
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<attDef> (attribute definition) contains the definition of a single attribute.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
usage specifies the optionality of an attribute or element.
Datatype: (req|mwa|rec|rwa|opt)
Legal values are:
req required
mwa mandatory when applicable
rec recommended
rwa recommended when applicable
opt optional
Default: opt
<attDef usage="rec">
  <desc>specifies a name conventionally used for this
	level of subdivision, e.g. <q>act</q>, <q>volume</q>,
	<q>book</q>, <q>section</q>, <q>canto</q>, etc.</desc>
	<valDesc>any string of characters</valDesc>
Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
May contain attName datatype default desc eg equiv remarks rs valDesc valList
May occur within
<!ELEMENT attDef %om.RO; (attName, rs?, desc,
(datatype, (valList | valDesc)?),
default, eg?, remarks?, equiv*)> 
<!ATTLIST attDef;
      usage (req|mwa|rec|rwa|opt) "opt">
See further 27.1.1 The AttList Documentation Element

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