VECFEM3 Reference Manual: vemcompileType: command NAMEvemcompile - compiles a VECFEM FORTRAN program SYNOPSISvemcompile <workpiece> [<target_file>] PURPOSEvemcompile compiles the FORTRAN program <workpiece>.f, which calls subroutines of the VECFEM (e.g. generated by vembuild or xvem). The default output file is the executable a.out, which can be started via vemrun. The optional parameter <target_file> specifies the name of the executable program. If <target_file> is not specified, the executable gets the name 'a.out'. In the vemcompile has to be called from the ksh shell. EXAMPLESBy entering ~> vemcompile pde into the shell pde.f is compiled and it is produced a.out. VARIABLESThe following variables are set by the executable script 'vempfade', which has be located in the path of executables (see PATH-variable). The following six variables has to be set by vempfade:
REMARKIn fact vemcompile executes the command ~> f77 -I $(VECFEM_ROOT)\include\$(VECFEM_ARCH) -L $(VECFEM_ROOT)\$(VECFEM_ARCH) -I $(VECFEM_ROOT)\$(VECFEM_ARCH) -lVECFEM3 pde.f to compile pde.f . SEEVECFEM, xvem, vembuild, vemrun, vemhint COPYRIGHTSProgram by L. Grosz, 1994-1996 Copyrights by Universitaet Karlsruhe 1989-1996. Copyrights by Lutz Grosz 1996. All rights reserved. More details see VECFEM.. |