XML Résumé Library ChangelogThe XML Résumé Library copyrighted, © 2000-2002 by Sean Kelly. See the copying conditions, license, and disclaimer. This file lists low-level changes to the library and is intended for developers. For user-visible changes, see the news. 2002-11-28 brandondoyle default output format is now 2-column for referees 2002-11-26 brandondoyle improved translations, courtesy of Felipe Leme 2002-11-25 brandondoyle Bug fix for "variable accessed before it was bound" bug 635211 Didn't I already check this in? 2002-11-21 brandondoyle Removing maxbenson files because they seem to serve no purpose whatsoever. compact.css: minor style changes 2002-11-20 brandondoyle Added the "targets" attribute to every element to allow for DTD validation Changed the ordering of the elements in a degree to reflect what "annotation" means. This changes nothing, technically speaking. Started a new section for DTD changes for the next release Added doc.manual.pdf back into the build process Updated docs in response to bug reports and questions. User guide docs... I guess I forgot to add these a long time ago. 2002-11-19 brandondoyle improved referee spacing Bugfixes for ant support, comment and code cleanups. Changed some variable names to standardize them 2002-11-18 brandondoyle Added a check to propogate-params to look for outdated params Added propogate-params.sh, an UGLY shell script to propogate new parameters defined in us.xsl to other country.xsl files with a default translation of "TRANSLATION NEEDED". See Bruce's Feature Request 557492 for more info. The changed files reflect the changes made after running this new script. Updated brazilian translations courtesy of Felipe Leme updated DOCTYPE definition from 1.3.1 to 1.5.0. There needs to be a better solution to this. It would be nice if we could handle the <!DOCTYPE> events, but they don't seem to be generated anywhere. Added notationDecl and unparsedEntityDecl methods... which don't do much. 2002-11-15 brandondoyle Improved German language support, contributd by anon in bug# 638455 2002-11-10 brandondoyle The "projects" element may now be included in the "degree" element Added "es" (espanol) as a language (country) option. 2002-11-07 brandondoyle doc changes, changed python location to /usr/local/bin/python Random fixes while trying to build a release. mved ResumeTest.properties to test/ResumeTest.properties mved testdata to test/testdata mved targetdata to test/targetdata Moved the regression testing classes into a "test" package Replaced "categories" with "targets" in all source files. Replaced these files with explore and setup Replaced old "cutting a release" checklist with more extensive one from http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=10468&group_id=29512 It wasn't the dash. It was the ampersand I had inside the file. The dash was causing problems, I think Doc bugs and a changelog addition. Proper character-encoding support which should work with all VMs going back to 1.2 or perhaps even 1.1 2002-11-06 brandondoyle yup... more doc changes for 1.5.0 Added a pointer to the news section of the docs Added a few glossary terms. Release support for the java filter stuff Spanish language support, contributed by Miguel Coca. Restored specification of UTF-8 in the PrintStream constructor; this is required to prevent character codes from being translated too early. Unfortunately, this precludes the possibility of using the filter with Jre 1.3.1 or earlier... bad luck all around. Changed the value of css.href so that show up in the right spot for the release users User guide changes and additions 2002-11-05 brandondoyle Final (really this time) doc changes for 1.5.0 typo fixes Allow for a title attribute in the project element. $skills.title.separator and $subjects.title.separator have been replaced by $title.separator 2002-11-04 brandondoyle whitespace stuff "degree" element no longer requires a "major" element (feature req 594173) because not all international universities require a major. Support for optional majors has been in xsl for awhile, this just changes the dtd to reflect that. This allows us to skip the forced output of the <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> The "period" element can now be used in place of "date" in "award" and "clearance". Also fixed a bug in fo.xsl that forced 2-column referee layout on people, and some minor whitespace fixes that are only partially done. it's cvs tag release-X_Y_Z, not release-X.Y.Z doc changes for release 1.5.0 Added $(resume).rtf to list of files to rm during clean. Bugs 624365, 629607 request that we allow non-english users to use different phrases for "Mobile Phone", "Home Phone", and the like. This change replaces the home.word param (and mobile.word, and work.word respectively) with phone.home.phrase and fax.home.phrase. to work ok. Added two column support for the referees section fixed the character code for "pagina" css support for 2-column format, misc. fixes cssClasses.