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Chapter 6. Running the Maintenance Interface (zebraidx)

The following is a complete reference to the command line interface to the zebraidx application.


   $ zebraidx [options] command [directory] ...

-t type

Update all files as type. Currently, the types supported are text and grs.subtype. If no subtype is provided for the GRS (General Record Structure) type, the canonical input format is assumed (see the Section called Local Representation in Chapter 8). Generally, it is probably advisable to specify the record types in the zebra.cfg file (see the Section called Record Types in Chapter 5), to avoid confusion at subsequent updates.

-c config-file

Read the configuration file config-file instead of zebra.cfg.

-g group

Update the files according to the group settings for group (see the Section called The Zebra Configuration File in Chapter 5).

-d database

The records located should be associated with the database name database for access through the Z39.50 server.

-l file

Write log messages to file instead of stderr.

-m mbytes

Use mbytes of memory before flushing keys to background storage. This setting affects performance when updating large databases.


Disable the use of shadow registers for this operation (see the Section called Safe Updating - Using Shadow Registers in Chapter 5).


Show analysis of the indexing process. The maintenance program works in a read-only mode and doesn't change the state of the index. This options is very useful when you wish to test a new profile.


Show Zebra version.

-v level

Set the log level to level. level should be one of none, debug, and all.


update directory

Update the register with the files contained in directory. If no directory is provided, a list of files is read from stdin. See Chapter 5.

delete directory

Remove the records corresponding to the files found under directory from the register.


Write the changes resulting from the last update commands to the register. This command is only available if the use of shadow register files is enabled (see the Section called Safe Updating - Using Shadow Registers in Chapter 5).