
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<page> marks pages in a reference edition.
Attributes Global attributes only
<(La)page n="32"> <!-- text of edition La, page 32 --></(La)page>
 <(La)page n="33"> <!-- text of edition La, page 33 --> </(La)page>
 <(La)page n="34"> <!-- text of edition La, page 34 --> </(La)page>
 <(La)page n="35"> <!-- text of edition La, page 35 --> </(La)page>

The <page> element in a concurrent page-reference DTD may be subdivided into columns or lines if desired, or left unanalysed.

Module Declared in file teipl2; Auxiliary tag set for concurrent markup of pages and lines
Data Description May contain <col> elements, <line> elements, or character data.
May contain
May occur within
<!ELEMENT page %om.RO;  (#PCDATA | line | col)*> 
<!ATTLIST page;>
See further 31.6 Concurrent Markup for Pages and Lines

Up: 35 Elements