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Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets (RFC 1157)

The pysnmp.proto.rfc1157 module implements data structures and operations on them as defined by the RFC 1157.

class Version([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP message version object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class, with the following deviations from the base class:

  • Single value constraint set to 0 (for v.1)

The default value for Version object is 0.

class Community([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP message community name object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.OctetString.

The default value for Community object is "public".

class RequestId([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP PDU request ID object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class, with the following deviations from the base class:

  • The initial value is initialized to a auto-incrementing value on every class instaniation.

class ErrorStatus([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP PDU error status object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class, with additional methods (see below) and the following deviations from the base class:

  • Value range constraint set to (0, 5)

The default value for ErrorStatus object is 0.

class ErrorIndex([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP PDU error index object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class.

The default value for ErrorIndex object is 0.

class VarBind([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP PDU variable binding object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Sequence class, with the following deviations from the base class:

class VarBindList([args])

Instances of this class represent SNMP PDU variable bindings object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.SequenceOf class, with the following deviations from the base class:

  • The embedded component type is set to VarBind.

class GetRequestPdu([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Get request PDU object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Sequence class, with the following deviations from the base class:

class GetNextRequestPdu([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP GetNext request PDU object. This class only differs from the GetRequestPdu class by its ASN.1 tag.

class SetRequestPdu([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Set request PDU object. This class only differs from the GetRequestPdu class by its ASN.1 tag.

class GetResponsePdu([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Get response PDU object. This class only differs from the GetRequestPdu class by its ASN.1 tag.

class Pdus([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent a variety of allowed SNMP PDU types. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Choice class, with the following deviations from the base class:

class Message([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP message object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Sequence class, with the following deviations from the base class:

  • Embedded components names are fixed to 'version', 'community', 'pdu' and types to Version, Community, Pdus objects respectively.

The following classes implement SNMP Trap-specific items

class Enterprise([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU enterprise Object ID object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.ObjectIdentifier class.

The default value for Enterprise object is ''.

class AgentAddr([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU agent address object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.NetworkAddress class.

class GenericTrap([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU generic trap object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class, with additional methods (see below) and the following deviations from the base class:

  • Value range constraint set to (0, 6)

The default value for GenericTrap object is 0.

class SpecificTrap([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU specific trap object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Integer class.

The default value for SpecificTrap object is 0.

class TimeStamp([value])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU time stamp object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.TimeTicks class.

The default value for TimeStamp object is time.time()*100.

class TrapPdu([**kwargs])

Instances of this class represent SNMP Trap PDU object. This is a subclass of rfc1155.Sequence class, with the following deviations from the base class:
