rope<T, Alloc>
Category: containers |
Component type: type |
Ropes are a scalable string implementation: they are designed
for efficient operation that involve the string as a whole. Operations
such as assignment, concatenation, and substring take time that is
nearly independent of the length of the string. Unlike C strings,
ropes are a reasonable representation for very long strings such as
edit buffers or mail messages. [1]
Though ropes can be treated as Containers of characters, and are
almost Sequences, this is rarely the most efficient way to
accomplish a task. Replacing an individual character in a rope is
slow: each character replacement essentially consists of two substring
operations followed by two concatenation operations. Ropes
primarily target a more functional programming style.
They differ from vector<char> or reference-counted string
implementations in the following ways.
Much faster concatenation and substring operations involving long
strings. Inserting a character in the middle of a 10 megabyte rope
should take on the order of 10s of microseconds, even if a copy of the
original is kept, e.g. as part of an edit history. In contrast,
this would take on the order of a second for conventional "flat"
string representation. The time required for concatenation can be
viewed as constant for most applications. It is perfectly reasonable
to use a rope as the representation of a file inside a text editor.
Potentially much better space performance. Minor modifications of a
rope can share memory with the original. Ropes are allocated in small
chunks, significantly reducing memory fragmentation problems introduced
by large blocks.
Assignment is simply a (possibly reference counted) pointer
assignment. Unlike reference-counted copy-on-write implementations,
this remains largely true even if one of the copies is subsequently
slightly modified. It is very inexpensive to checkpoint old versions
of a string, e.g. in an edit history.
It is possible to view a function producing characters as a rope. Thus
a piece of a rope may be a 100MByte file, which is read only when that section
of the string is examined. Concatenating a string to the end of such a file
does not involve reading the file. (Currently the implementation of this
facility is incomplete.)
Single character replacements in a rope are expensive. A character
update requires time roughly logarithmic in the length of the string.
It is implemented as two substring operations followed by two
A rope can be examined a character at a time through a
const_iterator in amortized constant time, as for
vector<char>. However this is slower than for
vector<char> by a significant constant factor (roughly a factor
of 5 or 10 if little processing is done on each character and the
string is long). Nonconst iterators involve additional checking, and
are hence a bit slower still. (We expect that eventually some common
algorithms will be specialized so that this cost is not encountered.
Currently only output, conversion to a C string, and the
single-character find member function are treated in this way.)
Iterators are on the order of a dozen words in size. This means that
copying them, though not tremendously expensive, is not a trivial
operation. Avoid postincrementing iterators; use preincrement
whenever possible. (The interface also provides primitives for
indexing into a string using integer character positions. Passing
positions around is clearly much cheaper, but this makes the indexing
operation expensive, again roughly logarithmic in the length of the
Experience with previous implementations for other programming
languages suggests that ropes are a good choice as the normal or
default representation of strings in a program. It will occasionally
be necessary to use some type of character array, such as
vector<char>, in places that are particularly sensitive to the
performance of traversals or in-place updates. But the use of ropes
minimizes the number of cases in which program running times become
intolerable due to unexpectedly long string inputs.
A rope is almost, but not quite, a Sequence. It supports random
access const_iterators. Forward or backward traversals take constant
time per operation. Nonconstant iterators are also provided.
However, assignment through a nonconst iterator is an expensive
operation (basically logarithmic time, but with a large constant). It
should be avoided in frequently executed code.
In order to discourage accidental use of expensive operations,
the begin and end member functions on ropes return const_iterator.
If non-const iterators are desired, the member functions
mutable_begin and mutable_end should be used.
Any modification of a rope invalidates const iterators referring to
the rope. Mutable iterators refer to the same position in the same
rope after an update. (This may be surprising if the iterators refers
to a position after an insertion point.) They remain valid unless the
iterator refers to a position that is more than one past the end of the
resulting rope.
Defined in the header rope, and in the backward-compatibility
header rope.h. The rope class, and the rope header, are SGI
extensions; they are not part of the C++ standard.
crope r(1000000, 'x'); // crope is rope<char>. wrope is rope<wchar_t>
// Builds a rope containing a million 'x's.
