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27 November 2002 Table of Contents
Table of Contents The XML Résumé Library is, at its heart, a DTD, a Document Type Definition. That means it is really someone's idea of how a résumé should, or at least could, be structured in XML. Beyond that, it comes with
Table of Contents This chapter explains how to install the XML Résumé Library, an Open Source, XML based résumé management system, on UNIX systems. It is written based on the author's experience installing on a Red Hat Linux system. Other systems may vary somewhat. The resources in this document provide enough information to convert your XML résumé to HTML, PDF, and plain text. The programs to exploit these resources, however, are not included. Any capable XML parser, XSLT stylesheet processor and XSL formatting objects processor will get the job done. Many of the XML Résumé Library developers use the free tools produced by the Apache XML Project, and we recommend that you do as well. These tools include Xerces, Xalan, and FOP. For the purposes of this document a functioning JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a requirement. Obtaining and installing a JRE is outside the scope of this document. However, you might find Sun's J2SE web site a good starting point. A minimal understanding of XML is an asset for using the XML Résumé Library. Most users find that they can get by following the examples in the absence of XML experience. For a more in-depth tutorial on authoring a résumé in XML, see the section called “Writing your first XML Résumé”. For a reference on XML elements available in the XML Résumé Library DTD, see Element Reference. The XML Résumé Library is available for download at and is linked from the main Xerces is an XML parser, which is needed by the tools used in later steps of processing. It converts an XML document into a format that other computer programs can more easily use.
Xalan does the actual conversion of a résumé from XML to other formats. When combined with the XSL stylesheets provided by the XML Résumé Library, it produces directly usable HTML and plain text. It also produces an intermediate format called XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) that can be converted to PDF by an FO processor.
FOP is a print formatter for XSL formatting objects. It converts XSL-FO documents to PDF. The XML Résumé Library comes in a tarball (or zip archive aimed at Windows users) that includes:
The most straightforward way to make use of these resources is to recursively copy the "examples" directory to where you want to work with your résumé. For instance: [resume-1_5_1]$ cp -a examples ~/resume
default. If this is unacceptable you will need to edit the line resume = resume to match the filename you use, such as resume = myresume if your résumé is TipYou can also indicate your résumé filename on the command line when you build your résumé, e.g.: [resume]$ make resume=myresume
NoteThe DTD and XSL files you've downloaded to your computer aren't used by default when building your résumé. Instead, the versions on the XML Résumé Library web site are used. This ensures that you're always using the most recent version; however, it also means that builds take longer (since file have to be downloaded each time you build your résumé) and that you can't build a résumé offline. If you'd like to use your local copy of the XSL stylesheets, edit the xsl_base variable in the example Makefile to point to your local XSL directory. For example: xsl_base = ~/resume-1_5_1/xsl
To use your local copy of the DTD, change the DOCTYPE declaration at the top of your resume to look like this: <!DOCTYPE resume PUBLIC "-//Sean Kelly//DTD Resume 1.5.1//EN" "~/resume-1_5_1/dtd/resume.dtd"> Each of these three packages need to be untarred and their jar files copied to your JRE's ext/ directory. This is typically /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_02/jre/lib/ext/, but may vary depending on who packaged your JRE. We will simply refer to it as the ext/ directory. Xerces consists of the jars xercesSamples.jar, and xercesImpl.jar, which are in the top directory of the Xerces zip archive. Xalan consists of the jars runtime.jar, xalanservlet.jar, xalansamples.jar, regexp.jar, JLex.jar, java_cup.jar, bsf.jar, BCEL.jar, xsltc.jar, xalan.jar, and xercesImpl.jar in the bin/ directory. All of these need to be copied to the ext/ directory. Table of Contents This chapter provides an overview of the features and usage of the XML Résumé Library, an Open Source, XML based résumé management system, on UNIX systems. To get a feel for the power of the XML Résumé Library you should run the example résumés through their paces and see how they turn out after processing. You can do this by renaming the file gmake while connected to the internet. This should generate the files resume.txt, resume.html,, and resume.pdf — all versions of Alexis Kernighan's résumé. file that represents the entirety of your career/academic record, while allowing for the simple creation of targeted résumés. In other words, you can start to think of your XML Résumé as a database of your every skill, every accomplishment, every _____ without worrying about cluttering up the résumé your employer sees. Read on to find out how. Consider the following snippet of Jane Doe's resume: <skillset> <skill>Carpentry</skill> <skill>Welding</skill> <skill>Java Programming</skill> <skill>XML</skill> <skill>C++</skill> <skill>Good communicator</skill> <skill>Gourmet Pastry Creation</skill> <skill>Cooking for construction workers</skill> </skillset> The problem here is that Jane needs to maintain a record of all her skills, but she doesn't need to tell a potential employer about all of those skills. Sure, Jane could selectively comment out portions of her résumé, but this can be tedious. Instead, she should use attributes to describe the categories of résumé to which a given element applies: <skillset> <skill targets="construction,woodworking">Carpentry</skill> <skill targets="construction">Welding</skill> <skill targets="programming">Java Programming</skill> <skill targets="programming">XML</skill> <skill targets="programming">C++</skill> <skill>Good communicator</skill> <skill targets="foodservice">Gourmet Pastry Creation</skill> <skill targets="foodservice+construction">Cooking for construction workers</skill> </skillset> After defining her targets, Jane can filter her résumé to produce beautifully-formatted, well-focused résumés to send to employers. Her "construction" résumé will contain only those elements applicable to the construction industry, and the job foreman won't have to read about her vast knowledge of meringues and bundt cakes, or her experience coding up an application server in Java. You may have noticed that some of Jane's skills apply to more than one target, or apply only when two (or more) targets are defined. By specifying a list of targets (separated by commas), Jane can ensure that her Carpentry skill will be included in both "construction" and "woodworking" résumés. Similarly, her "Cooking for construction workers" skill will apply only to résumés where both "foodservice" AND "construction" are targeted. Elements that have no "targets" attribute are always included in the filtered output. Thus Jane's communications skills will apply to every résumé. The "targets" attribute can be used in ANY element, but keep in mind that using targets on a high-level element (e.g., history or academics element) will affect all children of that element. Thus if the history element includes a 'targets="foo"' attribute, and "foo" is not included in the targets list during the filtering process, then the entire history section will be filtered out, even if there are subelements of history that do not have the 'targets="foo"' attribute. Now, keep in mind that defining targets is entirely up to you. You can use the targets attribute in any element, and you can specify any number of values for the target— just keep in mind that comma (,) and plus (+) represent OR and AND, respectively, as per the example above. If the list of possible targets starts to pile up, just look at the end of a filtered included for convenience. To get a better idea of how this all works, take a look at the complete resume (with make all resume=example2), and then the filtered version (make filter resume=example2). Then compare example2.txt with example2-filtered.txt. To create résumés targeted to other purposes, change filter_targets in Makefile. With just a few tweaks, you can dramatically change the look of your résumés. The first thing to do to customize your resume is to check out the parameters files. The main file is xsl/params.xsl, which contains general parameters that you can change. We suggest making a backup of this file by issuing the command cp params.xsl params.xsl.dist, and then playing around with the values inside params.xsl to see how they affect the formatting and output of your resumes. NoteYou will need to change xsl_base in Makefile to point to your local xsl directory before any of your changes can take effect. Otherwise, the default parameters stored on the XMLRésumé website are used instead. Located in the xsl/paper directory are the a4.xsl and letter.xsl files. These files specify things like margin size and indent size for their respective paper formats. The xsl/country directory contains country-specific parameter files, which contain translations for everything from "Résumé" to "Mobile Telephone". If you would prefer your résumé to be called a Curriculum Vitae, this is where to look. The files are sorted by a 2-letter country code (e.g., nl.xsl for the Netherlands). If you don't see your country there, or if there are errors/omissions in the translations, please attempt a translation and submit the changes back to the project-- while XML may work across all languages, the gentle developers of the XML Résumé Library Project do not. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a powerful way to format the look of your HTML Résumé. A selection of sample CSS files are provided in the css directory. If you have not already done so, try changing the value of css.href in params.xsl to a different stylesheet (you may have to adjust the location of the stylesheets). Once you find one you like, you can tweak it by editing the CSS file by hand, or create one that is entirely your own. If you think other people would find your CSS file useful, please consider submitting it back to the project. This is the fun part. Take a look at both example résumés and choose one suits you best. Then replace the existing information with your own. You may also be able to find example résumés of real people by search for XML resume on the internet. For complete information on the elements valid for the XML Résumé Library see Element Reference. More detailed information about creating and building résumés is available in other sections of this user guide. For more information about the XML Résumé Library, see the HTML documentation included in the doc/ directory. For questions about the package and the DTD, there is a mailing list and a support forum web site. The online support forum is located at subscribe [youraddress@yourdomain.tld] in the This chapter was originally written by Peter Hutnick. It was edited and converted to DocBook format by Bruce Christensen. Further editing and additions were done by Mark Miller Please send comments, suggestions, and especially corrections for this chapter to <peter at hutnick dot com>. Table of Contents
XML Résumé files are XML files composed mostly of elements. This part of the user guide documents the semantics (meaning) and syntax (structure) of all of the elements that you can use to construct a résumé. To get started with creating a résumé, take a look Chapter 2, which is a tutorial on creating an XML résumé. Alternatively, you could examine the content model for the resume element, and drill down from there. This sections documents changes to the XML Résumé Library DTD. WarningDeprecated elements will still be formatted, and are still valid elements in an XML résumé. However, their use is discouraged, and they will be removed in a future version of the DTD.
