Log4j Version 1.2.7: Uses of Interface org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository
Log4j 1.2.7 | |||||||||
Packages that use LoggerRepository | |
org.apache.log4j | The main log4j package. |
org.apache.log4j.helpers | This package is used internally. |
org.apache.log4j.lf5 | This version of LogFactor5 is not completely integrated with log4j. |
org.apache.log4j.net | Package for remote logging. |
org.apache.log4j.spi | Contains part of the System Programming Interface (SPI) needed to extend log4j. |
org.apache.log4j.varia | Contains various appenders, filters and other odds and ends. |
org.apache.log4j.xml | XML based components. |
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j |
Classes in org.apache.log4j that implement LoggerRepository | |
class |
This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and also maintaining the logger hierarchy. |
Fields in org.apache.log4j declared as LoggerRepository | |
protected LoggerRepository |
Methods in org.apache.log4j that return LoggerRepository | |
static LoggerRepository |
Deprecated. Please use LogManager.getLoggerRepository() instead. |
LoggerRepository |
Deprecated. Please use Category.getLoggerRepository() instead. |
LoggerRepository |
Return the the LoggerRepository where this
Category is attached. |
static LoggerRepository |
Methods in org.apache.log4j with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
void |
PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(String configFileName,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Read configuration from a file. |
void |
PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(Properties properties,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Read configuration options from properties .
void |
PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(URL configURL,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Read configuration options from url configURL . |
protected void |
PropertyConfigurator.parseCatsAndRenderers(Properties props,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Parse non-root elements, such non-root categories and renderers. |
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.helpers |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.helpers with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
static void |
OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(URL url,
String clazz,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Configure log4j given a URL. |
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.lf5 |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.lf5 with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
void |
DefaultLF5Configurator.doConfigure(URL configURL,
LoggerRepository repository)
This is a dummy method that will throw an IllegalStateException if used. |
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.net |
Constructors in org.apache.log4j.net with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
SocketNode(Socket socket,
LoggerRepository hierarchy)
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.spi |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.spi that return LoggerRepository | |
LoggerRepository |
Returns a LoggerRepository depending on the
context. |
LoggerRepository |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.spi with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
void |
Configurator.doConfigure(URL url,
LoggerRepository repository)
Interpret a resource pointed by a URL and set up log4j accordingly. |
Constructors in org.apache.log4j.spi with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
DefaultRepositorySelector(LoggerRepository repository)
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.varia |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.varia with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
void |
ReloadingPropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(URL url,
LoggerRepository repository)
Uses of LoggerRepository in org.apache.log4j.xml |
Methods in org.apache.log4j.xml with parameters of type LoggerRepository | |
void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(String filename,
LoggerRepository repository)
void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(URL url,
LoggerRepository repository)
void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(InputStream inputStream,
LoggerRepository repository)
Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML configuration file. |
void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(Reader reader,
LoggerRepository repository)
Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML configuration file. |
protected void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(InputSource inputSource,
LoggerRepository repository)
Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML configuration file. |
void |
DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(Element element,
LoggerRepository repository)
Configure by taking in an DOM element. |
Log4j 1.2.7 | |||||||||