Return a token. If tokens have been stacked using
push_token(), pop a token off the stack. Otherwise, read one
from the input stream. If reading encounters an immediate
end-of-file, an empty string is returned.
Read a raw token. Ignore the pushback stack, and do not interpret source
requests. (This is not ordinarily a useful entry point, and is
documented here only for the sake of completeness.)
When shlex detects a source request (see
source below) this method is given the following token as
argument, and expected to return a tuple consisting of a filename and
an open file-like object.
Normally, this method first strips any quotes off the argument. If
the result is an absolute pathname, or there was no previous source
request in effect, or the previous source was a stream
(e.g. sys.stdin), the result is left alone. Otherwise, if the
result is a relative pathname, the directory part of the name of the
file immediately before it on the source inclusion stack is prepended
(this behavior is like the way the C preprocessor handles
#include "file.h").
The result of the manipulations is treated as a filename, and returned
as the first component of the tuple, with
open() called on it to yield the second component. (Note:
this is the reverse of the order of arguments in instance initialization!)
This hook is exposed so that you can use it to implement directory
search paths, addition of file extensions, and other namespace hacks.
There is no corresponding `close' hook, but a shlex instance will call
the close() method of the sourced input stream when it
returns EOF.
For more explicit control of source stacking, use the
push_source() and pop_source() methods.
Push an input source stream onto the input stack. If the filename
argument is specified it will later be available for use in error
messages. This is the same method used internally by the
sourcehook method.
New in version 2.1.
Pop the last-pushed input source from the input stack.
This is the same method used internally when the lexer reaches
EOFon a stacked input stream.
New in version 2.1.
This method generates an error message leader in the format of a
Unix C compiler error label; the format is '"%s", line %d: ',
where the "%s" is replaced with the name of the current source
file and the "%d" with the current input line number (the
optional arguments can be used to override these).
This convenience is provided to encourage shlex users to
generate error messages in the standard, parseable format understood
by Emacs and other Unix tools.
Instances of shlex subclasses have some public instance
variables which either control lexical analysis or can be used for
The string of characters that are recognized as comment beginners.
All characters from the comment beginner to end of line are ignored.
Includes just "#" by default.
Characters that will be considered string quotes. The token
accumulates until the same quote is encountered again (thus, different
quote types protect each other as in the shell.) By default, includes
ASCII single and double quotes.
The name of the current input file, as initially set at class
instantiation time or stacked by later source requests. It may
be useful to examine this when constructing error messages.
This member is None by default. If you assign a string to it,
that string will be recognized as a lexical-level inclusion request
similar to the "source" keyword in various shells. That is, the
immediately following token will opened as a filename and input taken
from that stream until EOF, at which point the close()
method of that stream will be called and the input source will again
become the original input stream. Source requests may be stacked any
number of levels deep.
If this member is numeric and 1 or more, a shlex
instance will print verbose progress output on its behavior. If you
need to use this, you can read the module source code to learn the
Note that any character not declared to be a word character,
whitespace, or a quote will be returned as a single-character token.
Quote and comment characters are not recognized within words. Thus,
the bare words "ain't" and "ain#t" would be returned as single
tokens by the default parser.