Table of Contents
Nameacademics — Container for information about academic experience DescriptionThe academics element contains information about a person's academic experience. Parentsacademics may be contained in these elements: resume See AlsoExamples<academics> <degrees> <degree> <level>Ph.D</level> <major>Toothpick Manufacturing</major> <institution>Stanford University</institution> </degree> </degrees> <note> <para> I also have an honorary doctorate in toothpick structural analysis from MIT. </para> </note> </academics> <academics> <degrees> <degree> <level>BA</level> <major>Culinary Psychology</major> </degree> </degrees> </academics> Nameachievement — An accomplishment made at a job DescriptionThe achievment element contains a single accomplishment made while working at a particular job (e.g. “increased sales by 20%”, or “improved employee efficiency”). Parentsachievement may be contained in these elements: achievements Examples<job> <jobtitle>Eggroll Engineer</jobtitle> <employer>Chineese Cuisine Systems, Inc.</employer> <period> <from> <date> <month>August</month> <year>1993</year> </date> </from> <to> <present/> </to> </period> <achievements> <achievement> Wrote an <emphasis>excellent</emphasis> article on shell crispiness for the <citation>European Journal of Egg Food Engineering</citation>, published at <url></url>. </achievement> <achievement> Decreased filling greasiness by a <emphasis>whopping</emphasis> 30%! </achievement> </achievements> </job> Nameachievements — Container for one or more job achievements Descriptionachievements is a wrapper element that contains one or more achievement elements. Achievements are specific things that were accomplished at a job. Parentsachievements may be contained in these elements: job ExamplesFor examples, see achievement. Nameaddress — A postal address SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA|street|street2|suburb|ward|city|state|province|county|prefecture|zip|postalCode|country|break)* Attributes
DescriptionThe address element defines a single postal address. It does not contain information about a person who resides at the address. Different countries have different address formatting conventions. Address formatting is controlled by the address.format parameter. If an address cannot be specified using address's child elements (street, city, etc.), it may be specified in untagged format. In this case, the address will be formatted verbatim, with line breaks preserved. Attributes
See AlsoExamplesExample 1. U.S.-style address <address> <street>123 Pickle St.</street> <street>Apt. #12</street> <city>Sourville</city> <state>NX</state> <zip>99999-9999</zip> </address> Formatted as: 123 Pickle St. Apt. #12 Example 2. Italian address <address> <street>Via Garibaldi, 23</street> <city>Sorrento</city> <postalCode>123 456</postalCode> <province>NA</province> <country>Italy</country> </address> Example 3. Untagged address <address>Reina #35, apt. 4a, e/ Gervasio y Escobar Ciudad de La Habana, CP 11900 CUBA</address> Formatted as: Reina #35, apt. 4a, e/ Gervasio y Escobar WarningYou may have noticed that the XML for this address isn't indented as usual. This is because untagged addresses are formatted verbatim, and so any indentation would be preserved in the formatted address. The address text begins on the same line as the start tag for the same reason (we don't want a leading linebreak in the formatted address). For additional address examples, look at the XML files in the examples/addressing directory of the XML Résumé Library distribution. Nameannotation — Additional information about a degree SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe annotation element provides additional information about an academic degree. It could be used to describe special honors (“Graduated summa cum laude”) or circumstances (“Completed degree in one year in accelerated program”). Parentsannotation may be contained in these elements: degree Examples<degree> <level>BS</level> <major>Street Cleaning Technology</major> <annotation> Graduated with highest honors. </annotation> </degree> <degree> <level>BFA</level> <major>Chalkboard Scratching Composition</major> <annotation> Received dean's award in 1984. </annotation> </degree> NameartTitle — A title of an article or other work DescriptionThe artTitle element marks the title of a sub-work (such as an article or poem) in a book, journal, magazine, newspaper, anthology, or other compilation. ParentsartTitle may be contained in these elements: pub See AlsoExamples<pub> <artTitle>Lion Brainwashing During the Late 20th Century</artTitle> <bookTitle>Journal of the American Feline Psychiatric Association</bookTitle> </pub> <pub> <artTitle>Cucumber Pickling Process Management</artTitle> <bookTitle>Proceedings of the European Brine Process Engineers' Group</bookTitle> </pub> Nameauthor — An author of a publication SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe author element contains the name of an author of a work or publication. It may also reference a previously-defined name through its name attribute. In this case, the element will be processed and displayed as if it were actually the referenced name. Parentsauthor may be contained in these elements: pub Attributes
See Alsoname. Examples<pub> <bookTitle>Nuclear Engineering for Dummies</bookTitle> <author>Edgar Neutron</author> </pub> <name id="shirly.mendoza"> <firstname>Shirly</firstname> <surname>Mendoza</surname> </name> <pub> <artTitle>Cooking Wire-Core Pretzels</artTitle> <author name="shirly.mendoza"/> <bookTitle>Journal of Metal-Reinforced Confections</bookTitle> </pub> Nameaward — An award or other honor SynopsisContent Model(title,organization?,(date|period)?,description?) Attributes
DescriptionThe award element describes an award or other honor received by a person (e.g. “Nobel Prize”, “MacArthur Fellow”). Parentsaward may be contained in these elements: awards Examples<award> <title>Dean's List</title> <organization>ACME University</organization> </award> <award> <title>Honor Roll</title> <organization>Littleton Middle School</organization> <date> <year>1995</year> </date> <description> <para>Maintained a 4.0 GPA.</para> </description> </award> Nameawards — Container for one or more awards DescriptionThe awards element contains one or more awards. Parentsawards may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<awards> <title>Awards and Honors</title> <award> <title>Employee of the Month</title> <organization>ACME, Inc.</organization> <date><month>May</month><year>2002</year></date> <description> <para> Received for <emphasis>exceptional</emphasis> customer service. </para> </description> </award> <award> <title>AP Scholar</title> <organization>College Board</organization> <date><year>2002</year></date> </award> </awards> Namebirth — Container for information about a person's birth DescriptionThe birth element contains a single date that specifies when a person was born. Parentsbirth may be contained in these elements: header Examples<header> <name> <firstname>Scotty</firstname> <surname>O'Reilly</surname> </name> <birth> <date> <dayOfMonth>17</dayOfMonth> <month>March</month> <year>1931</year> </date> </birth> </header> <header> <name> <firstname>Josè</firstname> <middlenames>Luis Miguel</middlenames> <surname>Domingo</surname> </name> <birth> <date> <dayOfMonth>23</dayOfMonth> <month>Mayo</month> <year>1834</year> </date> </birth> </header> NamebookTitle — A title of a book or similar work DescriptionThe bookTitle element marks the title of a book, magazine, journal, anthology, or other similar work. To denote the title of a sub-work (like an article), see artTitle. ParentsbookTitle may be contained in these elements: pub See AlsoExamples<pub> <bookTitle>Tropical Siberian Vacations</bookTitle> <author>Boris Tzchleikovsy</author> </pub> <pub> <bookTitle>Children's Bedtime Stories</bookTitle> <artTitle>Jack the Axe Murderer</artTitle> <author>Caroline Black</author> </pub> <pub> <artTitle>Global Commodities Market Downturn</artTitle> <bookTitle>The Economist</bookTitle> <pubDate> <month>June</month> <year>1992</year> </pubdate> </pub> Namebreak — A linebreak Deprecated SynopsisContent ModelEMPTY Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.3.3. It should not be used. break was introduced to allow linebreaks in free-form addresses, but the stylesheets have been modified so that they don't need an explicit linebreak marker. Instead, linebreaks in source text are formatted as linebreaks in formatted text. The break element indicates a position in text where a linebreak should occur. Parentsbreak may be contained in these elements: address ExamplesNone. Namecitation — The name of a work being referenced SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe citation element marks the title of a book, website, course, or other work. Parentscitation may be contained in these elements: achievement, employer, institution, organization, para, project, skill See Alsopub. Examples<achievement> Increased earnings 341%, thereby landing Acme Widgets on <citation>Fortune Magazine</citation>'s Fortune 500 list. </achievement> <para> More information on the AHTM system is published in <citation>Developing Today</citation> at <url>http://www.dtoday.bob/tips.html</url>. </para> Namecity — The name of a city SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe city element contains a the name of a single city or other similar municipality. Attributes
