
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<classDoc> contains reference information for a TEI element class; that is a group of elements which appear together in content models, or which share some common attribute, or both.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
type indicates whether this is a model class, an attribute class, or both.
Datatype: (model | atts | both)
Legal values are:
model members of this class appear in the same content models
atts members of this class share common attributes
both members of this class share attributes and also appear in the same content models
Default: #IMPLIED
<classDoc type="model" id="SEG">
  <desc>elements for arbitrary segmentation.</desc>
  <ptr target="COSE"/>
Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
May contain attList class classes desc equiv files part ptr remarks rs
May occur within
<!ELEMENT classDoc %om.RO; (class, rs?, desc, attList?, remarks?, part?, 
classes?, files?, ptr*, equiv*) > 
<!ATTLIST classDoc;
      type (model | atts | both) #IMPLIED>
See further 27.2 Element Classes; 27 Tag Set Documentation

Up: 35 Elements