// Takes much less than a MB, since the
// different pieces are shared.
crope r2 = r + "abc" + r; // concatenation; takes on the order of 100s
// of machine instructions; fast
crope r3 = r2.substr(1000000, 3); // yields "abc"; fast.
crope r4 = r2.substr(1000000, 1000000); // also fast.
reverse(r2.mutable_begin(), r2.mutable_end());
// correct, but slow; may take a
// minute or more.
Template parameters
The rope's value type: usually char or wchar_t. [2]
The rope's allocator, used for all internal memory management.
Model of
Random Access Container. Almost, but not quite, a model of
Front Insertion Sequence and Back Insertion Sequence.
Type requirements
None, except for those imposed by the requirements of
Random Access Container.
Public base classes
Where defined
The rope's value type T, usually char or wchar_t.
A signed integral type.
An unsigned integral type.
Reference to a rope element. [3]
Const reference to T. [3]
Pointer to T. [3]
Const pointer to T. [3]
Reversible Container
Const iterator used to iterate backwards through a rope.
Reversible Container
Mutable iterator used to iterate backwards through a rope.
Mutable random access iterator used to iterate through a rope.
Const random access iterator used to iterate through a rope.
rope(const charT* s)
Constructs a rope from a C string.
rope(const charT* s, size_t n)
Constructs a rope from a (not necessarily null-terminated)
array of charT.
rope(const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
Creates a rope with a copy of a range.
rope(const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Creates a rope with a copy of a range.
rope(const charT* f, const charT* l)
Creates a rope with a copy of a range.
rope(charT c)
Single-character constructor.
Default constructor.
rope(char_producer<charT>*, size_t, bool)
See below.
rope(const rope& x)
The copy constructor.
The destructor.
rope& operator=(const rope&x)
The assignment operator.
void swap(rope& x)
Swaps the contents of two ropes.
size_type size() const
Returns the size of the rope.
size_type length() const
Same as size
size_type max_size() const
Size of longest rope guaranteed to be representable.
bool empty() const
Equivalent to size() == 0.
const_iterator begin() const
Returns an const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the rope.
const_iterator end() const
Returns an const_iterator pointing to the end of the rope.
iterator mutable_begin()
Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the rope.
iterator mutable_end()
Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the rope.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Reversible Container
Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the
reversed rope
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Reversible Container
Returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the
reversed rope
iterator mutable_rbegin()
Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the
reversed rope.
iterator mutable_rend()
Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the
reversed rope.
charT operator[](size_type n) const
Random Access Container
Returns the n'th element.
charT at(size_type pos) const
Random Access Container
Returns the n'th element.
reference mutable_reference_at(size_type n)
Returns a reference to the nth element.
int compare(const rope&) const
Three-way comparison. See below.
charT front() const
Returns the first element.
charT back() const
Back Insertion Sequence
Returns the last element.
void push_front()
Front Insertion Sequence
Inserts a new element at the front.
void push_back(charT)
Back Insertion Sequence
Inserts a new element at the end.
void pop_front()
Front Insertion Sequence
Removes the first element.
void pop_back()
Back Insertion Sequence
Removes the last element.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const rope& x)
Inserts the contents of x before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, charT c)
Inserts c before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p)
Inserts charT() before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, size_t n, charT c)
Inserts n copies of c before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const charT* s)
Inserts a C string before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const charT* s, size_t n)
Inserts a (not necessarily null-terminated)
array of charT before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const charT* f, const char* l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p,
const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p,
const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before p.
void insert(size_t i, const rope& x)
Inserts the contents of x before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, charT c)
Inserts the character c before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i)
Inserts the character charT() before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, size_t n, charT c)
Inserts n copies of c before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* s)
Inserts a C string before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* s, size_t n)
Inserts a (not necessarily null-terminated)
array of charT before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* f, const charT* l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i,
const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i,
const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) before the ith element.
void erase(const iterator& p)
Erases the element pointed to by p.
void erase(const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Erases the range [f, l).
void erase(size_t i, size_t n)
Erases n elements, starting with the ith element.
append(const charT* s)
Appends a C string.
append(const charT* s, size_t)
Appends a (not necessarily null-terminated) array of charT.
append(const charT* f, const charT* l)
Appends a range.
append(charT c)
Appends the character c.