(sh|txt)-- create or maintain a list of available CSS classes. 2002-11-03 brandondoyle Allow the use of "date" elements in place of "period" in membership and jobs. Reduced margin size to use the page more efficiently. New settings should allow enough room for printing/faxing. 2002-10-29 brandondoyle Deprecated the use of these files; it seems like a heap of trouble to maintain when CSS can be used about as easily. (And by deprecating, I just put a note in the file saying "don't use this.") Support request # 629607, changes and additions to reflect the french style forgot a closing comment tag added reminder about finding the right css directory. * Simple cleanup of params.xsl comments * Added param "css.embed" to allow for optional embedding of css style tags directly into the html file. Allows for easier file transfer (one file instead of two) 2002-10-28 brandondoyle * Replaced/removed resume*.css with equivalent, descriptively named files. * Moved Copyright/usage notice into NOTICE 2002-10-26 brandondoyle PrintStream.PrintStream(OutputStream, boolean, String charset) does not exist prior to JRE 1.3, so I've changed it to use a different constructor. 2002-10-22 brandondoyle Changed in.word and achievements.word to better reflect current french style. SF Patch # 618302 2002-10-19 brandondoyle Added all the countries we support to the list of possible vals for "country" Italian pluralization rules: male: cano -> cani female: porta -> porte 2002-07-16 Bruce Christensen Added a note about looking on the SF feature request page for more things to do. The <h1> on this was copied-and-pasted from the authors file. Fixed to say "changelog". Replaced the actual changelog text (leaving surrrounding text intact) in src/doc/release/changelog/index.html. Updated for 1.4.2. Updated changelog for 1.4.2. Fixed some parameters that were causing FOP to choke (or else emit more than 50000 lines of error messages). Build and copy PDF manual for web site. Commented out patch-for-fop section, as it doesn't seem to be needed with FOP 0.20.3 and docbook-xsl-1.52.2 Added, thanks to Mark Miller. Updated with better formatting for examples. 2002-07-15 Bruce Christensen Added documentation for the subjects.format parameter. Applied Mark Miller's patch (cleaned up by me) for comma-separated degree subject formatting. 2002-06-29 Bruce Christensen Updated and clarified wording a bit. 2002-06-24 Bruce Christensen This file normalizes whitespace in an XML file similar to the way HTML processors condense whitespace: - all whitespace characters are replaced with space characters ("	" -> " ") - all-whitespace text nodes are removed ("<url> </url>" -> "<url></url>") - whitespace at the beginning and end of element contents is removed ("<url> a </url>" -> "<url>a</url>") - consecutive whitespace characters are converted into a single space character ("this is a test" -> "this is a test") Fixed bug 566653 (unexpected line breaks in text output). 2002-06-16 Bruce Christensen Fixed erroneous version number. Fixed the install.web target. (It should have depended on doc.manual.html-multiple.web, but it didn't.) /Really/ updated for 1.4.1 this time. I fixed something after I commited this last time. Added images for HTML-formatted manual (stolen from the php.net web site). Updated for release 1.4.1. Updated for release 1.4.1. (Changed XSL paths to include output directory). Fixed an HTML error. Fixed a typo. Fixed to point to new location for output stylesheets. Changed the structure of the template that formats subjects to work around (what I think is) a bug in Xalan. Switch from <xsl:include>ing string.xsl to <xsl:import>ing it. This avoids a double-inclusion, since the output format stylesheets include string.xsl. 2002-06-15 Bruce Christensen Added a note about the new <location> element to this list of changes for version 1.4.1. Updated this file with the latest version from: It includes fixes for a few erroneous characters in the previous version. It also includes an appropriate copyright notice, which the original version did not. 2002-06-14 Sean Kelly Add notes about Dutch resumes; add Dutch resume to test properties. Dutch resumes, contributed by Andre van Dijk Format resume with Windows batch file, courtesy of Payan Mirrashidi. Cygwin-compatible shell script to format resumes, courtesy of Will Sargent. Make the img directory if it doesn't exist. 