# only the relevant sections are included, see smokeping distribution # for the rest of them *** Probes *** # these expect to find echoping in /usr/bin # if not, you'll have to specify the location separately for each probe # + EchoPing # uses TCP or UDP echo (port 7) # + EchoPingDiscard # uses TCP or UDP discard (port 9) # + EchoPingChargen # uses TCP chargen (port 19) + EchoPingSmtp # SMTP (25/tcp) for mail servers + EchoPingHttps # HTTPS (443/tcp) for web servers + EchoPingHttp # HTTP (80/tcp) for web servers and caches + EchoPingIcp # ICP (3130/udp) for caches *** Targets *** # default probe probe = FPing menu = Top title = Network Latency Grapher remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company. \ Here you will learn all abou the latency of our network. + MyServers menu = My Servers title = My Servers ++ www-server menu = www-server title = Web Server (www-server) / ICMP # probe = FPing propagated from top host = www-server.abc +++ http menu = http title = Web Server (www-server) / HTTP probe = EchoPingHttp host = www-server.abc # default url is / +++ https menu = https title = Web Server (www-server) / HTTPS probe = EchoPingHttps host = www-server.abc ++ cache menu = www-cache title = Web Cache (www-cache) / ICMP host = www-cache.abc +++ http menu = http title = www-cache / HTTP host = www-cache.abc probe = EchoPingHttp ++++ PROBE_CONF port = 8080 # use the squid port url = http://www.microsoft.com/ +++ icp menu = icp title = www-cache / ICP host = www-cache.abc probe = EchoPingIcp ++++ PROBE_CONF url = http://www.microsoft.com/ ++ mail menu = mail-server title = Mail Server (mail-server) / ICMP host = mail-server.abc +++ smtp menu = mail-server / SMTP title = Mail Server (mail-server) / SMTP host = mail-server.abc probe = EchoPingSmtp