

gimppatterns -- 


gchar*      gimp_patterns_get_pattern_data  (gchar *name,
                                             gint *width,
                                             gint *height,
                                             gint *mask_bpp,
                                             gint *length,
                                             guint8 **mask_data);
gboolean    gimp_patterns_popup             (gchar *pattern_callback,
                                             gchar *popup_title,
                                             gchar *initial_pattern);
gboolean    gimp_patterns_close_popup       (gchar *pattern_callback);
gboolean    gimp_patterns_set_popup         (gchar *pattern_callback,
                                             gchar *pattern_name);



gimp_patterns_get_pattern_data ()

gchar*      gimp_patterns_get_pattern_data  (gchar *name,
                                             gint *width,
                                             gint *height,
                                             gint *mask_bpp,
                                             gint *length,
                                             guint8 **mask_data);

Retrieve information about the currently active pattern (including data).

This procedure retrieves information about the currently active pattern. This includes the pattern name, and the pattern extents (width and height). It also returns the pattern data.

name : the pattern name (\"\" means current active pattern).
width : The pattern width.
height : The pattern height.
mask_bpp : Pattern bytes per pixel.
length : Length of pattern mask data.
mask_data : The pattern mask data.
Returns : The pattern name.

gimp_patterns_popup ()

gboolean    gimp_patterns_popup             (gchar *pattern_callback,
                                             gchar *popup_title,
                                             gchar *initial_pattern);

Invokes the Gimp pattern selection.

This procedure popups the pattern selection dialog.

pattern_callback : The callback PDB proc to call when pattern selection is made.
popup_title : Title to give the pattern popup window.
initial_pattern : The name of the pattern to set as the first selected.
Returns : TRUE on success.

gimp_patterns_close_popup ()

gboolean    gimp_patterns_close_popup       (gchar *pattern_callback);

Popdown the Gimp pattern selection.

This procedure closes an opened pattern selection dialog.

pattern_callback : The name of the callback registered for this popup.
Returns : TRUE on success.

gimp_patterns_set_popup ()

gboolean    gimp_patterns_set_popup         (gchar *pattern_callback,
                                             gchar *pattern_name);

Sets the current pattern selection in a popup.

Sets the current pattern selection in a popup.

pattern_callback : The name of the callback registered for this popup.
pattern_name : The name of the pattern to set as selected.
Returns : TRUE on success.