
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<particLinks> (participant relationships) describes the relationships or social links existing between participants in a linguistic interaction.
Attributes Global attributes only
   <relation type="personal" desc="parent" active="p1 p2" passive="p3 p4" mutual="N"/>
   <relation type="personal" desc="spouse" active="p1 p2" mutual="Y"/>
   <relation type="social" desc="employer" active="p1" passive="p3 p5 p6 p7" mutual="N"/>
   <p>The persons with ids P1 and P2 are the parents of
  P3 and P4. P1 and P2 are married to each other.
  P1 is the employer of P3, P5., P6, and P7.</p>
Module Declared in file teicorp2; Additional tag set for language corpora: enabled by TEI.corpus
Data Description May contain a prose description organized as paragraphs, or a sequence of <relation> elements.
May contain p relation
May occur within particDesc
<!ELEMENT particLinks %om.RO; (p+ |  relation+) > 
<!ATTLIST particLinks;>
See further 23.2.2 The Participants Description

Up: 35 Elements