdkPixbuf*  gimp_thumbnail_load_thumb       (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GimpThumbSize size,
                                             GError **error);
gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_save_thumb       (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                                             const gchar *software,
                                             GError **error);
gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_save_failure     (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *software,
                                             GError **error);

Object Hierarchy



  "image-filesize"       gint64               : Read / Write
  "image-height"         gint                 : Read / Write
  "image-mtime"          gint64               : Read / Write
  "image-num-layers"     gint                 : Read / Write
  "image-state"          GimpThumbState       : Read / Write
  "image-type"           gchararray           : Read / Write
  "image-uri"            gchararray           : Read / Write
  "image-width"          gint                 : Read / Write
  "thumb-state"          GimpThumbState       : Read / Write



struct GimpThumbnail

struct GimpThumbnail;

All members of GimpThumbnail are private and should only be accessed using object properties.

gimp_thumbnail_new ()

GimpThumbnail* gimp_thumbnail_new           (void);

Creates a new GimpThumbnail object.

Returns : a newly allocated GimpThumbnail object

gimp_thumbnail_set_uri ()

void        gimp_thumbnail_set_uri          (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *uri);

Sets the location of the image file associated with the thumbnail.

All informations stored in the GimpThumbnail are reset.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
uri : an escaped URI in UTF-8 encoding

gimp_thumbnail_set_filename ()

gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_set_filename     (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *filename,
                                             GError **error);

Sets the location of the image file associated with the thumbnail.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
filename : a local filename in the encoding of the filesystem
error : return location for possible errors
Returns : TRUE if the filename was successfully set, FALSE otherwise

gimp_thumbnail_set_from_thumb ()

gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_set_from_thumb   (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *filename,
                                             GError **error);

This function tries to load the thumbnail file pointed to by filename and retrieves the URI of the original image file from it. This allows you to find the image file associated with a thumbnail file.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
filename : filename of a local thumbnail file
error : return location for possible errors
Returns : TRUE if the pixbuf could be loaded, FALSE otherwise

gimp_thumbnail_peek_image ()

GimpThumbState gimp_thumbnail_peek_image    (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail);

Checks the image file associated with the thumbnail and updates information such as state, filesize and modification time.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
Returns : the image's GimpThumbState after the update

gimp_thumbnail_peek_thumb ()

GimpThumbState gimp_thumbnail_peek_thumb    (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GimpThumbSize size);

Checks if a thumbnail file for the thumbnail exists. It doesn't load the thumbnail image and thus cannot check if the thumbnail is valid and uptodate for the image file asosciated with the thumbnail.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
size : the preferred size of the thumbnail image
Returns : the thumbnail's GimpThumbState after the update

gimp_thumbnail_load_thumb ()

GdkPixbuf*  gimp_thumbnail_load_thumb       (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GimpThumbSize size,
                                             GError **error);

Attempts to load a thumbnail preview for the image associated with thumbnail. Before you use this function you need need to set an image location using gimp_thumbnail_set_uri() or gimp_thumbnail_set_filename(). You can also peek at the thumb before loading it using gimp_thumbnail_peek_thumb.

This function will return the best matching pixbuf for the specified size. It returns the pixbuf as loaded from disk. It is left to the caller to scale it to the desired size. The returned pixbuf may also represent an outdated preview of the image file. In order to verify if the preview is uptodate, you should check the "thumb_state" property after calling this function.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
size : the preferred GimpThumbSize for the preview
error : return location for possible errors
Returns : a preview pixbuf or NULL if no thumbnail was found

gimp_thumbnail_save_thumb ()

gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_save_thumb       (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                                             const gchar *software,
                                             GError **error);

Saves a preview thumbnail for the image associated with thumbnail.

The caller is responsible for setting the image file location, it's filesize, modification time. One way to set this info is to is to call gimp_thumbnail_set_uri() followed by gimp_thumbnail_peek_image(). Since this won't work for remote images, it is left to the user of gimp_thumbnail_save_thumb() to do this or to set the information using the thumbnail object properties.

The image format type and the number of layers can optionally be set in order to be stored with the preview image.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
pixbuf : a GdkPixbuf representing the preview thumbnail
software : a string describing the software saving the thumbnail
error : return location for possible errors
Returns : TRUE if a thumbnail was successfully written, FALSE otherwise

gimp_thumbnail_save_failure ()

gboolean    gimp_thumbnail_save_failure     (GimpThumbnail *thumbnail,
                                             const gchar *software,
                                             GError **error);

Saves a failure thumbnail for the image associated with thumbnail. This is an empty pixbuf that indicates that an attempt to create a preview for the image file failed. It should be used to prevent the software from further attempts to create this thumbnail.

thumbnail : a GimpThumbnail object
software : a string describing the software saving the thumbnail
error : return location for possible errors
Returns : TRUE if a failure thumbnail was successfully written, FALSE otherwise


"image-filesize" (gint64 : Read / Write)

Size of the image file in bytes.

"image-height" (gint : Read / Write)

Height of the image in pixels.

"image-mtime" (gint64 : Read / Write)

Modification time of the image file in seconds since the Epoch.

"image-num-layers" (gint : Read / Write)

The number of layers in the image.

"image-state" (GimpThumbState : Read / Write)

State of the image associated to the thumbnail object.

"image-type" (gchararray : Read / Write)

String describing the type of the image format.

"image-uri" (gchararray : Read / Write)

URI of the image file.

"image-width" (gint : Read / Write)

Width of the image in pixels.

"thumb-state" (GimpThumbState : Read / Write)

State of the thumbnail file.