Appends the character charT().
append(size_t n, charT c)
Appends n copies of c.
append(const rope& x)
Appends the rope x.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, const rope&)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, charT)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, const charT* s)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l,
const charT* s, size_t n)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const charT* f2, const charT* l2)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const const_iterator& f2, const const_iterator& l2)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const iterator& f2, const iterator& l2)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p, const rope& x)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p, charT c)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p, const charT* s)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p, const charT* s, size_t n)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p,
const charT* f, const charT* l)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p,
const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
See below.
void replace(const iterator& p,
iterator f, iterator l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, const rope& x)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, const charT* s, size_t n)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, charT c)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, const charT* s)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const charT* f, const charT* l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const const_iterator& f,
const const_iterator& l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const iterator& f,
const iterator& l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, charT c)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, const rope& x)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, const charT* s)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, const charT* s, size_t n)
See below.
void replace(size_t i, const charT* f, const charT* l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i,
const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
See below.
void replace(size_t i,
const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
See below.
rope substr(iterator f) const
See below.
rope substr(const_iterator f) const
See below.
rope substr(iterator f, iterator l) const
See below.
rope substr(const_iterator f, const_iterator l) const
See below.
rope substr(size_t i, size_t n = 1) const
See below.
void copy(charT* buf) const
Copies a rope into an array of charT.
size_type copy(size_type pos, size_type n,
charT* buf)
Copies a rope into an array of charT.
const charT* c_str() const
See below.
void delete_c_str()
See below.
rope operator+(const rope& L, const rope&R)
Concatenates L and R. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, const rope& R)
Appends R to L. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope operator+(const rope& L, const charT* s)
Concatenates L and s. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, const charT* s)
Appends s to L. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope operator+(const rope& L, charT c)
Concatenates L and c. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, charT c)
Appends c to L. This is a global function, not
a member function.
bool operator<(const rope&, const rope&)
Forward Container
Lexicographical comparison. This is a global function, not
a member function.
bool operator==(const rope&, const rope*)
Forward Container
Tests two ropes for equality. This is a global function, not
a member function.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, rope x)
Outputs x to the stream os. This is a global function, not
a member function.
New members
These members are not defined in the
Random Access Container requirements, but are specific to rope:
rope(const charT* s)
Constructs a rope from a C string. The rope consists of the
sequence of characters starting with *s up to, but not including,
the first null character.
rope(const charT* s, size_t n)
Constructs a rope from an array of charT. The rope consists of the
characters in the range [s, s + n). Note that this range
is permitted to contain embedded null characters.
rope(charT c)
Constructs a rope consisting of the single character c.
rope(char_producer<charT>* cp, size_t n, bool destroy)
Constructs a rope of size n, whose characters are computed as
needed by cp. The object *cp must be valid as long as any
reference to the resulting rope, or a rope derived from it, may
be used. If destroy is true, then delete cp will be executed
automatically once cp is no longer needed. Typically destroy
will be true unless cp is a pointer to statically allocated
storage. It is rarely safe to allocate *cp on the stack.
size_type length() const
Synonym for size
iterator mutable_begin()
Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the rope.
This member function exists because mutable rope iterators are
much more expensive than constant rope iterators.
iterator mutable_end()
Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the rope.
This member function exists because mutable rope iterators are
much more expensive than constant rope iterators.
iterator mutable_rbegin()
Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of the
reversed rope.
This member function exists because mutable rope iterators are
much more expensive than constant rope iterators.
iterator mutable_rend()
Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the end of the
reversed rope.
