CII Installation Guide
David R.
Hanson, Microsoft Research
Installation on UNIX
Installation on Windows 95/NT
Reporting Bugs
Keeping in Touch
This page describes how to install the software from my book C Interfaces and
Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software (Addison-Wesley
Professional Computing Series, 1997, ISBN 0-201-49841-3). A CII distribution
includes the following files and directories.
The CII distributions are numbered X.Y where X is the
major release number and Y is the minor release number. Starting with
major release 1, minor releases fix bugs and perhaps make improvements, but do
not change interfaces. The interfaces and the compiled library
are compatible with earlier and later minor releases; for example, a program
compiled with the 1.3 release is compatible with release 1.8 and vice versa.
Major releases occur when one or more interfaces are changed or extended, or
when new interfaces are added.
It's usually best to follow a similar naming scheme when installing CII so
that programs compiled with one major release can be recompiled even after a
subsequent major release has been installed. The minor release number can be
omitted. On UNIX, for example, this convention can be accomplished by installing
the interfaces in, say,
/usr/local/lib/cii/ X/include , where X
is the major release number, and installing the library, libcii.a ,
/usr/local/lib/cii/ X/libcii.a .
At UNIX sites with multiple platforms (architectures and OSes) and a single
/usr/local hierarchy, the library can be installed in a
platform-specific location below /usr/local/cii/ X, e.g.,
/usr/local/lib/cii/ X/alpha-osf/libcii.a .
The interfaces are machine independent and thus don't need platform-specific
locations. Similar conventions can be used on Windows 95/NT.
Following this scheme permits the actual installation locations to be
confined to specifying prefixes, like /usr/local/lib/cii/ X/include
/usr/local/lib/cii/ X/ , in makefiles;
programs can include interfaces by giving just the names of their header files.
On UNIX systems, it's also useful to plant release-independent symbol link
to the latest CII release, e.g., make /usr/local/include/cii point
to /usr/local/lib/cii/ X/include and
/usr/local/lib/libcii.a point to /usr/local/lib/cii/ X/libcii.a .
NB: If you use several compilers, you may need
compiler-specific variants of libcii.a , and thus use platform
names that denote a specific architecture, OS, and compiler.
For example, the Text interface uses small structures and passes them by value,
and, on some platforms, one C compiler might generate code for src/text.c
that is incompatible with another compiler. This problem is not specific to CII;
it can occur with any library.
The installation makefile is designed so that CII can be installed from a
read-only file system or directory, which is common in networked environments,
so the distribution can be unloaded on a central file server. If you're
installing CII on a UNIX system, continue with the next section. If you're
installing CII on a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 system, read the next section
first, then follow the Windows NT/95 instructions.
The CII components (include files and the library) are installed in a single
build directory. On multi-platform systems supported by a central file
server, it's common to store the build directory in a location specific to the
platform and to the version of CII, as suggested above. For example,
installation on a UNIX system involves the following steps. Below, the build
directory is referred to as BUILDDIR , and the commands shown
assume the distribution directory is the current working directory.
- Create the build directory, using a version- and platform-specific naming
convention as suggested above, and record the name of this directory in the
BUILDDIR environment variable:
% setenv BUILDDIR /usr/local/lib/cii/1/alpha-osf
% mkdir -p $BUILDDIR Here and below, commands assume the C
shell. Also, you'll need a version of mkdir that supports the
-p option, which creates intermediate directories as necessary.
- Create the include directory in the build directory, and copy the include
% mkdir $BUILDDIR/include
% cp -p include/*.h $BUILDDIR/include Some users create a
symbolic link to the include directory in the distribution instead of making
repeated copies of the include files. For example, at Princeton, the
distributions are stored under /proj/pkg/cii, so the include files are
"installed" by creating one symbolic link:
% ln -s /proj/pkg/cii/1.1/include $BUILDDIR/include
- Build everything using the appropriate make command for your environment:
ALPHA OSF/1 V3.2A: |
% make CC='cc -std1 -Dalpha' AS='as -Dalpha' |
MIPS IRIX 6.2: |
% make |
MIPS Ultrix 4.3: |
% gmake CC=gcc LD=gcc |
SPARC SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris) |
% make -k THREADS= |
X86 Linux/Slackware 3.3 |
% make CC='cc -DMAXALIGN=8' AS='cc -c -x assembler-with-cpp
-traditional' | This command builds, in
BUILDDIR , libcii.a , memchk.o , and the
examples. There may be some warnings on some platforms. The assignment THREADS=
appears on those platforms for which there is no Thread implementation. On these
platforms, examples that use Thread won't link correctly, so use the -k
option cause make to keep going. MAXALIGN is explained in history.html .