2002-06-14 Bruce Christensen Removed the list of required and allowed elements, since we automatically generate that information. Added a note that <name> may now contain a <title>. Added support for a <title> element within a <name> (feature request 568565). Also moved the templates that format a name from each of the format XSLT files (html.xsl, text.xsl, and fo.xsl) into common.xsl, since they were all exactly the same. 2002-06-10 Bruce Christensen The install.web target now filters the files it copies. Renamed the copyright.font.size parameter to fineprint.font.size. It is now applied to the "last modified" date in FO output. 2002-06-08 Bruce Christensen - Added ability to build a version of the manual suitable for inclusion on the XML resume web site. - Prettied up the manual (fonts, colors, navigation bars) - Added support for a <location> sub-element in <job>, <membership>, and <degree>. - Normalized formatting a bit between HTML, text, and PDF output. Jobs and memberships are now formatted as: Title Organization[, location] Date [Description...] 2002-06-07 Bruce Christensen Added a section on how to change the DTD. Removed mention of the sgml dir, as we no longer include the SGML tools; external versions installed on a developer's machine are used instead. 2002-06-01 Bruce Christensen Made <title> an allowable child of <clearances> instead of <clearance>. The text about the achievement class now refers to the achievement element. (It referred to the skill element before.) 2002-05-31 Bruce Christensen Fixed a stupid bug included in the last commit (mixed up arguments between two constructors). Removed code from FileWriterHandler that escaped any non-ASCII character with a hex entity. Instead, we now set the output character set to UTF-8 in Filter, thus solving the problem (non-ASCII characters are converted to "?" when output) in a simpler way. Added support for security clearances (feature request 396338). This is based on patch 562652, submitted by Nick Chalko, but with heavy changes by myself. Fixed a rather nasty bug described in http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=687115&forum_id=92731. The problem was with whitespace normalization in <skills>. We wanted to normalize whitespace, so we would grab the result of <xsl:apply-templates/> into $Text, and then output normalize-space($Text). Of course, normalize-space converts its argument into a string, so if a skill contains any other elements (say, a <link>), those elements get killed by the normalization. Solution? Roll our own space normalization, of course! We process skill//text() nodes individually, normalizing space in each of them, and outputting a space after each if needed. 2002-05-30 Bruce Christensen Added support for inlines (including <link> and <url>) to <organzation> and <institution>, per feature request 562428. Changed a bunch of instances of "<xsl:value-of select="."/>" to "<xsl:apply-templates/>". Nice-looking new stylesheet. (If I do say so myself. :) Added support for GPAs. Added category filter support, written by Mark Miller . Some updates to HTML formatting: - Unified HTML heading formatting. There are no longer different CSS classes for each heading; they're all in the "heading" class. Also there's a named template (called Heading) that should be used to output any section heading. - Removed "resume" css class from the body tag, instead wrapping each resume in a <div class="resume"> instead. It's forseeable that there would be multiple resumes per source file, so it didn't make sense to have that tag in the body. - The header is now wrapped with <div class="header"> in both standard and centered modes. The headerBlock class has been removed. - Contact information is now wrapped in parapgraph tags. This fixes an XHTML validation problem. It used to be that a single <p>...</p> contained both address and contact information in the header, but the address was also wrapped in a <p>...</p>. This created invalid XHTML, so the <p> tags were removed from the header, but added to contact information. 