The class hierarchy looks complicated, but in actual practice,
application programmers almost always refer to the classes at the very
bottom of the hierarchy.
These classes are provided for the purposes of
organizing certain functions under one namespace. They aren't meant to
be instantiated independently.
The Tk class is meant to be instantiated only once in
an application. Application programmers need not instantiate one
explicitly, the system creates one whenever any of the other classes
are instantiated.
The Widget class is not meant to be instantiated, it
is meant only for subclassing to make ``real'' widgets (in C++, this
is called an `abstract class').
To make use of this reference material, there will be times when you
will need to know how to read short passages of Tk and how to identify
the various parts of a Tk command.
(See section 16.1.4 for the
Tkinter equivalents of what's below.)
Tk scripts are Tcl programs. Like all Tcl programs, Tk scripts are
just lists of tokens separated by spaces. A Tk widget is just its
class, the options that help configure it, and the
actions that make it do useful things.
To make a widget in Tk, the command is always of the form:
classCommand newPathname options
denotes which kind of widget to make (a button, a label, a menu...)
is the new name for this widget. All names in Tk must be unique. To
help enforce this, widgets in Tk are named with pathnames, just
like files in a file system. The top level widget, the root,
is called . (period) and children are delimited by more
periods. For example, .myApp.controlPanel.okButton might be
the name of a widget.
configure the widget's appearance and in some cases, its
behavior. The options come in the form of a list of flags and values.
Flags are proceeded by a `-', like unix shell command flags, and
values are put in quotes if they are more than one word.
For example:
button .fred -fg red -text "hi there"
^ ^ \_____________________/
| | |
class new options
command widget (-opt val -opt val ...)
Once created, the pathname to the widget becomes a new command. This
new widget command is the programmer's handle for getting the new
widget to perform some action. In C, you'd express this as
someAction(fred, someOptions), in C++, you would express this as
fred.someAction(someOptions), and in Tk, you say:
.fred someAction someOptions
Note that the object name, .fred, starts with a dot.
As you'd expect, the legal values for someAction will depend on
the widget's class: .fred disable works if fred is a
button (fred gets greyed out), but does not work if fred is a label
(disabling of labels is not supported in Tk).
The legal values of someOptions is action dependent. Some
actions, like disable, require no arguments, others, like
a text-entry box's delete command, would need arguments
to specify what range of text to delete.