See Alsocounty, prefecture, suburb, ward. Examples<address> <street>3400 N. 5230 S.</street> <city>Salt Lake City</city> <state>UT</state> <zip>84352</zip> </address> Nameclearance — A security clearance SynopsisContent Model(level,organization?,(date|period)?,note?) Attributes
DescriptionThe clearance element contains a single security clearance (e.g. “Top Secret”). Parentsclearance may be contained in these elements: clearances Examples<clearance> <level>Super-duper it-doesn't-even-exist extra secret</level> <organization>NATO</organization> </clearance> <clearance> <level>Top Secret</level> <organization>CIA</organization> <date><year>2002</year></date> <note>Full polygraph test performed.</note> </clearance> Nameclearances — One or more security clearances DescriptionThe clearances element contains one or more security clearances. It is a top-level section of a résumé. Parentsclearances may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<clearances> <clearance> <level>Top Secret</level> <organization>NSA</organization> </clearance> <clearance> <level>Secret</level> <organization>US Navy</organization> </clearance> </clearances> Namecompany — The name of a company Deprecated SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.3.3. It should not be used. Parentscompany may be contained in these elements: None See AlsoExamplesNone. Namecontact — Container for one or more methods of contacting someone SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe contact element is a container that holds elements that specify how to contact a person. The information it contains is similar to what would be printed on a business card. See AlsoExamples<contact> <phone>555-555-1212</phone> <email>sam.jones@xyz.bob</email> <url></url> </contact> <contact> <phone>123-123-1234 x123</phone> </contact> <contact> <email>kawanza_eloma@hotmail.bob</email> </contact> Namecopyright — A copyright notice DescriptionThe copyright element defines a copyright notice. The notice must include the year of copyright; it may also include the name of the copyright owner and a legal notice. Parentscopyright may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<resume> <copyright> <year>1892</year> <name> <firstname>Fluisha</firstname> <surname>Copenhagen</surname> </name> <legalnotice> <para> All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed without permission. </para> </legalnotice> </copyright> </resume> <copyright> <year>2001</year> </copyright> Namecountry — A country name SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe country element marks the name of a country. Attributes
Examples<address> <city>Portland</city> <state>Oregon</state> <country>USA</country> </address> <address> <street>2621 Green Loop</street> <street>Southam</street> <city>Wiggleworm</city> <postalCode>S521 2GR</postalCode> <country>UK</country> </address> Namecounty — A county name SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe county element specifies the name of a county (not to be confused with country). In the United States, a county is “an administrative subdivision of a state”. In the UK, it is a “territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions.” (Source: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 1979 Ed. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.) Attributes
See AlsoExamples<address> <city>North Willow</city> <county>Washington</county> <state>New Canada</state> </address> <address> <street>1 O'Leary Place</street> <city>Coby</city> <county>Co. Cork</county> <country>Ireland</country> </address> Namedate — A specific instant in time DescriptionThe date element represents a specific instant in time, with at least year-level granularity, and at most day-level granularity. When contained inside a pub element, date represents the date that the work was published. When contained inside a clearance element, date represents the date that the security clearance was granted. NoteThe month element was made optional in version 1.4.0 of the XML Résumé Library. It was previously required. To represent a period of time, instead of a specific instant, use period. Parentsdate may be contained in these elements: award, birth, clearance, degree, from, job, lastModified, membership, pub, to See AlsoExamples<date> <dayOfMonth>27</dayOfMonth> <month>November</month> <year>1634</year> </date> <date> <month>July</month> <year>1457</year> </date> NamedayOfMonth — An ordinal day of the month SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionRepresents a specific day in a month. Its value is numeric; the first day of the month is written 1, the fifteenth 15, etc. ParentsdayOfMonth may be contained in these elements: date ExamplesFor examples, see date. Namedegree — Container for information about a degree or similar certification SynopsisContent Model(level,annotation?,major*,minor*,(date|period)?,(institution,location?)?,gpa?,subjects?,projects?) Attributes
DescriptionThe degree element is a container for information about an academic degree (Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Psychology, etc.) or other similar certification. Parentsdegree may be contained in these elements: degrees Attributes
Examples<degree> <level>Ph.D</level> <major>Microbiology</major> <annotation>Thesis on effect of hot dogs on canine amino acids</annotation> </degree> <degree> <level>BA</level> <major>Toilet Paper Pattern Design</major> <date> <month>June</month> <year>1745</year> </date> <institution>British Design Academy</institution> <annotation> On dean's list for duration of studies. </annotation> </degree> <degree> <level>BS</level> <major>Computer Science</major> <major>English</major> <minor>Graphic Design</minor> <minor>Geography</minor> <subjects> <subject> <title>Compilers</title> <result>A-</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Data Structures</title> <result>B</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Classic Literature</title> <result>A</result> </subject> </subjects> </degree> Namedegrees — Container for one or more degrees DescriptionThe degrees element is a container for at least one degree. Parentsdegrees may be contained in these elements: academics Examples<degrees> <degree> <level>BA</level> <major>Interstellar Basket Weaving</major> </degree> <degree> <level>Ph.D</level> <major>Aquatic Tennis Teaching</major> </degree> </degree> Namedescription — An explanation of something DescriptionThe description element specifies a person's role, their activities, or other descriptive information. Parentsdescription may be contained in these elements: award, interest, job, membership See AlsoExamples<job> <jobtitle>Supersonic Vacuum Technician</jobtitle> <employer>Joe's Vacuum Shop</employer> <period> <from><date><month>June</month><year>2344</year></date></from> <to><present/></to> </period> <description> Repaired hyperdynamic microbial particle accelerators in Supersonic vacuum models XL144 and XP2000. </description> </job> <membership> <title>Treasurer</title> <organization>Mars Vacuum Repair Association</organization> <description> Kept books and collected membership dues. </description> </job> Namedocpath — Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Parentsdocpath may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<!-- TODO --> Nameemail — An e-mail address SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe email element specifies a single e-mail address. Parentsemail may be contained in these elements: contact See Alsofax, instantMessage, pager, url. Examples<contact> <email>john@johnny.bob</email> <phone>555-555-1212</phone> </contact> Nameemphasis — An emphasized block of text SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe emphasis element is an inline element that indicates that the text it contains should be emphasized. PresentationThe presentation of text contained in this element varies depending on the output format.
