
1.5. terms Class


The general syntax is:

  !block terms[; parameters]
  table of objects

The object attributes are:

Field Category Rule
Term mandatory  
Definition optional  
Jump optional  

See Understanding Class Interfaces, if necessary.


The terms filter is used to declare and/or format objects in the terms class. The attributes supported are:

Attribute Description
Term the term name
Definition the explanation for the term


A configuration file may have the following declaration of terms:

  !block terms; data
  Term     Definition
  SDF      Simple Document Format
  SQL      Structured Query Language

These can then be inserted into a document as follows:

  !block terms
  Term     Definition
  WWW      World Wide Web

Note that the definition for a term already declared will be inserted if none is provided. Furthermore, new terms (like WWW above) can be inserted and added to the configured ones.