
5.2. Table Styles

5.2.1. The style Attribute

The look of a table is controlled by the style attribute. For example:

!block table; style="rows"
Name   Phone
Bill   123 4567
Joe    789 1234
Mary   584 3333

The result is:

Name Phone
Bill 123 4567
Joe 789 1234
Mary 584 3333

The other styles available are shown below.

5.2.2. columns

Name Phone
Bill 123 4567
Joe 789 1234
Mary 584 3333

5.2.3. plain

Name Phone
Bill 123 4567
Joe 789 1234
Mary 584 3333

5.2.4. grid

Name Phone
Bill 123 4567
Joe 789 1234
Mary 584 3333

5.2.5. shade

Name Phone
Bill 123 4567
Joe 789 1234
Mary 584 3333

5.2.6. Changing the Default Table Style

The default style is columns. This can be changed via the DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE variable. For example:

  !define DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE "grid"
  # the default table style is now grid ...

5.2.7. Creating New Table Styles

New table styles can be defined. See Extending SDF in the SDF Guru Guide for details.