
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<fsdDecl> (FSD (feature-system declaration) declaration) identifies the feature system declaration which contains definitions for a particular type of feature structure.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
type identifies the type of feature structure documented in the FSD; this will be the value of the type attribute on at least one feature structure.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string of characters.
Default: #REQUIRED


If better validation is required, the global id attribute may be used to specify the type instead of this attribute; in such a case, the name must be a valid identifier.

fsd (feature-system declaration) specifies the external entity containing the feature system declaration; an entity declaration in the document's DTD subset must associate the entity name with a file on the system.
Datatype: ENTITY
Values: a valid external entity name
Default: #REQUIRED

<encodingDesc><!-- ... -->
   <fsdDecl type="GPSG" fsd="fsdGazdar"/>
   <fsdDecl type="entry" fsd="fsdLexicon"/>
   <fsdDecl type="subentry" fsd="fsdLexicon"/><!-- ... -->
Module Declared in file teihdr2; Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
Data Description Empty.
May occur within encodingDesc
<!ELEMENT fsdDecl %om.RO;  EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST fsdDecl;
      type CDATA #REQUIRED
See further 5.3.7 The Feature System Declaration; 26 Feature System Declaration

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