FormattersFormatters are responsible for formatting LogEvent data. An Outputter owning a Formatter will invoke the Log4r::Formatter#format method prior to writing. Available Formatters
XML ConfigurationSpecify the Formatter and its class (as type) under an <outputter> directive: <outputter name="someout" type="sometype"> <formatter type="Log4r::BasicFormatter"/> </outputter> As explained in log4r/configurator.rb, the hash arguments you would normally pass to new are specified as XML parameters. Only PatternFormatter has any of these. Custom FormattingBuilding a custom Formatter is extremely easy. Just define a class that extends Formatter and override the Formatter#format method. Then give it to any interested Outputters. If you're interested in setting up your custom formatters in XML, please take a look at log4r/configurator.rb. Data AvailableSee Log4r::LogEvent
Module Log4r ::Class Log4r::BasicFormatter ::Class Log4r::ConfigError ::Class Log4r::Configurator ::Class Log4r::DefaultFormatter ::Class Log4r::EmailOutputter ::Class Log4r::FileOutputter ::Class Log4r::Formatter ::Class Log4r::IOOutputter ::Class Log4r::Log4rTools ::Class Log4r::LogEvent ::Class Log4r::LogServer ::Class Log4r::Logger ::Class Log4r::ObjectFormatter ::Class Log4r::Outputter ::Class Log4r::PatternFormatter ::Class Log4r::RemoteOutputter ::Class Log4r::RollingFileOutputter ::Class Log4r::RootLogger ::Class Log4r::SimpleFormatter ::Class Log4r::StderrOutputter ::Class Log4r::StdoutOutputter |