This member function exists because mutable rope iterators are
much more expensive than constant rope iterators.
reference mutable_reference_at(size_type n)
Returns a reference to the nth element. This member function
exists because mutable references to rope elements have fairly
high overhead.
int compare(const rope& x)
Three-way comparison, much like the function strcmp from the
standard C library. Returns a negative number if *this is
lexicographically less than x, a positive number if *this
is lexicographically greater than x, and zero if neither
rope is lexicographically less than the other.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const rope& x)
Inserts the contents of the rope x immediately before the
position p.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const charT* s)
Inserts a C string immediately before the position p. The
elements that are inserted are the sequence of characters
starting with *s and up to, but not including, the first
null character.
iterator insert(const iterator& p, const charT* s, size_t n)
Inserts an array of charT. The elements that are inserted
are the range [s, s + n). Note that this range is permitted
to contain embedded null characters.
void insert(size_t i, const rope& x)
Inserts the contents of the rope x immediately before the ith
void insert(size_t i, size_t n, charT c)
Inserts n copies of c immediately before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* s)
Inserts a C string immediately before the ith element. The
elements that are inserted are the sequence of characters
starting with *s and up to, but not including, the first
null character.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* s, size_t n)
Inserts an array of charT immediately before the ith element. The
elements that are inserted are the range [s, s + n). Note
that this range is permitted to contain embedded null characters.
void insert(size_t i, charT c)
Inserts the character c immediately before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i)
Inserts the character charT() immediately before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i, const charT* f, const charT* l)
Inserts the range [f, l) immediately before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i,
const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) immediately before the ith element.
void insert(size_t i,
const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Inserts the range [f, l) immediately before the ith element.
void erase(size_t i, size_t n)
Erases n elements, starting with the ith element.
append(const charT* s)
Adds a C string to the end of the rope. The
elements that are inserted are the sequence of characters
starting with *s and up to, but not including, the first
null character.
append(const charT* s, size_ nt)
Adds an array of charT to the end of the rope. The
elements that are inserted are the range [s, s + n). Note
that this range is permitted to contain embedded null characters.
append(const charT* f, const charT* l)
Adds the elements in the range [f, l) to the end of the rope.
append(charT c)
Adds the character c to the end of the rope.
Adds the character charT() to the end of the rope.
append(const rope& x)
Adds the contents of the rope x to the end of *this.
append(size_t n, charT c)
Adds n copies of c to the end of *this.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, const rope& x)
Replaces the elements in the range [f, l) with the elements in x.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, charT c)
Replaces the elements in the range [f, l) with the single
character c.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l, const charT* s)
Replaces the elements in the range [f, l) with a C string:
the sequence of characters beginning with *s and up to, but
not including, the first null character.
void replace(const iterator& f, const iterator& l,
const charT* s, size_t n)
Replaces the elements in the range [f, l) with the elements
in the range [s, s + n).
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const charT* f2, const charT* l2)
Replaces the elements in the range [f1, l1) with the elements
in the range [f2, l2).
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const const_iterator& f2, const const_iterator& l2)
Replaces the elements in the range [f1, l1) with the elements
in the range [f2, l2).
void replace(const iterator& f1, const iterator& l1,
const iterator& f2, const iterator& l2)
Replaces the elements in the range [f1, l1) with the elements
in the range [f2, l2).
void replace(const iterator& p, const rope& x)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the elements in x.
void replace(const iterator& p, charT c)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the single character c.
void replace(const iterator& p, const charT* s)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with a C string:
the sequence of characters beginning with *s and up to, but
not including, the first null character.
void replace(const iterator& p, const charT* s, size_t n)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the elements
in the range [s, s + n).
void replace(const iterator& p,
const charT* f, const charT* l)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the elements in the
range [f, l).
void replace(const iterator& p,
const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the elements in the
range [f, l).
void replace(const iterator& p,
iterator f, iterator l)
Replaces the element pointed to by p with the elements in the
range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, const rope& x)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element
with the elements in x.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, charT c)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element
with the single character c.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n, const charT* s)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element
with an array of charT: the sequence of characters beginning with *s and up to, but
not including, the first null character.
void replace(size_t i, size_t n1, const charT* s, size_t n2)
Replaces the n1 elements beginning with the ith element
with the elements in the range [s, s + n2).