are implementations of the similarly named ANSI library functions. These are
included in the distribution because some of them are implemented incorrectly
on some UNIX platforms. The corresponding object files are assigned to EXTRAS ;
if some of these functions are implemented correctly on your system, you can
omit the CII versions by either editing libcii.a , or including the
appropriate assignment to
EXTRAS , e.g.,
% make EXTRAS=$BUILDDIR/memcmp.o
- The
makefile includes the file named
by the CUSTOM macro; the default is custom.mk , and
an empty
custom.mk is included in the distribution. If desired, prepare a
site-specific customization file and define CUSTOM to the path of
that file when invoking make in the previous step. For example, on the ALPHA, I
use osf.mk :
% cat osf.mk
CC=cc -std1 -Dalpha
AS=as -Dalpha
% make CUSTOM=osf.mk
- Run a few of the test programs, e.g.,
% $BUILDDIR/wf <makefile
% $BUILDDIR/sieve and then clean up:
% make clean This command removes everything except
include and libcii.a . If you want to leave memchk.o
installed, rebuild it, e.g.,
% make $BUILDDIR/memchk.o make clobber
removes everything from BUILDDIR .
- If desired, plant release-independent symbolic links to the include
directory and to the installed library, e.g.,
% ln -s $BUILDDIR/include /usr/local/include/cii
% ln -s $BUILDDIR/libcii.a /usr/local/lib/libcii.a
On Windows NT or Windows 95, you can use a directory organization similar to
the one described above for UNIX as follows. The commands below assume the
distribution is rooted at C:\dist and that the C compiler is
Microsoft Visual C/C++ 5.0.
- Create the build directory and set
C:\dist>set BUILDDIR=\lib\cii\1
C:\dist>mkdir %BUILDDIR% Change the assignment to BUILDDIR
to suit your local conventions.
- Create the include directory in the build directory, and copy the include
C:\dist>mkdir %BUILDDIR%\include
C:\dist>copy include\*.h %BUILDDIR%\include
- Build everything using
nmake :
C:\dist>nmake -f makefile.nt BUILDDIR=%BUILDDIR% This
command builds, in BUILDDIR , libcii.lib , libcii.pdb ,
memchk.obj , and the examples. The default BUILDDIR
\lib\cii\1 , so the assignment to BUILDDIR above can
be omitted if you use this default.
- Run a few of the test programs, e.g.,
C:\dist>%BUILDDIR%\wf <makefile
C:\dist>%BUILDDIR%\sieve and then clean up:
C:\dist>nmake -f makefile.nt BUILDDIR=%BUILDDIR% clean This
command removes everything except
include , libcii.a , and libcii.pdb . If
you want to leave memchk.obj installed, rebuild it, e.g.,
C:\dist>nmake -f makefile.nt BUILDDIR=%BUILDDIR% %BUILDDIR%\memchk.obj make
clobber removes everything from BUILDDIR
src\libcii.def is a module definition file for the CII
library. To create a DLL instead of a statically linked library, execute
C:\dist>nmake -f makefile.nt BUILDDIR=%BUILDDIR% libcii.dll This
command creates %BUILDDIR%\libcii.dll , overwrites
%BUILDDIR%\libcii.lib with the import library, and creates the
export library %BUILDDIR%\libcii.exp . If you use libcii.dll ,
you'll need to move it to a directory on your PATH .
Some users copy the include and library files into their Visual C/C++ 5.0
distribution, e.g.,
C:\dist>mkdir "\Program Files\DevStudio\VC\include\cii"
C:\dist>copy include\*.h "\Program Files\DevStudio\VC\include\cii"
C:\dist>copy %BUILDDIR%\libcii.* "\Program Files\DevStudio\VC\lib"
Devise the shortest possible example program that elicits the bug. Prune
your example until it can be pruned no more without sending the error into
hiding. I prune most error demonstrations to only a few lines. Annotate your
example with C comments that describe the bug and your suggested fix, if you
have one. If the example crashes, please report the last part of the call chain
if you can.
Send your example by electronic mail to cii-bugs@cs.princeton.edu
and to drh@microsoft.com . Please send only valid C programs; put
all remarks in C comments so that I can process reports semiautomatically.
There is a mailing list for general information about CII. To be added to
the list, send a message with the 1-line body
subscribe cii
to majordomo@cs.princeton.edu. This line must appear in the
message body; "Subject:" lines are ignored. To learn more about
mailing lists served by majordomo, send a message with the 1-word body
"help" to majordomo@cs.princeton.edu. Mail sent
to cii@cs.princeton.edu is forwarded to everyone on the mailing list.
There is also an cii-bugs mailing list for reporting bugs;
subscribe to it by sending a message with the 1-line body
subscribe cii-bugs
to majordomo@cs.princeton.edu. Mail addressed to
cii-bugs@cs.princeton.edu is forwarded to everyone on this list.
David Hanson /