Carbon.AE | Interface to the Apple Events toolbox | |
Carbon.App | Interface to the Appearance Manager | |
Carbon.CF | Interface to the Core Foundation | |
Carbon.Cm | Interface to the Component Manager | |
Carbon.Ctl | Interface to the Control Manager | |
Carbon.Dlg | Interface to the Dialog Manager | |
Carbon.Evt | Interface to the Event Manager | |
Carbon.Fm | Interface to the Font Manager | |
Carbon.Help | Interface to the Balloon Help Manager | |
Carbon.List | Interface to the List Manager | |
Carbon.Menu | Interface to the Menu Manager | |
Carbon.Mlte | Interface to the MultiLingual Text Editor | |
Carbon.Qd | Interface to the QuickDraw toolbox | |
Carbon.Qdoffs | Interface to the QuickDraw Offscreen APIs | |
Carbon.Qt | Interface to the QuickTime toolbox | |
Carbon.Res | Interface to the Resource Manager and Handles | |
Carbon.Scrap | The Scrap Manager provides basic services for implementing cut & paste and clipboard operations. | |
Carbon.Snd | Interface to the Sound Manager | |
Carbon.TE | Interface to TextEdit | |
Carbon.Win | Interface to the Window Manager | |
ColorPicker | Interface to the standard color selection dialog. |
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