
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<%version;> (version name) serves as the root element for a concurrent markup stream which will be used to mark page and line numbers of a reference edition of the text.
Attributes Global attributes only
<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 SYSTEM "tei2.dtd" [
	   <!ENTITY % TEI.XML      'IGNORE' ><!-- SGML -->
 <!DOCTYPE La    SYSTEM "teip2.dtd" [
        <!ENTITY % version "La">
 <(TEI.2)TEI.Header> ... </(TEI.2)TEI.Header>
 <(La)page n='[1]'>
 <(La)page n='4'>
 <(La)page n='5'>

The version name should be short (one or two characters), as it must be prefixed to all page and line tags in the concurrent markup stream.

Module Declared in file teipl2; Auxiliary tag set for concurrent markup of pages and lines
Data Description May contain character data, <vol>, and <page> elements.
May contain
May occur within
<!ELEMENT %version; %om.RR;  (#PCDATA | page | vol)*> 
<!ATTLIST %version;;>
See further 6.9 Reference Systems

Up: 35 Elements