#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ----- Installer Modifiable Variables ------------------------------------- # You may wish to modify the following variables to suit # your installation. # Who the end user will complain to: $MAINTAINER ='your-email@your-host'; # Add mispriming / mishybing libraries; make coordinate changes # to the $SELECT_SEQ_LIBRARY variable in primer3_www.cgi %SEQ_LIBRARY= ('NONE' => '', # Put more repeat libraries here, e.g. # 'HUMAN' => 'humrep_and_simple.fasta', # 'RODENT' => 'rodent_ref.fasta', ); # The URL for help regarding this screen (which will normally # be in the same directory as the this script) $ODOC_URL = "primer3_www_results_help.html"; # The location of the primer3_core executable. $PRIMER_BIN = './primer3_core'; # If you make any substantial modifications give this code a new # version designation. $CGI_VERSION = "(primer3_www_results.cgi v 0.1 beta 1a)"; # 1a corrects a minor bug that deleted the 'PRIMER PICKING RESULTS FOR...' # line even when the user supplied a sequence id. # ----- End Installer Modifiable Variables --------------------------------- $COPYRIGHT = $COPYRIGHT = q{ Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Redistributions of source code must also reproduce this information in the source code itself. 2. If the program is modified, redistributions must include a notice (in the same places as above) indicating that the redistributed program is not identical to the version distributed by Whitehead Institute. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: This product includes software developed by the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. 4. The name of the Whitehead Institute may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. We also request that use of this software be cited in publications as Steve Rozen, Helen J. Skaletsky (1998) Primer3. Code available at http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/genome_software/other/primer3.html THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. }; BEGIN{ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # Ensure that errors will go to the web browser. open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); $| = 1; print ''; } use FileHandle; use IPC::Open3; use Carp; use CGI; # The CGI module is available from # http://www.genome.wi.mit.edu/ftp/distribution/software/WWW/ main(); sub main { $PR_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_MIN_SIZE = 100; $PR_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_MAX_SIZE = 1000; $query = new CGI; if ($query->param('Pick Primers')) { process_input($query); } else { confess "Did not see the 'Pick Primers' query parameter" } } sub check_server_side_configuration { my ($query) = @_; unless (-e $PRIMER_BIN) { print qq{Please contact webmaster: cannot find $PRIMER_BIN executable $wrapup}; exit; } unless (-x $PRIMER_BIN) { print qq{Please contact webmaster: wrong permissions for $PRIMER_BIN $wrapup}; exit; } # Check mispriming / mishyb library setup. my @names = $query->param; for (@names) { if (/^PRIMER_(MISPRIMING|INTERNAL_OLIGO_MISHYB)_LIBRARY$/) { $v = $query->param($_); $v1 = $SEQ_LIBRARY{'$v'}; if (!defined($v)) { print qq{
$CGI_VERSION" . $query->end_html; my $tmpurl = $query->url; my ($v, $v1); print $query->start_html("Primer3 Output $CGI_VERSION Test Pre-Release"); print qq{
\n"; print $childin @input; $childin->close; my $cline; my $results = ''; my $found = 1; while ($cline = $childout->getline) { if ($cline =~ /(.*)(start) (\s*\S+) (\s*\S+) (\s*\S+) (\s*\S+) (\s*\S+|) (\s*\S+) (\s*\S+)/) { my ($margin, $starth, $lenh, $tmh, $gch, $anyh, $threeh, $reph, $seqh) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9); $cline = $margin . "$starth " . "$lenh " . "$tmh " . "$gch " . "$anyh " . "$threeh " . "$reph " . "$seqh " . "\n"; } $cline =~ s/INTERNAL OLIGO/HYB OLIGO /; $cline =~ s/internal oligo/hyb oligo/; $cline =~ s/Intl/Hyb /; if ($cline =~ /NO PRIMERS FOUND/) { $found = 0; } elsif ($cline =~ /^Statistics/ && !$found) { $results .= no_primers_found() . $cline; } elsif ($cline =~ /^PRIMER PICKING RESULTS FOR\s*$/) { } else { $results .= $cline; } } print $results; print "\n"; waitpid $primer3_pid, 0; if ($? != 0 && $? != 64512) { # 64512 == -4 my $tmpnames = join("\n", @names); my $tmpurl = $query->url; print qq{
\n}; for (@names) { next if /^Pick Primers$/; $v = $query->param($_); next if $v =~ /^\s*$/; $v =~ s/\s//g if /^SEQUENCE$/; $line = "$_=$v\n"; print $line; } print "\nEXACT INPUT WAS:\n"; print @input; print "\n"; } elsif ($print_input) { print "\nEXACT INPUT WAS:\n"; print @input, ""; } print "$wrapup\n"; } sub no_primers_found { return qq{
} } sub add_start_len_list($$$) { my ($list_string, $list, $plus) = @_; my $sp = $list_string ? ' ' : '' ; for (@$list) { $list_string .= ($sp . ($_->[0] + $plus) . "," . $_->[1]); $sp = ' '; } return $list_string; } sub read_sequence_markup($@) { my ($s, @delims) = @_; # E.g. ['/','/'] would be ok in @delims, but # no two pairs in @delims may share a character. my @out = (); for (@delims) { push @out, read_sequence_markup_1_delim($s, $_, @delims); } @out; } sub read_sequence_markup_1_delim($$@) { my ($s, $d, @delims) = @_; my ($d0, $d1) = @$d; my $other_delims = ''; for (@delims) { next if $_->[0] eq $d0 and $_->[1] eq $d1; confess 'Programming error' if $_->[0] eq $d0; confess 'Programming error' if $_->[1] eq $d1; $other_delims .= '\\' . $_->[0] . '\\' . $_->[1]; } if ($other_delims) { $s =~ s/[$other_delims]//g; } # $s now contains only the delimters of interest. my @s = split(//, $s); my ($c, $pos) = (0, 0); my @out = (); my $len; while (@s) { $c = shift(@s); next if ($c eq ' '); # Already used delimeters are set to ' ' if ($c eq $d0) { $len = len_to_delim($d0, $d1, \@s); return undef if (!defined $len); push @out, [$pos, $len]; } elsif ($c eq $d1) { # There is a closing delimiter with no opening # delimeter, an input error. $DO_NOT_PICK = 1; print "ERROR IN SEQUENCE: closing delimiter $d1 not preceded by $d0\n"; return undef; } else { $pos++; } } return \@out; } sub len_to_delim($$$) { my ($d0, $d1, $s) = @_; my $i; my $len = 0; for $i (0..$#{$s}) { if ($s->[$i] eq $d0) { # ignore it; } elsif ($s->[$i] eq $d1) { $s->[$i] = ' '; return $len; } else { $len++ } } # There was no terminating delim; $DO_NOT_PICK = 1; print "ERROR IN SEQUENCE: closing delimiter $d1 did not follow $d0\n"; return undef; }