2002-05-26 Bruce Christensen Major directory refactoring in in src/www/xsl. 2002-05-25 Bruce Christensen Factored out all US-specific words into us-params.xsl. Moved all letter (paper size)-specific parameters into letter.xsl. 2002-05-24 Bruce Christensen Updated changelog for version 1.4.0. Changed my email address from " at " separator to "@" so that it is properly stripped by cltohtml. Added the doc.manual.create-missing target. Added. This program is used when cutting a release. Changed "will see some harmless error messages" (from FOP) to "may see...", since I don't see any. :) Fixed a path that was out of sync with ResumeTest.java, thus causing run.test to fail. 2002-05-23 Bruce Christensen Added the doc.manual.check target, which runs "dtddoc.py --check". 2002-05-22 Bruce Christensen Feature request 558871: - Added the <minor> element. - <degree>s may now contain multiple <major>s. 2002-05-16 Bruce Christensen Added. Documents the referees.display parameter. Added <awards> and <award> to the DTD. Referees are now formatted using lots of divs, instead of an <h3> and a <p>. Introduced three new CSS classes: referee, refereeName, and refereeContact. Added formatting for .resume and .resumeName. 2002-05-15 Bruce Christensen Added the referees.display parameter. Added support for: - interest.description.format - skills.level.display - Portuguese - German Fixed broken links to pages in the user guide. Release 1.3.4 has been renamed to release 1.4.0 because there have been many changes since 1.3.3. Added a list of user-visible changes for version 1.3.4. Added a note indicating that <pub> may now contain <url>. Added a section about using 131-134.xsl to upgrade resumes. 2002-05-14 Bruce Christensen Added a stylesheet to convert a resume from version 1.3.1, 1.3.2, or 1.3.3 to version 1.3.4. Modified the Makefile to easily call this stylesheet. Documented the "address" CSS class, which applies to the <p> of postal addresses. Added some new elements that have been introduced in the DTD, and removed deprecated elements. Corrected a whitespace error. Un-deprecated use of <url> in <publisher>. I was a wee bit confused when I deprecated it. Made degreeTitle bold. Added a message about examining the <resume> refpage to get started. Fixed a whitespace problem. Made formatting a bit more consistent. Added a list of changes to the DTD in each version. A new style, slightly based on resume3.css. Section headings are outdented, and have a rule underneath them that extends to the right margins. Added new CSS classes. 2002-05-12 Bruce Christensen Removed the <code> tags that were output around <url>s formatted in HTML. They were causing some extraneous-whitespace problems in the output. Added the linkA CSS class. 2002-05-11 Bruce Christensen Deprecated the use of <url> as a child of <publisher>. <url> is now allowed as a child of <pub>. <link> is now allowed in artTitle, bookTitle, and publisher. Allowed <title> and <organization> as children of <referee>. Fixed a typo. Updated and corrected wording, as description may now be contained in additional elements. Added the lastModified element, as requested in 460165. 2002-05-10 Bruce Christensen Text and HTML formatting of <degree>s is now similar to FO formatting (the institution is now on a line below other information except subjects). Added support for <period>s in <degree>s. Before only date could be used; now either date or period can appear in a degree. Removed an extraneous comment end tag. Deprecated docpath, head, node, tail, label, and uri. Added support for German language formatting, fulfilling feature request 522570. de-params.xsl courtesy of an anonymous donor on SourceForge. Thanks! 2002-05-08 Bruce Christensen Deprecated the <pubDate> element. <date> should now be used instead. Fixed a syntax error in example code. Made <month> optional as a child of <date>. 2002-05-07 Bruce Christensen Added the instantMessage element, with XSLT and user guide changes. Added the release date (er, actually the build date) to the text. 2002-05-01 Bruce Christensen Support for Brazilian Portuguese localization, thanks to Felipe Leme . 2002-04-30 Bruce Christensen Added a <pager> element and updated docs and stylesheets accordingly. Fixed a copy-and-paste error where the fax element was being called "phone". Er, made the last change actually work. :) I had changed the variable start- and end-markers from "<$" style to "<?resumevar " style in the code that runs at build time, but not the code that creates missing elementref pages. That's now fixed. I also updated the usage message to reflect this and the last change. Change variables in DocBook elementref source files from this: - <$CONTENT_MODEL$> to this: - <?resumevar CONTENT_MODEL?