
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<writing> (Writing) a passage of written text revealed to participants in the course of a spoken text.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from comp.spoken)
who (who) supplies an identifier for the participant who reveals or creates the writing, if any. Its value is the identifier of a <participant> or <participant.grp> element in the TEI header.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must identify a participant or participant group within the TEI Header
Default: %INHERITED;
type (Type) categorizes the kind of writing in some way, for example as a subtitle, noticeboard etc.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Open list
Default: #IMPLIED
script (Script pointer) points to a bibliographic citation in the header giving a full description of the source or script of the writing.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be a valid identifier for a <script.decl> element in the TEI header
Default: #IMPLIED
gradual (gradual) indicates whether the writing is revealed all at once or gradually.
Datatype: ( y | n | u )
Legal values are:
y the writing is revealed gradually.
n the writing is revealed all at once.
u unknown or unmarked.
Default: #IMPLIED


The <writing> element will usually be short and most simply transcribed as a character string; the content model also allows a sequence of paragraphs and paragraph-level elements, in case the writing has enough internal structure to warrant such markup. In either case the usual phrase-level tags for written text are available.

Module Declared in file teispok2; Base tag set for Transcribed Speech: enabled by TEI.spoken
Class comp.spoken
May contain #PCDATA abbr add addSpan address alt altGrp anchor app bibl biblFull biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cb certainty cit cl corr damage date dateRange dateStruct del delSpan distinct emph expan fLib figure foreign formula fs fsLib fvLib fw gap geogName gloss handShift hi index interp interpGrp join joinGrp label lang lb link linkGrp list listBibl m measure mentioned milestone move name note num oRef oVar orgName orig pRef pVar pb persName phr placeName ptr q quote ref reg respons restore rs s seg sic soCalled sound space span spanGrp stage supplied table tech term text time timeRange timeStruct timeline title unclear view w witDetail xptr xref
May occur within argument body castList div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue metDecl performance prologue set u
<!ELEMENT writing %om.RR; %paraContent;> 
<!ATTLIST writing;
      type CDATA #IMPLIED
      script IDREF #IMPLIED
      gradual ( y | n | u ) #IMPLIED>
See further 11.2.7 Formal Definition; 11.2.4 Writing; 11.2 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts

Up: 35 Elements