Reticulan Carriers

The dominant Reticulan lifeforms (known as Greys) use various subsonic and EHF radiometric carrier methods. The enciphering methods used also vary, ranging from simple suggestive vocal resonating to more complex neurasthenic chain reactions.

Carrier modules v2.00 or greater recognize all known Reticulan carrier specs.

The Greys use their psychotronic devises to undermine Liberati control and to create acceptance in the populace for Human/Reticulan hybridization, the colonization of Earth, and the eventual enslavement and herding of the genetically altered human race. Plus, for some reason, they are in league with Apple Computers. Their psychotronics and brain implanted abductees are the chief reasons behind Macintosh's continuance in the marketplace despite Wintel opposition. Also, they run Wired magazine.