> In other words, they're now real XML processing instructions, so the source files should now be 100% well-formed XML. This is necessary to to automatic well-formed-ness and validity checking of the examples in the DocBook source (which I'm working on). 2002-04-26 Bruce Christensen Changed the r:skill/r:level element to an attribute of the r:skill element. Change suggested by Brian May. 2002-04-25 Bruce Christensen Added a fax element. Contact now allows any number of phone, fax, email, or url children in any order. Some people have more than one of each type of contact method. Added a @location attribute to phone and fax. This attribute is optional, and allowed values are (home | work | mobile) for phone, (home | work) for fax. Updated docs and stylesheets accordingly. Added explicit encoding="UTF-8" and updated the comment header a bit with correct filename and info about the file. Added explicit encoding="UTF-8". Added explicit encoding="UTF-8" and updated the comment header a bit with correct filename and info about the file. Made <level> a valid child of <skill>. It indicates a person's proficiency in a particular skill. Updated docs accordingly. Un-commented and updated sections for building FO and PDF versions of the user guide. Made a bit closer to what typical parameter reference pages look like. Fixed a broken entity reference. Added a "see also" link to the skills.format paramter. Added a note about, and link to, the header.format parameter. Added a link to a parameter. Changed the textual reference to the GFDL in the legal statement to a hyperlink. 2002-04-24 Bruce Christensen Fixed a duplicate id. 2002-04-23 Bruce Christensen Deprecated the <skillareas> and <skills> elements. <skill> may now be a direct child of <skillset>, and <skillarea> may now be a child of <resume>. Updated docs to reflect this change. Documented the two elements as deprecated, and removed them from example code. Updated example resume files, removing deprecated elements. Added deprecated.xsl, which emits warnings through the XSL processor if it encounters a deprecated element. Fixed a broken link. Added a note that these elements were deprecated as of version 1.3.3. Made refclass tags show up as bold in the TOC. This makes "Deprecated" warnings stand out better. Added docs for achievement and project classes, clarified docs for skills class. Added colored backgrounds and 1-pixel borders for important, note, tip, warning, and caution classes. 2002-04-22 Bruce Christensen Changed reference to &library.version; to &library.version.dots; Put copyright years directly in this file -- no reference to &book.copyright.years; anymore. Added Peter Hutnick as a copyright holder, since he wrote the "convert" chapter. Changed reference to guide.* to getting-started.*. Renamed guide.* sections to getting-started.*. Placed the manual under the GNU Free Documentation License: Added lots of URL and email address entities that are used in Also renamed library.version to library.version.dots, and added library.version.underscore. Corrected and expanded documentation on how the URL element is formatted. Added documentation on semantics of <title> when contained in <interest>. Also added an example. Renamed guide directory to getting-started. converting a resume from XML to other formats. It was written by Peter Hutnick, and edited and converted to DocBook by myself. Thanks Peter! Documented the <interests> and <interest> elements. user guide to use versions defined by Ant during the build process. Also moved our customized versions of the DocBook XSL stylesheets from the sgml dir to the xsl dir. Updated release notes, adding references to the user guide in appropriate places, and removing information that's now contained in the user guide. Fix: changed ©r; to ©. (Last commit message was meant for README, not this file. This commit contains no changes, just the log message meant for r1.21.) Updated to use system DocBook DTD and XSL files, instead of versions in our repository. This means the doc.manual.* targets may be broken on your system. You'll probably need to override $doc.manual.docbook-xsl.dir and THOSE PROPERTIES IN BUILD.XML. Instead, override them in your local ~/.ant.properties. That'll keep unneeded commits out of CVS. Minor updates to reflect changes to the user guide and Makefile. 2002-04-19 Bruce Christensen Added VERSION_UNDERSCORE as a filter token. Added the <interest> and <interests> element. Added a comment marking <company> as deprecated. Added example tags around examples. Added documentation for interest.description.format parameter. Fixed erroneous whitespace in an example. 