# Define SciTE settings for Pascal files. # Changed by Fernando Lozano for Free Pascal filter.pascal=Pascal (pas inc)|*.pas;*.inc;*.pp| file.patterns.pascal=*.pas;*.inc;*.pp lexer.$(file.patterns.pascal)=pascal keywordclass.pascal=program const type var begin end array set packed record string if then else \ while for to downto do with repeat until case of goto exit label procedure \ function nil file and or not xor div mod unit uses implementation interface \ external asm inline object constructor destructor virtual far assembler near \ inherited stdcall cdecl library export exports end. \ class ansistring raise try except on index name finally \ resourcestring false true initialization finalization \ override overload keywordclass.pascalclasses=write read default public protected private property published stored keywords.$(file.patterns.pascal)=$(keywordclass.pascal) keywords2.$(file.patterns.pascal)=$(keywordclass.pascalclasses) # Pascal styles # White space style.pascal.0=fore:#000000,$(font.pascal) # Comment style.pascal.1=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Line Comment style.pascal.2=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Doc comment style.pascal.3=fore:#7F7F7F # Number style.pascal.4=fore:#007F7F # Keyword style.pascal.5=fore:#00007F,bold # Double quoted string style.pascal.6=fore:#7F007F,italics,$(font.comment) # Single quoted string style.pascal.7=fore:#7F007F,italics,$(font.text) # Symbols style.pascal.8=fore:#007F7F # Preprocessor style.pascal.9=fore:#7F7F00 # Operators style.pascal.10=fore:#000000 # Brace highlight style.pascal.34=fore:#0000FF,notbold # Brace incomplete highlight style.pascal.35=fore:#FF0000,notbold # Braces are only matched in operator style braces.pascal.style=10 statement.indent.$(file.patterns.pascal)=5 case catch class default do else for then \ private protected public struct try union while type statement.end.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 ; statement.lookback.$(file.patterns.pascal)=20 block.start.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 begin block.end.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 end #using virtual pascal #pc=C:\Vp21\Bin.w32\Vpc.exe -VC:\Vp21\Bin.w32\Vp.vpo "$(FilePath)" #using free pascal # compile command.compile.*.pas=fpc "$(FilePath)" # normal execute if PLAT_WIN command.go.*.pas="$(FileName).exe" command.go.subsystem.*.pas=2 if PLAT_GTK command.go.*.pas="kvt -e $(FileName)" # build command.build.*.pas=fpc -B "$(FilePath)" command.build.subsystem.*.pas=1 command.name.0.*.pas=Debug Compile command.0.*.pas=fpc -g "$(FilePath)" command.name.1.*.pas=Debug Build command.1.*.pas=fpc -g -B "$(FilePath)" command.name.2.*.pas=GDB if PLAT_WIN command.2.*.pas=gdbpasw "$(FileName)" if PLAT_GTK command.2.*.pas=gdb "$(FileName)" command.name.3.*.pas=DDD command.3.*.pas=ddd "$(FileName)"