In this manual, we shall use several notations, which is described here
The name of a function is written in a typewriter type
gcd(), gr()
For the description of a function, its argument is written in a
slanted type.
int, poly
A file name is written in a `typewriter type with single quotes' `dbxinit', `asir_plot'
An example is indented and written in a typewriter type.
[0] 1;
[1] quit;
References are made by a typewriter type bracketed by [].
Arguments (actual parameters) of a function are optional when they are
bracketed by []'s.
The repeatable items (including non-existence of the item)
are bracketed by []*'s.
setprec([n]), diff(rat[,varn]*)
The prompt from the shell (csh) is denoted, as it is, by %.
The prompt, however, is denoted by #, when you are assumed
to be working as the root, for example, at the installation.
% cat afo
% su
# cp asir /usr/local/bin
# exit
The rational integer ring is denoted by Z, the rational number field
by Q, the real number field by R, and the complex number field by