NAMEidevem - reads an I-DEAS universal fileSYNOPSIS
PURPOSEI-DEAS is a program for the pre- and postprocessing of the FEM (in structural analysis). The generation of the FEM mesh is supported by graphical equipment. The solutions can be plotted. The interface to FEM programs is the I-DEAS universal file, which contains all information of the mesh. idevem reads a universal file on the first process and distributes the mesh to the processes. The element groups are created from the geometrical properties of the elements. The physical property table number assigned to the elements during the mesh generation by I-DEAS is stored as the second integer vector parameter and allows to refere a material table (not the I-DEAS table). The node forces form the group of the nodal elements (CLASS=0) and the nodal displacements specify the geometrical nodes with Dirichlet conditions. The force components and the values of the displacements are stored as vector parameters. The interface supports only isoparametrical meshes. For the use of mixed finite element methods I-DEAS can be used to create a geometrical mesh. From this mesh the mixed finite element mesh can be created by vemgen(later) or vemge2. idevem can be called without a preceding vemdis call, but you have to call vemdis before you call any other VECFEM routine. ARGUMENTS
EXAMPLESee vemexamples.METHODOn the first process idevem passes through the I-DEAS universal file twice. In the first pass the program checks the universal file and computes the needed length for the mesh arrays. In the second pass idevem reads the mesh data and distributes the mesh to the other processes so that the mesh arrays are occupied evenly.The NodesIf DIM=3, idevem reads the x-,y- and z-coordinates from the I-DEAS universal file. If DIM=2, only the x- and y-coordinates are read, and if DIM=1, only the x-coordinate is read.The ElementsThe following table shows all I-DEAS element types which can be read by idevem (TN : Thin Shell; SOL : Solid):
Example: You create a mesh volume with the solid cubic wedge (24 nodes) using the physical property table 5. Then idevem creates at least one group with: GEOTYP = 24 FORM = 6 CLASS = 3 first integer vector parameter = element number in I-DEAS second integer vector parameter = 5 Nodal ForcesNodal elements (CLASS=0) are created from the nodal forces. They form one group. The load set id number is stored as the first integer vector parameter. There is no element number. Additionally the six force components are stored as real vector parameters. So the components in x-direction are stored as the first real vector parameter, the y-components are the second real vector parameter and so on up to the sixth real vector parameter.Example: Create a nodal force with: X-force = 1.0 Y-force = 2.0 Z-force = 3.0 X-moment = 0.0 Y-moment = 0.0 Z-moment = 0.0 I-DEAS lays down these nodal forces in the current structural load set. If a structural load set was created, I-DEAS generates a load set number (LNUM). first integer vector parameter = LNUM first real vector parameter = 1.0 second real vector parameter = 2.0 third real vector parameter = 3.0 fourth real vector parameter = 0.0 fifth real vector parameter = 0.0 sixth real vector parameter = 0.0 Dirichlet Conditions COMP6=0The nodal displacements in the restraint sets specify the nodes where Dirichlet conditions are dictated. So the nodal displacement in x-direction specifies the Dirichlet conditions for the first component of the solution, the y-direction specifies the Dirichlet conditions for the second component of the solution, and so on up to the NK-th component of the solution. All restraint sets are considered and their restraint set numbers are stored as the first integer vector parameter. Additionally the values of the nodal displacement components are stored as real vector parameters. So the value of the nodal displacement in x-direction is the first real vector parameter for component 1, the value of the nodal displacement in y-direction is the real vector parameter for component 2 and so on up to the NK-th component.Example: Create a nodal restraint set with: X-translation = 1.0 Y-translation = free Z-translation = 3.0 X-rotation = 0.0 Y-rotation = 0.0 Z-rotation = 0.0I-DEAS lays down these nodal restraints in the current restraint set. If a restraint set was created, I-DEAS generates a restraint set number (RNUM).
first integer vector parameter = RNUM for component 1 first integer vector parameter = RNUM for component 3 first integer vector parameter = RNUM for component 4 first integer vector parameter = RNUM for component 5 first integer vector parameter = RNUM for component 6 first real vector parameter = 1.0 for component 1 first real vector parameter = 3.0 for component 3 first real vector parameter = 0.0 for component 4 first real vector parameter = 0.0 for component 5 first real vector parameter = 0.0 for component 6 Dirichlet COMP6=1The nodal displacements in the restraint sets specify the nodes where Dirichlet conditions are dictated. The nodal displacement in x-direction in the restraint set RNUM specifies the Dirichlet conditions of the RNUM-th component of the solution. Additionally the value of the nodal displacement in x-direction is the first real vector parameter for component RNUM.Example: Create nodal restraint sets with: restraint set 1 X-Translation = 1.0 restraint set 2 X-Translation = 5.0 restraint set 3 X-Translation = 8.0There is no integer vector parameter. first real vector parameter = 1.0 for component 1 first real vector parameter = 5.0 for component 2 first real vector parameter = 8.0 for component 3 REFERENCES[FAQ], [DATAMAN], [DATAMAN2], [P_MPI], [I-DEAS].SEE ALSOVECFEM, vemcompile, vemrun, vemhint, mesh, vemexamples, idve97,veid97, veid99, vemide, vemgen(later), vemge2COPYRIGHTSProgram by C. Stocker, L. Grosz, 1991-1996. Copyrights by Universitaet Karlsruhe 1989-1996. Copyrights by Lutz Grosz 1996. All rights reserved. More details see VECFEM. by L. Grosz, Auckland , Thursday, June 08, 2000. |