
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<eg> contains a single example demonstrating the use of an element or attribute.
Attributes Global attributes only
  <p>The <gi>term</gi> element may be used to mark any
  technical term:</p>
  <eg><![CDATA[This <term>recursion</term> is giving me a headache.]]></eg>

If the example contains SGML or XML markup, either it should be enclosed within a CDATA marked section, or character entity references must be used to represent the markup delimiters.

Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
May contain #PCDATA
May occur within dictScrap eg entry entryFree etym hom re sense trans
<!ELEMENT eg %om.RR; (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST eg;>
See further 27.1 The TagDoc Documentation Element; 27.1.1 The AttList Documentation Element

Up: 35 Elements