
xmbase-grok was born as ``grok'', but the name was changed later to this more descriptive variation. It is a simple desktop database manager, intended to manage small databases such as phone lists, diaries, todo lists, URL lists, etc. A user interface builder is integrated in grok to allow customization of the presentation of the data in the main window. A variety of user interface elements such as text entry fields, checkbuttons, function buttons, and bar charts ca be placed in the database-dependent part of the main window, called the card. grok comes with a selection of pre-built applications.

The database itself is organized in a table with rows and columns of strings. A card presents one row of the database. For example, the phone list stores one person per row, with various columns for name, address, phone number, and so on.

In addition top the card, the main window also displays a scrollable summary listing containing one line per card, allowing fast lookup of cards. Pressing on a line in the summary puts the corresponding row into the card part of the window. The main window also contains controls for searching of cards, and for adding and deleting cards. There are several methods for searching: by keyword, using the built-in query language, or using customizable standard queries.

This chapter is intended as a user manual. For details on the implementation of databases, and for advanced operations such as building new applications with grok, refer to the chapter ``Creating and Editing Forms''.

Starting grok

From the command line, grok can be started as grok with no arguments. This will bring up an empty card; a database must then be chosen from the Database pulldown. The database to load can be specified on the command line, such as grok phone.

The -t, -T, and -p options allow queries printed to stdout, without starting the interactive graphical user interface. Queries may use simple keyword lookups, or may use the query language:

     grok -t phone thomas
     grok -t todo '({_status == "t"} && {_assigned == user})'

For details on the query language used in the second example, refer to the ``Expression Grammar'' chapter. The first example looks for the given keyword; case distinctions are ignored. The author of the application controls which columns of the database are searched for keywords. Note the single quotes enclosing the query to protect blanks, parentheses, and double quotes from the shell.

grok supports the following command-line options: grok [options] [database ['query']]

The Main Window

When grok is started, it presents a four-part window: a search area for entering keywords and query expressions, the summary, the card, and a row of buttons for creating, deleting, and modifying cards. There is also a menu bar with pulldown menus.

When grok is started up without arguments, it is first necessary to choose the database to display from the Database pulldown. This pulldown presents all files in the ~/.grok directory that end with the extension .gf, with the extension removed. (If a new database is created, it is not necessary to choose a database, see next chapter.) Sometimes, the Database pulldown shows some databases more than once. The reason is usually that the database is found in two different places or using different paths; the duplicates can be eliminated by enabling the ``Don't show duplicate databases'' in the preferences menu available under the ``File'' pulldown.

The next step is choosing a section of the database. Not all databases have section; if the Section pulldown in the menu bar is grayed out, this step can be omitted. grok normally loads its string table containing the cards from a file ending with the extension .db, usually with the same directory and root name as the .gf file. If this .db file is a directory, grok recursively loads all files ending with .db in this directory, and combines them into one database in memory. Each file becomes a section. By default, all sections are displayed after loading a database, but the Section pulldown allows restricting the summary listing to a single section (file). To create a new section, choose ``New...'' in the Section pulldown; if the database did not have sections until now all its cards are put into the new section. Otherwise, the new section is created empty. There is no way to delete sections, other than using a shell to delete the file named sectionname.db in the database directory.

The main window now displays all cards in the chosen database, or section of the database if chosen, in the summary listing. To display any card listed in the summary, press on this line. The card appears in the bottom part of the window and can now be edited (unless the database file was read-only, or the application author has restricted write access). Text entry fields normally have a pink background; read-only text fields have a gray background.

There is a special multi-line version of text entry field called a note, which always has a gray background regardless of its writable status. On some systems it is necessary to press in the upper left corner of the inset area, or on already existing text to get a cursor.

Below the card, there are buttons to skip to the next or previous card, to create a new card (New), to duplicate the currently displayed card, or to delete the currently displayed card. New cards may be created with defaults specified by the application designer. If the database has sections, there is an additional buttons that moves the card into a different section.

grok can optionally display a row of letter buttons below the summary area that restrict the summary to display only cards whose first text field begins with the selected letter. Case is not distinguished; leading white space and punctuation is ignored. The row of letter buttons can be enabled or disabled with the ``Enable search by initial letter'' mode in the preferences menu that can be called with the ``Preferences'' choice in the ``File'' pulldown. The ``Letter search checks all words'' mode in the same menu extends the letter search to check all words in the first text field of each card, instead of just the first.

Searches and Queries

The Search text entry field near the top of the window allows entry of a search string. Case is not significant. The entire string is searched for; the number of blanks and punctuation is significant. The search string is not a sequence of keywords. This type of search is equivalent to what the Unix command fgrep -i does.

More sophisticated queries can be performed by entering a query expression beginning with ( or {. For a description of the syntax and the difference between parenthesized and braced expressions, the the ``Expression Grammar'' chapter. To get a feel for expressions, enable ``Show query search expressions'' in the preferences menu and choose a canned query from the ``Query'' pulldown. The query expression will be shown in the Search text field and can then be edited there.

The Query pulldown always begins with the ``All'' choice that puts all cards in the database, or all cards in the current section if one was selected with the Section pulldown, into the summary listing. The application designer may predefine canned queries (using the ``Queries'' button in the form editor) that appear in the Query pulldown.

If the ``Incremental searches and queries'' mode in the preferences menu is enabled, each new search or query only checks the cards already in the summary, thus narrowing the previous search or query. To return to a complete listing, choose ``All'' in the Query pulldown. If the incremental mode is disabled, all cards are checked.


The File pulldown has a ``Print...'' choice that pops up the printing menu. It allows selecting the cards to print, the output format, the output quality, and the output device. Medium quality uses overstrike Ascii to simulate boldfacing and underlining as supported by many programs such as more and most printer drivers. It uses character-backspace-character or underbar-backspace-character sequences to highlight field names and header lines.

If ``Printer'' is chosen as output device, the printout is sent to the Unix command line specified in the preferences menu. Typical print spooler strings are ``lp'' (on System V) or ``lpr'' (on BSD systems). It is also possible to enter shell commands such as ``cat > /dev/tty''. The PostScript printer is specified separately because a RIP program or special lp options may have to be specified; this is currently not used because the ``PostScript'' quality choice in the print menu is not yet implemented.


The File pulldown also has an ``Export...'' choice that pops up the Export menu. Exporting means creating one or more files that contain the data in the current database, or a subset of this data, in a particular format controlled by a template. There are built-in templates that create HTML (world-wide web) pages from the database. It is also possible to write custom templates. For details, see the chapter ``Template Exports''.


When a database is changed, the changes are not immediately written to the database file (with the .db extension). It is written when ``Save'' or ``Quit'' in the File pulldown is chosen, or when a new database is chosen from the Database pulldown. Under mwm-based window managers, double-clicking the top left corner button in the window decoration also saves, but there may be window managers that do not support the necessary WM protocols for this. The status line below the search text field displays ``(modified)'' if the database has been changed but not written back.

Note that grok does not attempt to sequence database accesses. It does not protect databases against simultaneous accesses. Although standard file locking is used during read and write operations (which may or may not work across NFS), nobody stops two users from reading the same file, then both modifying it, and writing it back; one of the two changes will be lost.

A useful feature is the ``Current database'' choice in the Help pulldown. It lists all known information about the current database, including the names and paths of all loaded files and their sizes.

In case of trouble, it is strongly recommended to read the other help texts available under the Help pulldown, especially the ``Troubleshooting'' section. The Help pulldown will only work if the grok.hlp file is installed in the directory specified in the GLIB macro in the Makefile (Imakefile, or Makefile.alt), by default /usr/local/lib.