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ObjectScript Java Development Environment for Emacs Venus Application Publisher SandMark: Software Watermarking for Java Byte code optimization Gretel - Residual Test Coverage Tool Poor Man's Genericity Mobile Code Security Through Java Byte-Code Modification Portable Resource Accounting for Java Funnel Static analysis of class libraries Kava: Reflective Java one.world - Programming for pervasive computing environments Sally: Simple Aspect Language AspectJ: Aspect-oriented Java Brakes: Thread serialization Transformations for Model Checking Distributed Java Programs Ozone Data base Method tracing tool JMangler Barat compiler framework Java code coverage tool for JUnit Prolog JHEAT Import Scrubber jBackBrowse Related Projects JOIE: The Java Object Instrumentation Environment Jasmin Assembler BIT: Bytecode Instrumenting Tool CFParse JikesBT gnu.bytecode package JTrek