
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<str> (String value) provides a string value for a feature.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from singleVal)
rel indicates the relation of the given value to the actual value.
Datatype: (eq|ne|sb|ns|lt|le|gt|ge)
Legal values are:
eq indicates that the actual value is that given.
ne indicates that the actual value is not that given.
sb indicates that the value given is a substring of the actual value.
ns indicates that the value given is not a substring of the actual value.
lt indicates that the actual value is less than the given value.
le indicates that the actual value is less than or equal to the given value.
gt indicates that the actual value is greater than the given value.
ge indicates that the actual value is greater than or equal to the given value.
Default: eq

The use of rel=lt, etc. assumes that an ordering of string values has been defined.

<str>Hello, world!</str>
Module Declared in file teifs2; Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
Class singleVal
Data Description Parsed character data.
May contain #PCDATA
May occur within f fvLib vAlt
<!ELEMENT str %om.RR; (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST str;
      rel (eq|ne|sb|ns|lt|le|gt|ge) "eq">
See further 16.4 Symbolic, Numeric, Measurement, Rate and String Values

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