
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor

A smoothing visitor for calculating smoothed normals for osg::GeoSet's which contains surface primitives


Public Methods

[more] SmoothingVisitor()
default to traversing all children
[more]static void smooth(osg::Geometry& geoset)
smooth geoset by creating per vertex normals
[more]virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
apply smoothing method to all geode geosets


A smoothing visitor for calculating smoothed normals for osg::GeoSet's which contains surface primitives
o SmoothingVisitor()
default to traversing all children

ostatic void smooth(osg::Geometry& geoset)
smooth geoset by creating per vertex normals

ovirtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)
apply smoothing method to all geode geosets

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