
section F of routines in global.i

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Quick Reference

all functions - F


struct FitsHeader {  
  int		bitpix;		//   8	pixel values are unsigned bytes  
				//  16	pixel values are signed 2-byte integers  
				//  32	pixel values are signed 4-byte integers  
				// -32	pixel values are 4-byte floating points  
				// -64	pixel values are 8-byte floating points  
				// -128	pixel values are 2x8-byte complex  
  int		naxis;		// number of axis  
  int		axis(fits_max_naxis);	// number of pixel along axis No. n  
  // Pixel intensity / brighness:  
  double	bscale;		// pixelValue = BZERO+BSCALE*fileValue  
  double	bzero;		// pixelValue = BZERO+BSCALE*fileValue  
  string	bunit;		// brightness unit  
  double	datamax;	// maximum data value in the file  
  double	datamin;	// minimum data value in the file  
  // Miscellaneous information:  
  string	object;		// image name  
  string	date;		// date of file creation (dd/mm/yy)  
  string	date_obs;	// date of data acquisition (dd/mm/yy)  
  string	origin;		// institution  
  string	instrume;	// data acquisition instrument  
  string	telescop;	// data acquisition telescope  
  string	observer;	// observer name/identification  
  string	history;	// newline separated history lines  
  string	comment;	// newline separated comment lines  
  // coordinate system for each axis:  
  double	epoch;		// epoch of coordinate system (year)  
  double	crval(fits_max_naxis);	// coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT  
  double	crpix(fits_max_naxis);	// coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT  
  double	cdelt(fits_max_naxis);	// coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT  
  string	ctype(fits_max_naxis);	// type of physical coordinate  
  double	crota(fits_max_naxis);	// rotation angle of axis No. #  

structure, defined at i/fits.i   line 26  

struct Flat {  
  int varIs, varIa(4,3,2);  
  double varDs;  
  char varCs;  
  float varFs, varFa(3,2);  
  complex varZs, varZa(2);  
  short varSs, varSa(3,2);  
  double varDa(4,3,2);  
  Simple varSIs, varSIa(2);  
  long varLs, varLa(2);  
  char varCa(3);  

structure, defined at i/testb.i   line 716