


Plug-In Drawing, Does Little Else


PIDDLE is a Python module for creating two-dimensional graphics in a manner that is both cross-platform and cross-media; that is, it can support screen graphics (e.g. QuickDraw, Windows, Tk) as well as file output (PostScript, PDF, GIF, etc.). It makes use of the native 2D drawing calls of each backend, for maximum efficiency and quality. It works by defining a base class (piddle.Canvas) with methods for all supported drawing primitives. A particular drawing context is provided in the form of a derived class. PIDDLE applications will be able to automatically select an appropriate backend for the user's environment.
[The most up-to-date version of this document can be found via the Piddle home page at]


PIDDLE is beginning beta testing. It should be stable now, though there may be a few bugs still lurking here or there -- if you find any, please send email to the PIDDLE mailing list at .

The latest stable PIDDLE distribution is available from our Source Forge download page here. You may also want to look at CVS access and other information for developers if you want the latest experimental version.

As of 10 February 2000, the current release is 1.0.b1 -- see the version history to see what's new.

Please note that PIDDLE requires Python 1.5.2, because it uses the "extend" list method, which is not available in older versions of Python.

The standard distribution includes the following back-end renderers:

Backend Requires Contact Interactive? Notes
PDF Andy Robinson No
PIL PIL Joe Strout No
QuickDraw MacPython Joe Strout Yes
PostScript Chris Lee No
Illustrator Bill Bedford No
piddleVCR Joe Strout No
OpenGL PyOpenGL David Ascher Yes
Tk Tkinter Perry Stoll No [1]
wxWindows wxPython Kevin Jacobs Yes
    [1] piddleTK does not yet support drawing of rotated strings.

The following backends are in various stages of development, and not yet part of the standard distribution.

name author strings images interactive
GTK+ Fred L. Drake, Jr. Y/N [6] N Y
Pythonwin Andy Robinson Y [5] N N


    [5] winpiddle's string drawing is having some trouble with size and color attributes; also, the text background is not transparent as it should be. Unclear whether rotated strings are supported yet.

    [6] piddleGTK doesn't yet draw rotated strings, but it is planned.

Usage Overview

PIDDLE is designed for vector graphics -- i.e., drawing of primitives such as lines and ellipses, rather than manipulation of individual pixels. Generally, one creates a PIDDLE drawing in three steps:
  1. instantiate a class derived from piddle.Canvas
  2. call drawing methods on that object, such as drawLine or drawString
  3. flush the canvas's buffer (i.e., update the file, screen, or whatever)
Note that while PIDDLE is easiest to use in a noninteractive mode -- i.e., simply generating charts, pictures, or other static displays -- some backends support callback methods invoked when the mouse moves over or clicks on the drawing. This allows for some graphical interaction with the user.

Developer's Overview

Creating a new PIDDLE backend is relatively easy. You must create a class derived from piddle.Canvas, and instantiate at least the following methods:
  • drawLine
  • drawPolygon
  • drawImage
  • drawString
All other drawing methods will have default implementations in terms of the functions above. However, you may wish to also override other drawing methods for the sake of efficiency or quality.


In addition, information specific to individual backends are placed in the docs/notes* directories


This example illustrates a hodgepodge of PIDDLE drawing commands, including lines, curves, polygons, arcs, roundrects, and rotated text. The graphic shown here was rendered with the QuickDraw backend; other backends may vary, especially in the appearance of the text.
This spectrum chart is actually a useful program; I needed to generate a spectrum for a scientific application, and this is the PIDDLE program I used to do it. In this program, I defined a factory function 'makeCanvas' at the top of the program to create the canvas. To use a backend other than QuickDraw, you'll only need to modify this function.
A string test module puts PIDDLE's font and string handling through the paces. It illustrates the standard fonts which every backend should be able to understand (and hopefully display).
A string rotation test module exercises the drawing of rotated strings at a variety of angles (in rainbow colors, no less). Example output is shown for both QuickDraw and PIL. Note that the two have somewhat different ideas about how big a 12-point (default) font should be; this sort of discrepancy is inevitable, at least for now.
More examples are included with the distribution in the examples directory and in, a file which allows you to select any test, and pair it with any standard backend renderer.

Credits & Feedback

PIDDLE was initially designed and implemented by a small international team of Python coders. There is a mailing list for discussion of PIDDLE at To get your feedback to the list send email to .