2002-04-17 Bruce Christensen Added a missing <title> element to the memberships example code. Color informalexamples instead of literallayouts. Added more boilerplate text for the "Applies To" section. 2002-04-16 Sean Kelly Add a link to the user guide. Changelog for 1.3.3. Bump version # to 1.3.3. Update version numbers of tools in release documentation. Update team members list. Add news items for release 1.3.3 Patch 542171: Bruce's new and improved Makefile. 2002-04-12 robjkelley original commit 2002-04-12 Bruce Christensen Moved src/doc/manual/.cvsignore to src/doc/manual/scripts, where I had intended to put it in the first place. Documented the new @format attribute. Fixed a typo. Corrected factual errors about how <url>s are formatted. Also added a See Also link to the new <link> element. Correction: changed overlooked "ATTRIBUTE_NAME" boilerplate text to "id". Changed deprecation notice from a <para> to an <important><para>. Documented this element as deprecated. Documented <street2> as deprecated and updated related docs. Documented the <link> element. Added format attribute to <address>. Its possible values are standard, european, and italian. It has no default (#IMPLIED). Fixed a spelling mistake in a comment. Changed message displayed for each modified file from "<filename> fixed" to "<filename> CDATA trimmed". This should help authors better understand what the build process is doing "behind their backs". 1. Improved formatting of attribute tables to handle enumerated attribute values. 2. Output displayed with --list-missing, --list-unknown, and --check is indented and no longer displays "(None)". 3. --filter now only filters files that exist. (Before, it tried to filter a file for every element in the DTD, even it the file didn't exist.) Moved make_relative_path function to newly-created module resumedoc.py, a library file for common XML Resume documentation code. Changed book title from "User's Guide" to "User Guide". Fixed whitespace problem with code in a CDATA section. Wrote BCP for documenting deprecated elements. Added. Makes CVS ignore compiled Python bytecode files (*.pyc). 2002-04-10 Sean Kelly Make 532279 actually work. 2002-04-10 bmay Thanks Bruce. Closes tracker requests 542167, and 542168 (Sean, I think you will have to do this). 2002-04-10 Sean Kelly Patch 532279: link element for hyperlinking to employers. Typo: libarary => library. Patch 541347 courtesy of Bruce Christensen. 2002-03-28 bmay Support for namespaces. 2002-02-16 Sean Kelly Update changelog for 1.3.2 Bump version # to 1.3.2 and update news file with notes about what's been fixed: punctuation and spacing in academic degrees and widening FO subject list. 2002-01-18 Sean Kelly Really update the changelog. (I shouldn't have had two martinis before doing this. :-) Add news items about <div class="description">... Update changelog for 1.3.1. Bump version to 1.3.1. Add news item about big fix to catalog file. 2002-01-17 Sean Kelly 2002-01-16 Sean Kelly into the release. Changelog for 1.3.0. Sigh. MS-DOS end-of-line files got in there---apparently my configuration of Emacs, CVS, and Cygwin on Windoze 2000 is fubar'd. Convert these back to Unix end-of-line conventions. Update copyright. Add news items about half.space and word wrap in the text transformation. Specify test target data via a property with a default value. 2002-01-14 Sean Kelly Convert version 1.2.4 resumes into version 1.3.0 resumes. Added an SGML catalog file and declaration. Updated news accordingly. Make graudation <date> optional on a <degree> and format correctly if provided or not. Add feature note to news. Update copyrights and fix HTML. Add formatting of projects, subjects, and referees. Add localized headings. Add referees, subjects, projects, and referees. Add styles for references. Add news items for memberships, projects, subjects, and attributes features and element name change. Add example projects, subjects, and memberships, and an example of using the name attribute to refer to the <name> element with the matching id attribute. Change <subject> to <major>. Clean up <skill>s. Change output directory for test data generation from c:/tmp/testdata to /tmp/testdata. 2002-01-12 Sean Kelly Add compilation of Java code and running of regression tests. Add example memberships. Feature: memberships and professional societies. Feature: let name in a publication refer to the <name> in the header. Refactoring: clean up lots of duplicated publication transformations. Documentation: updates about new features to date. Regression tests for the XML Resume Library. 