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const charT* f, const charT* l)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element with
the characters in the range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const const_iterator& f,
const const_iterator& l)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element with
the characters in the range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i, size_t n,
const iterator& f,
const iterator& l)
Replaces the n elements beginning with the ith element with
the characters in the range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i, charT c)
Replaces the ith element with the character c.
void replace(size_t i, const rope& x)
Replaces the ith element with elements from the rope x.
void replace(size_t i, const charT* s)
Replaces the ith element with a C string: the sequence of characters beginning with *s and up to, but
not including, the first null character.
void replace(size_t i, const charT* s, size_t n)
Replaces the ith element with the elements in the range [s, s + n).
void replace(size_t i, const charT* f, const charT* l)
Replaces the ith element with the range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i,
const const_iterator& f, const const_iterator& l)
Replaces the ith element with the range [f, l).
void replace(size_t i,
const iterator& f, const iterator& l)
Replaces the ith element with the range [f, l).
rope substr(iterator f) const
Returns a new rope with a single element, *f. [4]
rope substr(const_iterator f) const
Returns a new rope with a single element, *f. [4]
rope substr(iterator f, iterator l) const
Returns a new rope that consists of the range [f, l). [4]
rope substr(const_iterator f, const_iterator l) const
Returns a new rope that consists of the range [f, l). [4]
rope substr(size_t i, size_t n = 1) const
Returns a new rope whose elements are the n characters
starting at the position i. [4].
void copy(charT* buf) const
Copies the characters in a rope into buf.
size_type copy(size_type pos, size_type n,
charT* buf)
Copies n characters, starting at position pos in the rope, into
buf. If the rope contains fewer than pos + n characters,
then instead it only copies size() - pos characters.
const charT* c_str() const
Returns a pointer to a null-terminated sequence of characters that
contains all of the characters in a rope. [5] [6] The resulting sequence of
characters is valid at least as long as the rope remains valid and
unchanged. Note that the first invocation of this operation on long
strings is slow: it is linear in the length of the rope.
void delete_c_str()
Reclaims the internal storage used by c_str. Note that this
invalidates the pointer that c_str returns.
rope operator+(const rope& L, const rope& R)
Returns a new rope consisting of the concatenation of L and R.
This is a global function, not a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, const rope& R)
Modifies L by appending R, and returns L.
This is a global function, not a member function.
rope operator+(const rope& L, const charT* s)
Returns a new rope consisting of the concatenation of L and all
of the characters from s up to, but not including, the first
null character. This is a global function, not
a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, const charT* s)
Modifies L by appending the characters from s up to, but
not including, the first null character. The return value is
L. This is a global function, not a member function.
rope operator+(const rope& L, charT c)
Returns a new rope consisting of L with the character c
appended to it. This is a global function, not a member function.
rope& operator+=(rope& L, charT c)
Modifies L by appending the character c. This is a global function,
not a member function.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, rope x)
Outputs x to the stream os. This is a global function, not
a member function.
For a detailed discussion of the rope data structure, see
H.-J. Boehm, R. Atkinson, and M. Plass, "Ropes: An Alternative to
Strings", Software Practice and Experience 25(12):1315, 1995.
Since the value type is usually either char or wchar_t, the library
introduces two abbreviations: crope is a typedef for rope<char>,
and wrope is a typedef for rope<wchar_t>.
Rope::reference is not value_type&, but a proxy type. In fact,
reference is a typedef for the nested class charT_ref_proxy.
Const_reference, however, is simply const value_type&. Similarly,
const_pointer is just const value_type* but pointer is
a proxy type. If r is an object of type reference, then
&r is of type pointer.
Note that the return value of substr is conceptually a distinct
rope: the two ropes may share storage, but this is a hidden
implementation detail. If you modify a rope returned by
substr, this will not change the value of the original rope.
The final const qualifier in the member function c_str()
is conceptually slightly inaccurate in the interest of conformance to
the basic_string interface in the draft C++ standard; the rope is updated
to cache the converted string.
Concurrent calls to c_str() are allowed; the cache is updated atomically.
See also
Random Access Container,
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