Parentsemphasis may be contained in these elements: achievement, employer, institution, organization, para, project, skill Examples<para> I really, really, <emphasis>really</emphasis> want a job. </para> <skill> I am <emphasis>extremely</emphasis> at using rocket-powered cheese graters. </skill> Nameemployer — A name of an employer SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe employer element specifies the name of a person, company, or other entity for whom a person works or has worked. Parentsemployer may be contained in these elements: job Attributes
See AlsoExamples<job> <jobtitle>Angelfish Fitness Trainer</jobtitle> <employer>Fish Fitness Systems, Inc.</employer> <period> <from><date><month>July</month><year>1998</year></date</from> <to><present/></to> </period> <description> <para> Helped to ensure optimum fish health by training fish on weights and and fin and tail exercises. </para> </description> </job> <job> <jobtitle>House Cleaner</jobtitle> <employer>Mrs. Shirlock</employer> <period> <from><date><month>July</month><year>1954</year></date</from> <to><date><month>January</month><year>1956</year></date</to> </period> <para>Dusted the blinds. That is all.</para> </job> Namefax — A fax telephone number SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe fax element contains a telephone number that can be used to connect to a facsimile machine. The phone number is not required to be in a specific format. (See phone for examples of numbers.) Parentsfax may be contained in these elements: contact Attributes
Examples<fax>555-555-1212</fax> <fax location="work">(123) 456-7890</fax> <fax location="home">345.324.2721</fax> Namefirstname — A person's given name SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe firstname element specifies a person's first, or given, name. For example, in the name “Mr. Thomas B. Jones”, the first name is “Thomas”. Parentsfirstname may be contained in these elements: name See AlsoExamples<name> <firstname>Caroline</firstname> <surname>Francisca</surname> </name> Namefrom — The beginning point in a period of time DescriptionThe from element specifies the instant at which a given period of time begins. It is always followed by a to element in a period. Parentsfrom may be contained in these elements: period See Alsoto. Examples<period> <from> <date> <dayOfMonth>26</dayOfMonth> <month>December</month> <year>1936</year> </date> </from> <to> <date> <dayOfMonth>14</dayOfMonth> <month>January</month> <year>2015</year> </date> </to> </period> Namegpa — Information about a grade point average SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe gpa element contains a information about a grade point average, or GPA. A GPA is a number that averages the scores of different subjects (such as mathematics, English, history, etc.). Parentsgpa may be contained in these elements: degree Attributes
Examples<gpa type="major"> <score>3.78</score> <possible>4.00</possible> <note>This is on a weighted scale.</note> </gpa> <gpa> <score>3</score> </gpa> Namehead — Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Parentshead may be contained in these elements: docpath Examples<!-- TODO --> Nameheader — Container for information about the person being described in a résumé DescriptionThe header element is a container for information typically contained in the header at the top of a résumé. This includes biographic and contact information about the person who the résumé describes. FormattingThe header.format parameter influences the formatting of headers in all output formats. Parentsheader may be contained in these elements: resume See AlsoExamples<header> <name> <firstname>Hector</firstname> <surname>Gomez</surname> </name> <address> <street>245 San Bernadino</street> <city>Los Gatos</city> <state>LX</state> <zip>94262</zip> </address> <birth> <date> <dayOfMonth>30</dayOfMonth> <month>April</month> <year>1942</year> </date> </birth> <contact> <phone>555-1212</phone> <email>hector.gomez@xyz.bob</email> </contact> </header> Namehistory — Container for a person's previous (and possibly current) jobs DescriptionThe history element contains a person's job history (the jobs that they have worked at in the past). It is also common to include their current job in this element. Parentshistory may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<history> <job> <jobtitle>Counselor</jobtitle> <employer>Shrink Inc.</employer> <period> <from><date><month>August</month><year>1490</year></date></from> <to><date><month>January</month><year>1497</year></date></to> </period> <description> <para> Counseled King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Helped to calm their fears about their large investment in a man named Christopher Columbus. </para> <para> When Columbus returned with gold, I was "downsized" by beheading. </para> </description> </job> <job> <jobtitle>Angel</jobtitle> <employer>Heaven</employer> <period> <from><date><month>January</month><year>1497</year></date></from> <to><date><month>June</month><year>2344</year></date></to> </period> <description> <para> Saved souls. </para> </description> </job> <job> <jobtitle>Supersonic Vacuum Technician</jobtitle> <employer>Joe's Vacuum Shop</employer> <period> <from><date><month>June</month><year>2344</year></date></from> <to><present/></to> </period> <description> <para> Allowed to return to earth to help my great-great-great-(you get the picture)-grandson Joe with his business. </para> <para> Repaired hyperdynamic microbial neutron particle accelerators in Supersonic vacuum models XL144 and XP2000. </para> </description> </job> </history> NameinstantMessage — An instant message username or address SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe email element contains a username or address that can be used to contact a person via an internet instant messaging service, such as AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) or Jabber. ParentsinstantMessage may be contained in these elements: contact Attributes
See AlsoExamples<instantMessage service="yahoo">joesmith</instantMessage> <instantMessage service="aim">janedoe</instantMessage> <instantMessage service="jabber"></instantMessage> Nameinstitution — A name of an academic institution SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe institution element specifies the name of a degree-awarding institution, such as a university, college, or trade school. Parentsinstitution may be contained in these elements: degree Attributes
See AlsoExamples<degree> <level>BA</level> <major>Daisy Chain Manufacturing</major> <institution>Harvard</institution> </degree> Nameinterest — Something a person is interested in DescriptionThe interest element describes something that a person is interested in. A common use for interest elements is to list hobbies. FormattingThe formatting of interest is more complex than that of many other elements. The title is always displayed first, in standard font. Then, if there is a description, and the interest.description.format parameter value is single-line, a period and a space (“. ”) are displayed. Finally, the description is output, formatted according to the interest.description.format parameter. Parentsinterest may be contained in these elements: interests See AlsoExamples<interest> <title>Sewing</title> </interest> <interest> <title>Seattle Mariners</title> <description> <para>I'm a season ticket holder.</para> <para><emphasis>GO MARINERS!</emphasis></para> </description> </interest> For additional examples, see interests. Nameinterests — Container for one or more interests DescriptionThe interests element contains one or more interest elements. FormattingThe interests element is formatted as a top-level section in a résumé. The interests.word parameter is used as the title text if the interests doesn't contain a title element. Child interest elements are formatted as a bulleted list in all output formats. Parentsinterests may be contained in these elements: resume See AlsoExamples<interests> <title>Hobbies</title> <interest> <title>Swimming</title> </interest> <interest> <title>Fine foods</title> <description> <para>I do quite well in pie-eating contests.</para> </description> </interest> <interest> <title>Australia</title> </interest> </interests> <interests> <interest> <title>My belly button</title> </interest> <interest> <title>Fire ants</title> </interest> <interest> <title>Fertilizer</title> </interest> </interests> Namejob — A specific employment engagement SynopsisContent Model(jobtitle,employer,location?,(date|period),description?,projects?,achievements?) Attributes
DescriptionThe job element describes a job, contract, or other employment engagement. Parentsjob may be contained in these elements: history Attributes