2002-01-07 Sean Kelly Add sample memberships. Add documentation about CSS specifications for professional memberships. Add some sample CSS specifications for professional memberships. 2002-01-05 Sean Kelly Commit patch from b1gdave: make redundant specification of <name> in a <copyright> unnecessary by grabbing the mandatory name from the resume's header. You can still specify a <name> in the <copyright> if you want to. feature. Add XSLFLAGS and FOFLAGS parameters to command lines. Update release instructions to include updating of changelog file. 2001-12-18 Stewart Evans added alternate formatting for skills, controlled by skills.format parameter 2001-12-15 Stewart Evans made address compatible with new formatting style New address processing: addresses are either formatted according to predefined templates or completely free-form with linebreaks preserved. 2001-11-18 Stewart Evans add middlenames and suffix to name element. 2001-11-07 Sean Kelly Don't just grab everything under the examples, but instead specify what files to put in. This helps prevent the official release from going out with all sorts of turds that I've left in my directory. 2001-10-28 Stewart Evans changes suggested by Cyril Rognon (crognon) in help forum. 2001-10-17 Stewart Evans add rule to center-align the headerBlock 2001-09-03 Sean Kelly Update changelog for 1.2.4. Fix docs. Updated example to demonstrate inline elements in skills and achievements and with a more complex international address. Update content model for achievement and skill to use same mixed model as para, so formatting and semantics of inline elements can be used in these locations. Update stylesheets and news file appropriately. 2001-09-02 Sean Kelly Remove "Skills" heading formatting and skills.word for <skillareas>. Fix bullet lists of achievements; make it produce correct FO (XEP rightly complained, but FOP let the incorrect FO go). Update release procedure to grab examples from correct directory. Update authors and news items. 2001-09-01 Sean Kelly Stewart Evans's patches: HTML span class "employer", "nameHeading", achievements section, real bulleted list items in text style, formatting of the new achievements section, "skills.word" parameter, suppression of blank fields, and formatting of contact/url in HTML. Whoa ... that's a lot; thanks Stewart! Actually commit the sample CSS files. Move examples out from under src so that developers can more easily use them. Update developers README to reflect this. Update release information. Add sample CSS files. 2001-08-05 Sean Kelly Add content model for dayOfMonth. Fix reference to fullDate by using date with optional dayOfMonth field. 2001-08-02 Sean Kelly Update changelog for 1.2.3. Better parameterization support and factoring of common parameters. Added French localization. Updated documentation for 1.2.3 release. Support for internationalization: parameters for paper sizes and phrasing, and international addresses. 2001-07-27 Sean Kelly Add a note about building the examples from the developers' edition. Add Roel's suggestion to have a date of birth. Parameteri[zs]e stylesheets for localization. 2001-07-26 Sean Kelly Provide support for international addresses. Maintain backwards compatibility with resumes using US style address schema. 2001-07-17 Sean Kelly Update change log for version 1.2.2. Add rich content for publications, such as <bookTitle>, <author>, <publisher>, and so forth. Update stylesheets to format these elements. Add params.xsl file to contain user-overridable parameters. Update version number to 1.2.2. 2001-07-11 Sean Kelly Ooops ... rather important file I forgot! 2001-07-06 Sean Kelly This generates changelog info and is preconfigured for the current members of the XML Resume Library team. Add changelog info. Break out HTML documentation into standard dir structure. Update version number. Fix release generation so it includes examples and partitions DTD and XSL files into subdirectories. Incorporate lost changes into developers' README file. Fix VERSION_DOTS generation. Fix accent marks on "resume" in running footer of FO stylesheet. 2001-06-21 Sean Kelly Handy XSL file to have around ... formats XML into an HTML presentation that looks like colorful XML. 2001-06-20 Sean Kelly 2001-06-18 Sean Kelly Add "install" target which, currently, installs web-accessible XML files to the web server directory. Cosmetic; make indentation happier for psgml mode. 2001-06-17 Sean Kelly Initial import into SourceForge CVS. New file. Initial import into SourceForge CVS. New file. |