Examples<job> <jobtitle>Sr. VP of Soap Suds Engineering</jobtitle> <employer>Proctor and Gamble</employer> <period> <from><date> <month>May</month> <year>1982</year> </date></from> <to><date> <month>June</month> <year>1988</year> </date></to> </period> </job> <job> <jobtitle>Dirt</jobtitle> <employer>Earth</employer> <period> <from><date> <month>Januaray</month> <year>30,000 B.C.</year> </date></from> <to><present/></to> </period> <description> Provided nutrients, absorbed water, and got tracked into houses. </description> <achievements> <achievement> Grew a 300-ft. tree. </achievement> </achievements> <projects> <project> Took part in the construction of the construction of the Empire State Building in New York City. (Was excavated from its basement.) </project> </projects> </job> Namejobtitle — A job title SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe jobtitle element specifies the offical title or name of the position a person held at a job. Parentsjobtitle may be contained in these elements: job ExamplesFor examples, see job Namekeyword — A keyword to be used for résumé indexing and searching SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe keyword element specifies a word or phrase that is to be used to index and/or search a résumé, usually on a computer. Keywords are often used to specify “buzzwords” that are not (or that are) in the main text of the résumé, but may be used by employers or recruiters to find résumés. Parentskeyword may be contained in these elements: keywords Examples<keywords> <keyword>forward-thinking</keyword> <keyword>self-starter</keyword> <keyword>independent</keyword> <keyword>flexible</keyword> </keywords> Namekeywords — Container for a list of keywords DescriptionThe keywords element contains one or more keywords. These keywords are included in the HTML presentation as <meta name="keywords" content="..."> tags. Parentskeywords may be contained in these elements: resume ExamplesFor examples, see keyword. Namelabel — Deprecated SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Examples<!-- TODO --> NamelastModified — Information about when a résumé was last modified DescriptionThe lastModified element contains the date that a résumé was last updated. ParentslastModified may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<lastModified> <date> <dayOfMonth>4</dayOfMonth> <month>July</month> <year>1796</year> </date> </lastModified> Namelegalnotice — A legal statement DescriptionThe legalnotice element contains text that is intended to specify the legal use of a résumé. Parentslegalnotice may be contained in these elements: copyright ExamplesFor examples, see copyright Namelevel — A degree type SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe semantic of the title element vary depending on which element contains it:
Namelink — A titled hyperlink SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe link element defines a single hyperlink, much like HTML's a (anchor) element. FormattingIn FO/PDF and plain text output formats, the text contained in the link element is formatted as if the surrounding link tags were not present. The href attribute is ignored. In the HTML output format, the link element is formatted as an a (anchor) hyperlink. Parentslink may be contained in these elements: achievement, artTitle, bookTitle, employer, institution, organization, para, project, publisher, skill Attributes
Examples<employer> <link href="http://www.acme.bob/">Acme Corporation</link> </employer> <para> Project</link> supplies tools that easily convert a single XML résumé to multiple output formats. </employer> Namelocation — A location, with city-level granularity SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe location element specifies a level location, such as “London, England”, “Seattle, Washington”, “St. Louis, Missouri, USA”, or “Newfoundland, Canada”. Parentslocation may be contained in these elements: degree, job, membership See AlsoExamples<location> <city>Los Angeles<city> <state>California</state> <country>USA</country> </location> <location> <city>Paris<city> <country>France</country> </location> Namemajor — A main course of study SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe major element names the main (“major”) course of study in a degree. A major is the area that is focused on the most by a student. Parentsmajor may be contained in these elements: degree See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see degree. Namemembership — A professional membership SynopsisContent Model(title?,(organization,location?)?,(date|period)?,description?) Attributes
DescriptionThe membership element contains information about a person's membership in a professional organization. Parentsmembership may be contained in these elements: memberships Attributes
ExamplesFor examples, see memberships. Namememberships — Container for one or more memberships DescriptionThe memberships element contains one or more memberships. Parentsmemberships may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<memberships> <title>Professional Memberships</title> <membership> <organization>Foobar State Technology Association</organization> </membership> <membership> <title>President</title> <organization>Smallville Internet Developers' Group</organization> <period> <from><date> <month>September</month> <year>1998</year> </date></from> <to><present/></to> </period> <description> <para> Founded group and guided its growth from 4 to 150 members. </para> </description> </membership> </memberships> Namemiddlenames — One or more “middle” names of a person SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe middlenames element contains all of the names of a person, excluding their first (given) name and surname. If the person has multiple middle names, they should be space-separated. Parentsmiddlenames may be contained in these elements: name Examples<middlenames>Samione</middlenames> <middlenames>Luís Garcia Márquez</middlenames> Nameminor — A minor course of study SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe major element names the main (“major”) course of study in a degree. A major is the area that is focused on the most by a student. Parentsminor may be contained in these elements: degree See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see degree. Namemisc — Miscellaneous remarks DescriptionThe misc element contains paragraphs of text that don't fit into any other top-level categories. Parentsmisc may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<misc> <para>What can't be captured on a résumé is my sheer level of <emphasis>enthusiasm</emphasis> for not just cooking food, but dealing with people. I'm told I make nearly every kitchen run more smoothly because I know how to manage and make people want to <emphasis>do their best</emphasis>. </para> <para>I'm listed in <citation>Who's Who in American Restaurants</citation> as well as <citation>La Rubachòn</citation>. </para> </misc> Namemonth — A month name SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe month element contains the name of a month, such as “March” (English), “marzo” (Spanish), or “mars” (French). See AlsoExamples<month>April</month> Namename — A person's name SynopsisContent Model(title?,firstname,middlenames?,surname,suffix?) Attributes
DescriptionThe name element contains a person's name. Attributes
Examples<name> <title>Mr.</title> <firstname>John</firstname> <middlenames>Q.</middlenames> <surname>Doe</surname> </name> <name> <firstname>Joe</firstname> <middlenames>Sam George Bob</middlenames> <surname>Flamboyzo</surname> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> </name> <name> <firstname>King</firstname> <surname>Louis</surname> <suffix>VIII</suffix> </name> Namenode — Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Parentsnode may be contained in these elements: docpath Examples<!-- TODO --> Namenote — Additional information DescriptionThe note element contains additional information about its parent element. See AlsoExamples<academics> <degrees> ... </degrees> <note> <para> I take education very seriously. After all, I'm in 37th grade now! </para> </note> </academics> Nameobjective — A person's employment goal DescriptionThe objective element contains a statement of a person's goal. It commong specifies the industry or position in which a person would like to work. Parentsobjective may be contained in these elements: resume Attributes
Examples<objective> <para> I seek a high-paying job in the golf playing industry. I would like at least 20 weeks of vacation per year. </para> </objective> Nameorganization — A name of an organization SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe organization element contains the name of a professional or other type of organization. Parentsorganization may be contained in these elements: award, clearance, membership, referee Attributes
See AlsoExamples<membership> <organization>Croquet Players' Association of the UK</organization> </membership> NamepageNums — One or more page numbers or ranges SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe pageNums element specifies one or more page numbers or ranges of page numbers, and is used in citing a publication. ParentspageNums may be contained in these elements: pub Examples<pub> <artTitle>Ancient Mayan Anthropology</artTitle> <bookTitle>Nature</bookTitle> <pageNums>13-54</pageNums> </pub> <pub> <artTitle>The New Fad: Bottle Cap Collecting</artTitle> <bookTitle>Time Magazine</bookTitle> <pageNums>14</pageNums> </pub> Namepager — A pager telephone number SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe pager element contains a telephone number that can be used to connect to a pager. The phone number is not required to be in a specific format. (See phone for examples of numbers.) Parentspager may be contained in these elements: contact Examples<pager>456-145-4468</pager> <pager>736.272.4673 x 235</pager> Namepara — A paragraph of text DescriptionThe para element contains a single paragraph of text. Its contents are not preserved verbatim; instead, it is treated much like HTML. Multiple whitespace characters (including spaces and tabs) are compressed into a single space, and linebreaks are treated as space characters instead of newlines. This allows flexibility in formatting XML source code. Paragraphs may contain basic markup to indicate emphasis, URLs, and citations. Parentspara may be contained in these elements: description, legalnotice, misc, note, objective, pub Examples<para> This is a boring paragraph. </para> <para> I like to <emphasis>emphasize</emphasize> my words; in fact, I've written an article on the topic. It is published on the <emphasis><citation>Really Exciting WRITING!</citation></emphasis> web site at <url>http://www.really-exciting-writing.bob/EMPHASIS.html</url>. </para> Nameperiod — A period of time DescriptionThe period element defines a specific period in time by specifying the period's start time and end time. If you want to specify an instant in time instead of a period, use date. Parentsperiod may be contained in these elements: award, clearance, degree, job, membership See AlsoExamples<period> <from><date> <dayOfMonth>10</dayOfMonth> <month>February</month> <year>1246</year> </date></from> <to><date> <dayOfMonth>19</dayOfMonth> <month>November</month> <year>1351</year> </date></to> </period> <period> <from><date> <month>May</month> <year>1985</year> </date></from> <to> <present/> </to> </period> Namephone — A voice telephone number SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe phone element contains a telephone number. The number is not required to be in a specific format; these are all valid phone numbers:
Parentsphone may be contained in these elements: contact Attributes
Examples<phone>555.555.1212</phone> <phone location="mobile">345-262-4567</phone> <phone location="home">(261) 345-1616</phone> For additional examples, see contact. Namepossible — The highest possible score in a GPA SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe possible element contains a number that indicates the highest possible score that can be attained in a GPA. In other words, a “perfect” score. Parentspossible may be contained in these elements: gpa See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see gpa. NamepostalCode — A postal code SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe postalCode element contains an alphanumeric string used by postal services to route mail to its destination. For postal codes in the United States, use zip. ParentspostalCode may be contained in these elements: address See Alsozip. ExamplesA Brazilian postal code: <postalCode>85070-200</postalCode>
A Canadian postal code: <postalCode>V2B 5S8</postalCode>
Nameprefecture — A name of a prefecture or other administrative district SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe prefecture element contains the name of a prefecture or other administrative district of a city, province, state, or other area. This element is currently ignored during formatting. Parentsprefecture may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
Examples<prefecture>Basilius</prefecture> Namepresent — Indicates the current time SynopsisContent ModelEMPTY Attributes
DescriptionThe present element denotes the current time, as opposed to a fixed time in the past or future. It is most commonly used in date ranges, to express things like “From May 1995 to present”. present is a null element, that is, it has no content or attributes. It is always written as <present/>. See Alsodate. Examples<period> <from><date> <month>May</month> <year>1995</year> </from> <to> <present/> </to> </period> Nameproject — Container for information about a project SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe project element describes a project that a person participated in at a job. Parentsproject may be contained in these elements: projects Attributes
See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see projects. Nameprojects — Container for one or more projects DescriptionThe projects element groups together one or more project elements. See AlsoExamples<projects> <project>Organization of Paperclips</project> <project>Development of rocket booster fuel</project> <project>1997 Papercut Convention</project> </projects> Nameprovince — A name or abbreviation of a province SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe province element contains the name or abbreviation of a single province or similar political division. Attributes
Examples<province>Saskatchewan</province> <province>BC</province> Namepub — A work published by the résumé “owner” SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe pub element contains elements that describe a work (like an article, a book, a poem, or a scholarly paper) that was published by the person the résumé describes. Parentspub may be contained in these elements: pubs Attributes
See AlsoNamepubDate — The date a work was published Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used. date elements should be used instead of pubDate elements. The pubDate element indicates when a literary, scholarly, or other work was published. It must contain a year, and may contain a month. ParentspubDate may be contained in these elements: pub See Alsodate. Examples<pub> <bookTitle>How to Drink Water for Fun and Profit</bookTitle> <pubdate> <year>1996</year> </pubdate> </pub> <pub> <artTitle>Modern Neo-Classical Baroque Music</bookTitle> <bookTitle>Journal of Classical Music</bookTitle> <pubdate> <month>July</month> <year>1931</year> </pubdate> </pub> Namepublisher — Information about a publisher of a work DescriptionImportantThe use of the url element as a child of publisher is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. We recommend that you convert all urls contained in publishers to links. The publisher element contains the name, and possibly location, of the organization that published a literary, artistic, scholary, or other work. Parentspublisher may be contained in these elements: pub Namepubs — A group of one or more publications DescriptionThe pubs element groups together one or more publications. Parentspubs may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<pubs> <pub> <bookTitle>General Relativity for Idiots</bookTitle> <author>Einstein</author> </pub> <pub> <artTitle>String Theory for Dummies</artTitle> <bookTitle>Topics in Physics</bookTitle> <author>Stephen Hawking</author> </pub> </pubs> Namereferee — Someone who can provide additional information about the person the résumé describes SynopsisContent Model(name,title?,organization?,address?,contact?) Attributes
DescriptionThe referee element contains the name and contact information information of a person who knows the job seeker (the person that the résumé describes). Referees (also called references) can provide additional information about the job seeker. They often supply background information, confirm facts, and describe the job seeker's character. FormattingThe display of referee is influenced by the referees.display parameter. Parentsreferee may be contained in these elements: referees Examples<referee> <name>Joe</name> <address> <street>123 Main St.</street> <city>Anytown</city> <state>ST</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>USA</country> </address> <contact> <phone>123.456.7890</phone> <email>joe@hotmail.bob</email> </contact> </referee> For additional examples, see referees. Namereferees — Contains one or more referees DescriptionThe referees element groups together one or more referee elements. Parentsreferees may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<referees> <referee> <name>Mr. Samuel J. Black</name> <contact> <phone>555.555.1212</phone> </contact> </referee> <referee> <name>Mom</name> <contact> <email>my_mommy@moms.bob</email> </contact> </referee> <referee> <name>Dad</name> </referee> </referees> Nameresult — An outcome of a subject SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe result element describes the outcome or result of a subject. result often contains the letter or numeric grade awarded for an academic class. Parentsresult may be contained in these elements: subject Examples<subjects> <subject> <title>Math</title> <result>A-</result> </subject> <subject> <title>English</title> <result>C</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Science</title> <result>B+</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Spanish</title> <result>B</result> </subject> The resume element represents a single résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). It is a summary of a person's experience that is revelant to employment. Examples<resume id="a8df262"> <header> <name id="harry.potter"> <firstname>Harry</firstname> <surname>Potter</surname> </name> <address> <street>4 Privet Drive</street> <city>Little Whinging</city> <county>Surrey</county> <postalCode>RO51 5NF</postalCode> <country>UK</country> </address> </header> <objective> <para>To defeat Lord Voldemort once and for all, then to become an Auror for the Ministry of Magic.</para> </objective> <skillarea> <title>Magical Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Charms</title> <skill>Levitation</skill> <skill>Cheering</skill> <skill>Summoning</skill> <skill>Banishing</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Spells and Curses</title> <skill>Unlocking Spell</skill> <skill>Patronus Spell</skill> <skill>Stunning Spell</skill> <skill>Disarming Spell</skill> <skill>Reductor Curse</skill> <skill>Impediment Curse</skill> <skill>Imperious Curse Evasion</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Potions</title> <skill>Polyjuice</skill> <skill>Enlarging</skill> <skill>Antidotes</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Flying</title> <skill>High-speed</skill> <skill>Wronski Feint</skill> <skill>Steep dives</skill> <skill>Bludger Evasion</skill> <skill>No-hands</skill> <skill>High-altitude</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Languages</title> <skill>English</skill> <skill>Parsel Tounge</skill> <skill>Troll (point and grunt)</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> <skillarea> <title>Muggle Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Daily Life</title> <skill>Telephone</skill> <skill>Mailbox</skill> <skill>Riding in cars</skill> <skill>Electric lights</skill> <skill>Hammering</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Camping</title> <skill>Setting up tents</skill> <skill>Lighting Matches</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> <history> <job> <jobtitle>Student</jobtitle> <employer>Hogwarts</employer> <period> <from> <date> <month>September</month> <year>ca. 1995</year> </date> </from> <to> <present/> </to> </period> <achievements> <achievement> On Gryffindor House Quidditch team four years running </achievement> <achievement> Quidditch Cup </achievement> <achievement>Youngest Seeker in a century</achievement> <achievement> Faced Lord Voldemort four times and lived. </achievement> </achievements> </job> <job> <jobtitle>De-gnomer</jobtitle> <employer>Mrs. Weasley</employer> <period> <from> <date> <month>August</month> <year>ca. 1995</year> </date> </from> <to> <date> <month>August</month> <year>ca. 1995</year> </date> </to> </period> <description> <para>Removed gnomes from the Weasleys' garden.</para> </description> </job> </history> <academics> <degrees> <degree> <level>Fourth Year</level> <major>Wizarding</major> <institution>Hogwards School of Witchcraft and Wizardry</institution> <subjects> <subject> <title>Transfiguration</title> <result>B</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Charms</title> <result>A-</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Defense Against the Dark Arts</title> <result>A</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Potions</title> <result>D</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Care of Magical Creature</title> <result>A+</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Divination</title> <result>B</result> </subject> </subjects> </degree> </degrees> </academics> <memberships> <title>School Clubs</title> <membership> <organization>Dueling Club</organization> <description><para>Trained in wizard dueling, with focus on disarming.</para></description> </membership> <membership> <title>Secretary</title> <organization>Society for the Protection of Elfish Workers (S.P.E.W.)</organization> </membership> </memberships> <interests> <interest><title>Cho Chang</title></interest> </interests> <referees> <referee> <name> <firstname>Minerva</firstname> <surname>McGonagall</surname> </name> <address>Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Via Owl Post</address> </referee> <referee> <name> <firstname>Albus</firstname> <surname>Dumbledore</surname> </name> <address>Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Via Owl Post</address> </referee> </referees> </resume> For additional examples, look at the sample résumés in the examples directory of the XML Résumé Library distribution. The resumes element contains one or more résumés. It could be used, for example, to distribute the résumés of all applicants for a job as a single file. The formatting of this element is currently undefined. Parentsresumes may be contained in these elements: None Attributes
Examples<resumes id=""> <resume id="resume.gates"> <header> <name> <firstname>Bill</firstname> <surname>Gates</surname> </name> </header> </resume> <resume id=""> <header> <name> <firstname>Steve</firstname> <surname>Jobs</surname> </name> </header> </resume> </resumes> Namescore — The score earned in a GPA SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe score element contains the GPA score that a person has earned. Parentsscore may be contained in these elements: gpa See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see gpa. Nameskill — A name and/or description of a skill SynopsisAttributes
DescriptionThe skill element describes something that a person is skilled at. Attributes
See AlsoExamples<skill>Singing</skill> <skill level="3 years">Java Programming</skill> <skill level="certified glutton">Eating</skill> <skill level="beginner"> Throwing <emphasis>large</emphasis> objects </skill> Nameskillarea — A group of broadly related skill sets DescriptionThe skillarea element contains one or more skillsets. Usually the skill sets it contains are related to each other, at least in a general sense. For example, a “Computer Skills” skill area may contain skillsets titled “Programming”, “Office Programs”, and “Hardware”. It is quite common for a résumé to contain only one skill area. FormattingThe text of skill area's title element is displayed as a top-level heading in all output formats. Then all contained skill sets are displayed sequentially. See skillset for information about skill set formatting. Parentsskillarea may be contained in these elements: resume, skillareas Attributes
ExamplesExample 8. Broad skill area <skillarea> <title>Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Computers</title> <skill>Typing (<emphasis>150 WPM!!</emphasis>)</skill> <skill>Dropping little food crumbs in keyboards</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Writing</title> <skill>Editing</skill> <skill>Cursive</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> Example 9. More focused skill area <skillarea> <title>Financial Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Investing</title> <skill>Stocks</skill> <skill>Bonds</skill> <skill>Money market accounts</skill> <skill>Retirement accounts</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Bookkeeping</title> <skill>Amortization</skill> <skill>Loan schedules</skill> <skill>Book balancing</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Advising</title> <skill>Retirement investment</skill> <skill>College investment</skill> <skill>Philanthropy</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> Nameskillareas — Group of one or more skill areas Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used. skillarea elements are now allowed as direct children of resume, so skillareas is no longer necessary. skillareas is still allowed in this release of XML Résumé Library, but may be removed in future versions. It is recommended that you remove all skillareas elements from XML résumés. The skillareas element contains one or more skillareas. This element is a top-level section of a résumé. Parentsskillareas may be contained in these elements: resume Examples<skillareas> <skillarea> <title>Aviation</title> <skillset> <title>Piloting</title> <skill>Biplanes</skill> <skill>Jumbo Jets</skill> <skill>Space Shuttle</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Navigation</title> <skill>Map and charts</skill> <skill>Instruments</skill> <skill>Stars</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> <skillarea> <title>Cleaning</title> <skillset> <title>Tools</title> <skill>Rag</skill> <skill>Sponge</skill> <skill>Towel</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Chemicals</title> <skill>Bleach</skill> <skill>Water</skill> <skill>Soap</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> </skillareas> Nameskills — Group of one or more skills Deprecated DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used. skill elements are now allowed as direct children of skillset, so skills is no longer necessary. skills is still allowed in this release of XML Résumé Library, but may be removed in future versions. It is recommended that you remove all skills elements from XML résumés. The skills element contains one or more (usually related) skills. Parentsskills may be contained in these elements: skillset Attributes
See AlsoExamples<skills> <skill>Leaping over tall buildings in a single bound</skill> <skill>Flying</skill> <skill>Quickly changing clothes</skill> </skill> Nameskillset — A titled group of one or more related skills DescriptionThe skillset element contains a titled set of (usually closely) related skills. FormattingThe skills.format parameter controls the formatting of skill sets. Parentsskillset may be contained in these elements: skillarea Attributes
Examples<skillset> <title>Eating Utinsels</title> <skill>Knife</skill> <skill>Fork</skill> <skill>Spoon</skill> <skill>Soup Spoon</skill> </skillset> Namestate — A name or abbreviation of a state SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe state element contains the name or abbreviation for the name of a state or other similar political entity. The state element represents a division of a country. It should not be confused with the country element, which represents a nation-state. Attributes
See AlsoNamestreet — A street name, number, and other related information SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe street element contains a street name and number, a suite or apartment number, or other similar information. Multiple street elements are allowed. It is preferred to use multiple street elements instead of the deprecated street2 element. Parentsstreet may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
ExamplesFor examples, see address. Namestreet2 — A second line of a street address Deprecated SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.3.3. It should not be used. Because multiple street elements are now allowed, street2 is unneeded. street2 is still supported in this release of the XML Résumé Library, but may be removed in future versions. It is recommended that all street2 elements be converted to street elements. The street2 element is similar in semantics to the street element. It often contains more specialized routing information than street, such as a suite or apartment number. Parentsstreet2 may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
See AlsoExamplesNone. Namesubject — A name of a class or topic of study DescriptionThe subject element contains the title of a class or other course of study, as well as its result. A subject's title can be as general as “mathematics” (a general field of study), or as specific as “ECEn 224 Electrostatics Fall 1994” (a specific university class, along with the date the class was taken). Parentssubject may be contained in these elements: subjects Examples<subject> <title>English</title> <result>A-</result> </subject> <subject> <title>PE 194 Crabwalking</title> <result>F</result> </subject> Namesubjects — A group of one or more subjects DescriptionThe subjects element contains one or more subjects that were studied as part of the degree represented by the parent of the subjects. Parentssubjects may be contained in these elements: degree Examples<subjects> <subject> <title>Chemistry</title> <result>C</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Physics</title> <result>B-</result> </subject> </subjects> Namesuburb — A name of a suburb SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe suburb element contains the name of a suburb, as used by a postal service to deliver mail. Parentssuburb may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
See Alsocity, prefecture, ward. Namesuffix — A suffix of a name, usually specifying lineage SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe suffix element contains a suffix or suffix abbreviation that follows a name, such as “Jr.”, “Senior”, or “III”. Parentssuffix may be contained in these elements: name Examples<name> <firstname>Leonard</firstname> <middlenames>Scott Quink</middlenames> <surname>Waggenblast</surname> <suffix>IV</suffix> </name> <name> <firstname>Dolores</firstname> <surname>Sanchez</surname> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> </name> Namesurname — A family name SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe surname element contains a person's family, or last name. Parentssurname may be contained in these elements: name ExamplesFor examples, see name. Nametail — Deprecated SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Parentstail may be contained in these elements: docpath Examples<!-- TODO --> Nametitle — A title or heading SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe title element contains a title or heading. Its semantics vary depending on the element that contains it:
Parentstitle may be contained in these elements: award, awards, clearances, interest, interests, membership, memberships, name, referee, skillarea, skillset, subject ExamplesExample 13. interest title <interest> <title>Fly fishing for sharks</title> <description><para> I once caught a 300-kg. Great White off the coase of Florida using a green and gold-colored dragonfly that I tied. </para></description> </interest> Example 14. membership and memberships titles <memberships> <title>Professional Memberships</title> <membership> <organization>American Society of Blower-Uppers</organization> </membership> <membership> <title>Spokesperson</title> <organization>Smallville Demolitioneers</organization> </membership> <membership> <title>President</title> <organization>Willow County Pyrotechnicans' Guild</organization> </membership> </membership> Example 15. skillarea and skillset titles <skillarea> <title>Computer Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Word Processing</title> <skill>Microsoft Word</skill> <skill>Corel WordPerfect</skill> </skillset> <skillset> <title>Programming</title> <skill>Perl</skill> <skill>Python</skill> <skill>XML</skill> <skill>C++</skill> </skillset> </skillarea> Nameto — The ending point in a period of time DescriptionThe to element specifies the instant at which a given period of time ends. It is always preceeded by a from element in a period. Parentsto may be contained in these elements: period See Alsofrom. Nameuri — A Uniform Resource Indicator Deprecated SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThis element is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. It should not be used, and will be removed in a future version.
Examples<!-- TODO --> Nameurl — A Uniform Resource Locator SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionImportantThe use of the url element as a child of publisher is deprecated as of XML Résumé Library version 1.4.0. We recommend that you convert all urls contained in publishers to links. The url element contains a single Uniform Resource Locator, as specified by RFC 1738 and RFC 1808. FormattingThere are two contexts in which a URL is formatted. The first is as an inline (e.g. when contained in a para). The second is as contact element (contained in a contact).
Parentsurl may be contained in these elements: achievement, contact, employer, institution, organization, para, project, pub, publisher, skill Examples<para> The Apache XML Project web page is located at </para> <skill> Python (see <url></url>) </skill> Nameward — A name of a division of a city, town, or county SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe ward element contains the name of a ward, as needed to deliver mail to an address. A ward is an administrative division a city, and of some English, Scottish, and American counties. Parentsward may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
See AlsoExamples<address> <street>Rua Afonso Camargo, 805</street> <ward>Santana</ward> <city>Guarapuava</city> <state>PR</state> <postalCode>85070-200</postalCode> <country>Brazil</country> </address> Nameyear — A year SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe year element contains a year number, along with a possible string that identifies the date system, such as “B.C.” or “A.D.”. Examples<year>1995</year> <year>240 A.D.</year> Namezip — A zip code SynopsisContent Model(#PCDATA) Attributes
DescriptionThe zip element contains a single zip code (United States postal code). It may contain any format, such as standard five-digit (“34525”), ZIP+4 (“34525-1625”), or any other valid format. For non-U.S. postal codes, use postalCode. Parentszip may be contained in these elements: address Attributes
See AlsoExamplesFor examples, see address. Parameters are settings that affect all files that are generated by the XSL templates. They are analogous to attributes that affect everything instead of just one element. This section is a partial listing of user-configurable parameters. There are many more tunable parameters in params.xsl. Take a look at the file in a text editor if you're interested. Table of Contents
Nameaddress.format — controls default formatting of the address element Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the address element in all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include standard (the default), european, and italian. NoteIn the examples below, <street> means the value of XML element <street>, if defined. <suburb | ward> means the value of XML element <suburb>, if defined, otherwise the value of XML element <ward>, otherwise blank.
If none of these formats suit your needs, there is the option of entering your address as a single text block, in which case it will be formatted with line breaks intact. For example: <address>Sr. Héctor García Marizó Reina #35, apt. 4a, e/ Gervasio y Escobar Ciudad de La Habana, CP 11900 CUBA</address>
Namecss.href — indicates the CSS stylesheet to use to format HTML output Applies ToThis parameter applies to only the HTML output format. Possible ValuesThe value of css.href is a URL that points to a Cascading Style Sheet file. The HTML version of the résumé will link to this file. For information on the CSS classes that are available for formatting, see Chapter 3. Nameheader.format — controls formatting of the header element Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the header element in HTML and text output formats. The FO/PDF formatter is not affected by this parameter; it produces output similar to the centered option, but with the text left-justified within a centered block. Possible ValuesPossible values include standard (the default) and centered.
Nameinterest.description.format — controls formatting of interest descriptions Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the description element when it is contained in an interest. It affects all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include single-line and block. single-line is the default. The examples below demonstrate the formatting of this XML fragment: <interests> <interest> <title>Scuba diving</title> </interest> <interest> <title>Flying</title> <description> <para>I have my pilot's license, and have logged over 1000 in-flight hours.</para> <para>I have also constructed my own airplane from a kit.</para> </description> </interest> </interests>
Namereferees.display — Determines whether or not referees are visible in formatted output Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the referee element in all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include 1 (display referees) and 0 (display alternate text).
Nameskills.format — controls formatting of the skillset element Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the skillset element in all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include bullet (the default) and comma. The examples below show how a <skillset> like this would be rendered: <skillarea> <title>Technical Skills</title> <skillset> <title>Programming Languages</title> <skill>Java</skill> <skill>C++</skill> <skill>C</skill> <skill>perl</skill> </skillset> </skillarea>
Nameskills.level.display — Determines whether or not skill level attributes are visible in formatted output Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the level attribute of skill elements in all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include 1 (display the attribute) or 0 (suppress the attribute).
Namesubjects.format — controls formatting of the subjects element Applies ToThis parameter controls the formatting of the subjects element in all output formats. Possible ValuesPossible values include comma (the default) and table. The examples below show how a <subjects> section like this would be rendered: <subjects> <subject> <title>English</title> <result>C</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Science</title> <result>A</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Math</title> <result>B-</result> </subject> </subjects>
Table of Contents This section of the manual describes the Cascading Stylesheets classes that are available for formatting HTML output. For more information on CSS, visit the W3C web site. Table 3.1. Table of CSS Classes
Table of Contents Table of Contents Version 1.1, March 2000
The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document “free” in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”. Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output purposes only. The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections entitled “Endorsements.” You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is called an “aggregate”, and this License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate. Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License provided that you also include the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original English version of this License, the original English version will prevail. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:
If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover Texts, write “no Front-Cover Texts” instead of “Front-Cover Texts being LIST”; likewise for Back-Cover Texts. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public |